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Last Updated: 28/03/2025 08:00
SG. O26s . MO7 s. 10/- I.R. Official. A FANTASTIC very lightly mounted mint example of this EXTREMELY RARE Edward VII Official overprinted SPECIMEN type 16 complete with BRANDON certificate.
Found in > Officials
SG. 137. J128a. " CB ". £5.00 Orange. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example of this scarce and popular stamp.
Found in > Surface Printed
SG. O9c cb variety L8 (3). " CC ". 10/- COBALT on white paper. A fine mounted mint example of this VERY RARE Victorian Official shade variety. Very light bend but only the 2nd mint example we have handled in 36 years. Complete with Wenvoe certificate.
Found in > Officials
SG. 53a. G5. " PE " 1½d " Rosy - Mauve. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example of this scarce stamp.
Found in > ½d, 1d, 1½ & 2d Plates
SG. 373. N21 (14). 2½d Indigo Blue. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT control " 020 perf " example of this VERY RARE George V shade complete with RPS certificate.
Found in > Royal Cypher
SG. 179 a. K10 (2) a. " AB ". 2/6 Deep lilac. A fine mounted mint example complete with RPS certificate.
Found in > Surface Printed
SG. 373a. N21 (17). 2½d Dull Prussian Blue. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT control " R21 perf strip of 3 complete with RPS certificate. A RARE multople these days.
Found in > Royal Cypher
SG. 123. J80 (1). " TI ". 6d Pale Buff plate 12. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example of this very difficult Victorian issue.
Found in > Surface Printed
SG. 137. J128a. " BF ". £5.00 Orange. A very fine " 28th March 1894 GLASGOW " CDS used example.
Found in > Surface Printed
SG. 261wi. M49 (1)b. 2/6d Pale Dull Purple ©. INVERTED WATERMARK. A very fine oval registered used example of this RARE Edwardian watermark variety / ERROR.
Found in > Edward VII
SG. 413. N70 (4) 10/- Pale - Blue. A fine " 27th April 1917 JERSEY " CDS used bottom left hand corner marginal block of 4.
Found in > Seahorses
SG. 137. J128a. " DM ". £5.00 Orange. A fine " 17th April 1902 DUDLEY " CDS used example.
Found in > Surface Printed
SG. 370 variety N20 (2)a. 2d Pale Orange ( Die II ). NO WATERMARK. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT right hand marginal example of this RARE George V watermark error / variety complete with RPS certificate.
Found in > Royal Cypher
SG. BB15. " 2/- ". Edition number 291. A very fine complete example of this very scarce George V Photogravure booklet.
Found in > Pre 1953 Booklets
SG. 404. N72 (3). £1.00 Dull Blue Green. A fine mounted mint example.
Found in > Seahorses
SG. 134. J123a. " GF " 5/- Rose. Plate 4. A fine " 9th November 1883 LONDON " CDS used example.
Found in > Surface Printed
SG. 307. M41 (3). 9d Dull Reddish Purple & Blue. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT ( mounted in the margin only ) complete pane of 20.
Found in > Edward VII
SG. 176. K11. " FB ". 5/- rose ( blued paper ). A very fine " 30th October 1885 LONDON " CDS used example. Complete with RPS certificate.
Found in > Surface Printed
SG. 428wi. N44 (1)a. 10d Turquoise - Blue. A fine mounted mint example with the RARE INVERTED WATERMARK error / variety.
Found in > Block Cypher
SG. 137. J128a. " CI ". £5.00 Orange. A good " 9th January 1895 LOMBARD STREET " oval registered used example.
Found in > Surface Printed
SG. 371a variety N21 (7). 2½d Pale Milky Blue ( Worn Plate ). A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example of this RARE George V shade complete with RPS certificate.
Found in > Royal Cypher
SG. 72. J100 (2). 1/- Green. A fine mounted mint example of this difficult early Surface Printed issue.
Found in > Surface Printed
SG. 128. J124. " BF ". 10/- Greenish grey. A fine upright " 4th March 1882 GLASGOW " CDS used example of this popular early Victorian high value.
Found in > Surface Printed
SG. BD26. " 5/- ". Edition number 28. A very fine complete example of this very scarce George VI booklet.
Found in > Pre 1953 Booklets
SG. 2. A1 (2). AS5e. " NE ". 1d Black. Plate 1b. An average mint example with the listed variety " ' N ' in SW square recut ". Also " Ray flaws 10 / 7 NW square " variety.
Found in > Plate1b
SG. 418. N33 (1). ½d Green. A super UNMOUNTED MINT block of 8 with a " COMPLETE OFFSET " error.
Found in > Block Cypher
SG. 369 Variety N19 (9). 2d Intense Bright Orange (Die I). A fine UNMOUNTED MINT bottom left hand corner marginal example complete with RPS certificate.
Found in > Royal Cypher
SG. 2. A1 (2). AS14m. " KA ". 1d Black. Plate 2. A fine used left hand INSCRIPTIONAL marginal example cancelled by a BLACK maltese cross. With the " Ray flaws 10/7 o'clock NW square and faint mark under upper right serif ' K ' " varieties. Complete with RPS certificate.
Found in > Plate 2
SG. BB5. " 2s ". Edition number 9. A very fine complete example of this very scarce George V Downey Head booklet.
Found in > Pre 1953 Booklets
SG. 357 variety N16 ( UNLISTED ). 1d INTENSE bright scarlet red. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example of this known but unlisted by SG. George V shade variety complete with Hendon certificate.
Found in > Royal Cypher
SG. 68. J70 (3). 6d Lilac. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example.
Found in > Surface Printed
SG. 275. M6 (8) 1d Aniline Pink. A super UNMOUNTED MINT ( mounted in the margin only ) bottom right hand corner marginal example of this RARE Edwardian shade variety.
Found in > Edward VII
SG. 354 variety N14 (UNLISTED). ½d INTENSE Yellow Green. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example of this known but unlisted by SG George V shade variety. Complete with HENDON certificate. A super shade in the flesh.
Found in > Royal Cypher
SG. 266. M55. £1.00 dull blue - green. A fine mounted mint example.
Found in > Edward VII
SG. 266. M55. £1.00 dull blue - green. A fine lightly mounted mint example.
Found in > Edward VII
SG. 2 wi. A1 (2) e. AS5 l. " OC ". 1d black. Plate 1B. INVERTED WATERMARK. A good used example cancelled by a re maltese cross. With the variety " Ray flaws 10 / 7 NW square ".
Found in > Plate1b
SG. BD17. 2/6. Edition number 150. A very fine example of this scarce George VI booklet.
Found in > Pre 1953 Booklets
SG. 438. NCom9. £1.00 Postal Union Congress. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT ( mounted in the margin only ) top right hand corner marginal example.
Found in > Commemorative
SG. 351. N14 (1)h. ½d Green. A fine totally UNMOUNTED MINT control " I16 imperf " block of 6 with the listed " RUFFLED HAIR plate 28 row 20/1 ". variety / error. Perf type 2 and watermark type II. A VERY RARE block as most have now been spilt down.
Found in > Royal Cypher
SG. O9. L7 (2). " DH ". 5/- Rose I.R. Official. A fine used example of this scarce Victorian Official.
Found in > Officials
SG. BB12. " 2s ". Edition number 23. A very fine complete example of this very scarce George V booklet.
Found in > Pre 1953 Booklets
SG. BB12. " 2s ". Edition number 13. A very fine complete example of this very scarce George V booklet.
Found in > Pre 1953 Booklets
SG. 438. NCom9. £1.00 Postal Union Congress. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT right hand marginal example.
Found in > Commemorative
SG. 189. K19 variety " GT ". 2d Green on White paper with watermark. COLOUR TRIAL. A fine lightly mounted mint example.
Found in > Proofs/Essays/Colour Trials
SG. 426wk. N41 (1)b. 6d Plum. INVERTED & REVERSED WATERMARK. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example of this RARE and underrated George V watermark ERROR / variety.
Found in > Block Cypher
SG. M5 ( UNLISTED ). 1d Intense Bright Scarlet. A fine lightly mounted mint example of this scarce known but unlisted by SG. Edwardian shade variety complete with certificate.
Found in > Edward VII
SG. 351 N14 (1). ½d green. A superb mint top left corner block of six with a very fine and visual " PAPER FOLD ERROR ". Watermark type III.
Found in > Royal Cypher
SG. BB37. " 5s ". Edition number 15. A very fine complete example of this very scarce George V photogravure booklet.
Found in > Pre 1953 Booklets
SG. 459b. PB3. 1½d Brown. A fine MOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G4 dot. Perf type ' B4B (E) '. Good perfs.
Found in > Edward VIII
SG. 343. N11(5). 1d Aniline Scarlet. Die 2. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT top right hand corner interpanneau marginal block of 4 complete with an HENDON certificate.
Found in > Downey Head
SG. 5. D1 (2)ua. DS8f. " EB ". 2d Blue. Plate 2. A fine used example on cover from EDINBURGH to INVERNESS dated 2nd February 1841 cancelled by a RED maltese cross which is scarce on plate 2. Complete with BRANDON certificate.
Found in > Imperf 2d Blues
SG. 318 Variety M52 (1). 5/- Carmine Red. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example.
Found in > Edward VII
SG. 318. M52 (2). 5/- Carmine. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT bottom interpanneau marginal example.
Found in > Edward VII
SG. BB26. " 3/- ". Edition number 283. A very fine complete example of this very scarce George V booklet.
Found in > Pre 1953 Booklets
SG. 179. K10 (2). " NF ". 2/6 Deep Lilac. A fine UNMOUNTED mint example.
Found in > Surface Printed
SG. 160. J68 (1). " IH ". 4d Grey Brown plate 17. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example.
Found in > Surface Printed
SG. 315. M50 (1). 2/6 Dull Greyish - Purple. A fine mounted mint example of this very scarce Edwardian shade.
Found in > Edward VII
SG. 438. NCom9. £1.00 Postal Union Congress. A fine CDS used example.
Found in > Commemorative
SG. BB29. " 3/- ". Edition Number 318. A very fine example of this scarce George V Photogravure booklet.
Found in > Pre 1953 Booklets
SG. 185. K15. " NB ". £1.00 Brown - Lilac. A good " 24th February 1891 DUNDEE " CDS used example.
Found in > Surface Printed
SG. 2242 ab. 65p 2001 Christmas. A supes UNMOUNTED MINT right hand narginal horizontal pair with the listed ERROR " imperf ( pair ) die cut perforations only omitted.
Found in > Commemorative
SG. BB24. " 3/- ". Edition number 57. A very fine complete example of this very scarce George V booklet.
Found in > Pre 1953 Booklets
SG. 207a wi. K36 (1)a. 5d Dull Purple & Blue ( Die II ). INVERTED WATERMARK. A good used example of this RARE watermark variety / error.
Found in > Surface Printed
SG. 361 variety N16 (15)na. 1d. Orange Vermilion. A fine mounted mint control " K18 perf " strip of 3 with the listed " White spot on Kings eyebrow ( Plate 104. Row 20/10 ) " variety. A RARE George V variety / error currently unpriced in SG.
Found in > Royal Cypher
SG. 2 & 7. A1 (2) & A2. AS66e & AS68e. " RI ". Plate 10. A fine used matched pair with the listed " Re-entry with duplication in both inscriptions and in NE and SE squares and right margin. ' R ' in SW square with long tail hand cut tail " varieties. Also " ' O ' flaw " variety.
Found in > Plate 10
SG. 316. M50 (2) 2/6d Dull Reddish Purple. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example.
Found in > Edward VII
SG. 2 k. A1 (2) za. AS41 za. " AH ". 1d black. Plate 6. A fine used example cancelled by a fine 1844 cancel.
Found in > Plate 6
SG. 307. M41 (3). 9d Dull Reddish Purple & Blue. A very fine UNMOUNTED MINT ( mounted in the margin only ) top left hand hand corner marginal block of 4.
Found in > Edward VII
SG. 516Lawi. SB23a. 1d Ultramarine. An UNMOUNTED MINT INVERTED WATERMARK booklet pane. "MINIMUM INLAND PRINTED PAPER RATE 1½d ". Perf type IS. Good Perfs.
Found in > Definitive
SG. 2. A1 (2). AS66. " LB ". 1d Black. Plate 10. A fine used example cancelled by a black maltese cross. With the " ' O ' flaw " variety.
Found in > Plate 10
SG. 2. A1 (2). AS25. " SJ ". 1d Black. Plate 5. A fine used example cancelled by a Red maltese cross.
Found in > Plate 5
SG. 310. M44 (5). 10d Purple & Aniline Pink. A super UNMOUNTED MINT example of this scarce Edwardian shade complete with HENDON certificate.
Found in > Edward VII
SG. 440 & 441 variety N48a - N51a. 1d & 1½d Large Format. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT pair with INVERTED WATERMARK error / variety..
Found in > Photogravure
SG. 36. C11. " GC ". Plate 45. A fine used example of this scarce plate number. Complete with MIKE WILLIAMS certificate.
Found in > Perforated 1d Stars
SG. 70a. J70 (1)e. 6d lilac. " AZURE PAPER ". A fine used example complete with BRANDON certificate.
Found in > Surface Printed
SG. N7 ( UNLISTED ). 1d Pale Bright Carmine. Die 1A. A very fine UNMOUNTED MINT bottom left hand corner marginal block of 4 of this known but unlisted by SG Downey shade variety complete with Hendon certificate.
Found in > Downey Head
SG. 352. N14 (6)f. ½d Bright Green. A fine lightly mounted mint horizontal pair with the right hand stamp clearly showing the RARE listed " NEW MOON flaw. Row 2/3 of booklet pane from Booklet No. BB6 Edition 13 " variety / error.
Found in > Royal Cypher
SG. 359 variety N16 (10). 1d Pink. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example of this difficult George V shade variety complete with RPS certificate.
Found in > Royal Cypher
SG. 22wi. C2 d. " FI ". 1d Red - Brown. Plate 202. INVERTED WATERMARK. A very fine used example of this scarce Victorian watermark variety. SG. 22 with inverted watermark are RARE and undercatalogued.
Found in > Perforated 1d Stars
SG. 2. A1 (2). AS14. " NG ". 1d Black. Plate 2. A very fine used example with the " Ray flaws 10 / 7 NW square and dot below SW corner " varieties.
Found in > Plate 2
SG. 2. A1 (2). AS5e. " PJ ". 1d Black. Plate 1b. A very fine used example cancelled by a red maltese cross with the listed " Both check letters recut and enlarged " variety. Also " Ray flaws 10 / 7 and bottom line extends left " varieties.
Found in > Plate1b
SG. 2a. A1 (2)d. AS41e. " KK ". 1d Black. Plate 6. BLEUTE PAPER. A fine used example cancelled by a Red maltese cross with the " Dots in SW, SE and NE squares " variety.
Found in > Plate 6
SG. 2 & 7. A1 (2) & A2. AS56 & AS57. " QK ". Plate 9. A very fine used matched pair with the " ' O ' flaw and bottom line extends right " varieties.
Found in > Plate 9
SG. 2. A1 (2). AS41. " AL ". 1d black. Plate 6. A fine used example on cover from HUNTINGDON to FOOTCRAY dated 30th September 1840. With the " Tiny dots over ' A ' in SW square and dot on ' N ' of ' ONE ' " varieties.
Found in > Plate 6
SG. 2. A1 (2). AS23. " OC ". 1d Black. Plate 4. A very fine used example cancelled by a red maltese cross with the " Dot in SW and SE squares " variety.
Found in > Plate 4
SG. 2. A1 (2). AS5. " PL ". 1d Black. Plate 1b. A very fine used example with the " Ray Flaws 10 / 7 NW Square. Burr rub to base line and guide dot outside SE corner " varieties.
Found in > Plate1b
SG. 3. A1 (3). AS2 . " LL ". 1d Grey-Black ( worn plate ). Plate 1A. A very fine used example with the " Ray flaws 10 / 5 NW square and guide dot below SE corner " varieties.
Found in > Plate 1a
SG. 2c. A1 (2)h. AS57. " NH ". 1d Black. Plate 9. A fine used example cancelled by a black maltese cross with the listed " Faint vertical guide line NE square " variety. Also " ' O ' flaw " variety.
Found in > Plate 9
SG. 2. A1 (2). AS41. " RH ". 1d Black. Plate 6. A very fine used example with the " Faint scratches in and below SW square " variety.
Found in > Plate 6
SG. 2. A1 (2). AS5. " OG ". 1d Black. Plate 1b. A very fine used example cancelled by a red maltese cross with the " Ray Flaws 10 / 7 NW square " variety.
Found in > Plate1b
SG. 2. A1 (2). AS49. " NL ". Plate 8. A fine used example cancelled by a Red maltese cross with the " ' O ' flaw. Burr rub over ' GE ' of ' POSTAGE '. Bottom line extends right & right side line extends below " varieties.
Found in > Plate 8
SG. 2. A1 (2). AS41. " NH ". 1d Black. Plate 6. A fine used example cancelled by a red maltese cross with the " Dot on ' N ' of ' ONE ' and dots in right margin " varieties.
Found in > Plate 6
SG. 344wi. N5 (1)b. ½d Green. Die 2. INVERTED WATERMARK. A fine mounted mint example of this difficult George V watermark variety / error.
Found in > Downey Head
SG. 3. A1 (3). AS15. " QC ". 1d Grey Black ( worn plate ). Plate 2. A fine used example cancelled by a red maltese cross with the " Ray flaws 10 / 7 NW square and right sideline extends below " varieties.
Found in > Plate 2
SG. 451. N74. 5/- Bright Rose - Red. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT ( mounted in the margin only ) top right hand corner marginal example.
Found in > Seahorses
SG. 363a variety N18 (13)a. 1½d Chestnut. NO WATERMARK. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT left hand marginal example of this scarce George V variety.
Found in > Royal Cypher
SG. 92b. J28d. Z42. " EC ". 3d Rose. THICK PAPER. A fine " 10th April 1865 MALTA " CDS USED ABROAD example.
Found in > Surface Printed
SG. 2c. A1 (2)h. AS57. " FJ ". Plate 9. A fine used example on cover from HARLESTON ( Norfolk ) ( Faint red CDS ) to BURY ST EDMONDS dated 21st April 1841. With the listed " Vertical guide line NE square " variety. Also " ' O ' flaw variety.
Found in > Plate 9
SG. 212. K17. £1.00 Green " GB ". A good used example.
Found in > Surface Printed
SG. 48/49. G4. " EK ". ½d Rose - Red plate 20. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example.
Found in > ½d, 1d, 1½ & 2d Plates
SG. 463bw. QB10a. 1d Scarlett. An UNMOUNTED MINT inverted watermark booklet pane of 6. Perf Type P. Good Perfs.
Found in > Definitive
SG. 2. A1 (2). AS5 j. " SI ". 1d black. Plate 1b. A fine used example cancelled by a red maltese cross. With the listed variety " Scratch on ' OS ' of ' POSTAGE ' " and constant variety " Ray Flaws 10 / 7 NW square ".
Found in > Plate1b
SG. 2. A1 (2). AS46. " CE ". 1d black. Plate 8. A fine used example cancelled by a black maltese cross. With the " ' O ' flaw and bottom line extends right " varieties.
Found in > Plate 8
SG. 2 & 7. A1 (2) & A2. AS25 & AS26. " SE ". Plate 5. A good used matched pair with the " Bottom line extends left and right. Right side line extends belowe " variety.
Found in > Plate 5
SG. 2 c. A1 (2) h. AS20. " SJ ". 1d black. Plate 3. A fine used example cancelled by a red maltese cross with the listed " Feint vertical guide line NE square " variety.
Found in > Plate 3
SG. 2 & 7. A1 (2) & A2. AS25 & AS26. " NG ". 1d black. Plate 5. A good used matched pair. With the " left side line extends below " variety.
Found in > Plate 5
SG. 2 & 7. A1 (2) & A2. AS66 & AS68. " ML ". Plate 10. A good used matched pair cancelled by black maltese cross. With the " ' O ' flaw " variety.
Found in > Plate 10
SG. 2 c. A1 (2) h. AS66. " ID ". 1d Black. Plate 10. A good used example cancelled by a black maltese cross with the listed " Vertical guide line NW square " variety. Also " ' O ' flaw " variety.
Found in > Plate 10
SG. 336wi. N10 (1)b & f. 1d Scarlet. INVERTED WATERMARK. A super UNMOUNTED MINT left hand marginal example with the listed variety " White flaw above right value ( row 2/1 of booklet pane NB5a ) "
Found in > Downey Head
SG. 2. A1 (2). AS23. " JJ ". 1d Black. Plate 4. A fine used example cancelled by a black maltese cross.
Found in > Plate 4
SG. 2. A1 (2). AS5. " GD ". 1d Black. Plate 1b. A fine used example cancelled by a red maltese cross with with the " Ray flaws 10 / 7 NW square and horizontal scratch in SW square " varieties.
Found in > Plate1b
SG. 40. C10 (1). " PG ". 1d Rose - Red. Plate 64. A very fine used example of this very scarce plate complete with MIKE WILLIAMS certificate.
Found in > Perforated 1d Stars
SG. 420dw. NB15a (9). 1½d Red - Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT INVERTED WATERMARK complete waterlow booklet pane of 6 with selvedge. Perf type ' P ' "Telephone Service / Air Mails, letters and parcels" setting 1 with bars. GOOD Perfs.
Found in > Block Cypher
SG. 24wi. C3 (1)d. " JC ". 1d Red Brown ( Die II ). Plate 5. INVERTED WATERMARK. A fine used example of this very difficult Victorian watermark error / variety
Found in > Perforated 1d Stars
SG. 212. K17. £1.00 Green " PB ". A good used example of this classic Victorian high value
Found in > Surface Printed
SG. 2 & 7. A1 (2) & A2. AS57 & AS59. " SL ". Plate 9. A good used matched pair with the " ' O ' flaw. Guide dot below SE corner and lower left serif of ' L ' extends left " varieties.
Found in > Plate 9
SG. 2 b. A1 (2) g. AS41 b. " FK ". 1d black. Plate 6. A fine used example cancelled by a black maltese cross. With the listed variety " Double letter ' K ' with spilt serif ". Also " Dot on ' E ' of ' PENNY ' and Dot in NE square " varieties.
Found in > Plate 6
SG. 2 & 7. A1 (2) & A2. AS56 & AS57. " TG ". Plate 9. A fine used matched pair both with the " ' O ' flaw " variety.
Found in > Plate 9
SG. 2 c. A1 (2) h. AS15 b. " SI ". 1d black. Plate 2. A fine used example cancelled by a red maltese cross. With the listed " Upper border shift and vertical guide line SE square " varieties. Also " Ray Flaws 10 / 7 NW Sq. " variety.
Found in > Plate 2
SG. 2. A1 (2). AS46. " NK ". 1d Black. Plate 7. A fine used example cancelled by a red maltese cross. With the " Scratch in left margin " variety.
Found in > Plate 7
SG. 2c & 7. A1 (2) h & A2. AS56 & AS59. " RF ". Plate 9. A good used matched pair with the listed " Vertical guide line NE square " variety. Also " ' O ' flaw " variety.
Found in > Plate 9
SG. 2c. A1 (2)h. AS49. " RC ". 1d Black. Plate 8. A fine used example with the listed " Vertical guide line NE square ". Also " ' O ' flaw and short scratch in and outside SW square " varieties.
Found in > Plate 8
SG. 2. A1 (2). AS49. " MD ". 1d Black. Plate 8. A fine used example cancelled by a black maltese cross with the " ' O ' flaw and mark on ' O ' of ' ONE ' " varieties.
Found in > Plate 8
SG. 3. A1 (3). AS47. " AA ". 1d Greyish Black. Plate 7. A fine used example cancelled by a red maltese cross with the " ' O ' flaw and dot in SW square " varieties.
Found in > Plate 7
SG. 353 variety N14 (UNLISTED). ½d Deep Dull Green. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT control " O19 imperf " example of this known but unlisted by SG George V shade variety complete with HENDON certificate.
Found in > Royal Cypher
SG. 85. J72. " EE ". 6d Lilac. A fine " 24th December 1864 WELLINGTON " CDS used example.
Found in > Surface Printed
SG. 441e. NB27(13). 1½d Red - brown. A mounted mint booklet pane of 6. " For safety of Capital / National Fixed Trust " G28 No dot Perf type B4 (E). GOOD Perfs.
Found in > Booklet Panes
SG. 2. A1 (2). AS41. " AD ". 1d black. Plate 6. A fine used example cancelled by a black maltese cross. With the variety " Guide dot below SE square ".
Found in > Plate 6
SG. 2c. A1 (2)h. AS57. " IA ". 1d Black. Plate 9. A fine used example cancelled by a Red maltese cross with the listed " Horizontal guide line SW square " variety. Also " ' O ' flaw and faint mark over ' I ' in SW square " varieties.
Found in > Plate 9
SG. 462ab. QB2a. ½d green. SIDEWAYS WATERMARK LEFT. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT complete booklet pane of Four. Perf type " E ". Cylinder pane A40 (Top) no dot. Good Perfs.
Found in > Definitive
SG. 46. G3 (1). " CD ". 2d Blue. Plate 15. A fine mounted mint example.
Found in > ½d, 1d, 1½ & 2d Plates
SG. 2. A1 (2). AS44. " EB ". 1d black. Plate 7. A good used example cancelled by a red maltese cross. With the constant variety " ' O ' flaw ".
Found in > Plate 7
SG. 2. A1 (2). AS41. " NA ". 1d Black. Plate 6. State 1. A good used example cancelled by a red maltese cross with the " Bottom line extends left and left side line extends below " varieties.
Found in > Plate 6
SG. O66s. L27 s. 6d Purple / Rose Red. GOVT. PARCELS. A super UNMOUNTED MINT example overprinted SPECIMEN type 9.
Found in > Officials
SG. 418 variety N33 (UNLISTED). ½d Deep Bright Cobalt Green. A fine totally UNMOUNTED MINT control " I28 imperf " strip of 3 of this known but unlisted by SG. George V shade variety. Complete with Hendon certificate.
Found in > Block Cypher
SG. 2d. A1 (2)i. AS57. " QG ". 1d Black. Plate 9. A fine used example cancelled by a red maltese cross with the listed variety " Horizontal guide line through value " also " ' O ' flaw and bottom line extends left " varieties.
Found in > Plate 9
SG. 2. A1 (2). AS14. " AC ". 1d Black. Plate 2. A good used example cancelled by a red maltese cross with the " Ray flaws 10 / 7 NW square and scratch in SE square below ' C ' " varieties.
Found in > Plate 2
SG. 313wi. M47 (2)b. 1/- Deep Green & Scarlet. INVERTED WATERMARK. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example of this Edwardian variety / error.
Found in > Edward VII
SG. 2. A1 (2). AS14m. " QC ". 1d Black. Plate 2. A good used example cancelled by the listed " BLACK maltese cross ". With the " Ray flaws 10 / 7 NW square and right sideline extends below " varieties.
Found in > Plate 2
SG. 2. A1 (2). AS41. " PL ". 1d Black. Plate 6. State 1. A good used example cancelled by a RED maltese cross with the " Dot above ' P ' in SW square " variety.
Found in > Plate 6
SG. 343. N11(5). 1d Aniline Scarlet. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT top marginal example complete with an BRANDON certificate.
Found in > Downey Head
SG. 343. N11(5). 1d Aniline Scarlet. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT right hand marginal example complete with HENDON certificate.
Found in > Downey Head
SG. 343. N11(5). 1d Aniline Scarlet. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example complete with HENDON certificate.
Found in > Downey Head
SG. 459aw. PB5a (2). 1½d Brown. INVERTED WATERMARK. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Perf type ' E '. Good perfs. "Cash's" names" book/free Booklet.J.& J. Cash" (numbered 372)
Found in > Edward VIII
SG. 17wi. C1 (1)d. " EL ". 1d Red Brown. Plate 201. INVERTED WATERMARK. A fine used example of this Line Engraved watermark error / variety. A scarce plate.
Found in > Perforated 1d Stars
SG. 339. N4 (1). ½d Green. Die 2. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT (Mounted in the top margin only) top margin complete row of 12, with the listed " White scales " error / variety on the stamp at Row 1 (3)..
Found in > Downey Head
SG. 353 variety N14 (UNLISTED). ½d deep dull green. A mounted mint example of this known but unlisted by SG George V shade variety complete with hendon certificate.
Found in > Royal Cypher
SG. 357 variety N16 (UNLISTED). 1d Pale Dull Brick Red. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT left hand marginal example of this known but unlisted by SG. George V shade variety complete with HENDON certificate.
Found in > Royal Cypher
SG. 2. A1 (2). AS46. " EF ". 1d Black. Plate 7. A fine used example on cover from LONDON ( LAMBSCONDUIT STREET ) to BROMPTON. With the " ' O ' flaw " variety.
Found in > Plate 7
SG. 326. N2 (8). ½d Bluish Green Die 1B. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example, complete with an RPS certificate.
Found in > Downey Head
SG. 3. A1 (3). AS21. " AJ ". 1d Grey Black. Plate 3. A good used example cancelled by a red maltese cross. With the " Guide dot high above NE corner " variety.
Found in > Plate 3
SG. 475. Q28a. 1/- Bistre-Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT control block of 6. Control S46 cylinder 16 dot with the listed " Broken Crown " R.7/12 Variety/Error. Perf type 6B E/P.
Found in > Definitive
SG. 587. SB14. ½d Orange Red. An UNMOUNTED MINT cylinder booklet pane of 6. Cylinder " E4 T dot " no scratch. Perf type (Is). GOOD PERFS. Smooth edge.
Found in > Definitive
SG. 466cw. QB32a. 2½d Ultramarine. An UNMOUNTED MINT INVERTED WATERMARK booklet pane of 6. Perf type P. TRIMMED Perfs.
Found in > Definitive
SG. 46wi. G3 (1)c. " NA ". 2d Blue. Plate 14. INVERTED WATERMARK. A fine used example of this scarce watermark variety / error.
Found in > ½d, 1d, 1½ & 2d Plates
SG. 17wi. C1 (1)d. " MD ". 1d Red Brown. Plate 163. INVERTED WATERMARK. A good used example of this Line Engraved watermark error / variety. A scarce plate.
Found in > Perforated 1d Stars
SG. 17wi. C1 (1)d. " RI ". 1d Red Brown. Plate 203. INVERTED WATERMARK. A fine used example of this Line Engraved watermark error / variety.
Found in > Perforated 1d Stars
SG. 29wi variety C6 (1)c. " AF ". 1d Red Brown. Plate 19. INVERTED WATERMARK. A fine used example of this difficult Victorian watermark error / variety
Found in > Perforated 1d Stars
SG. O64. L21. " OA ". 1/- Orange - Brown. Plate 13. " Government Parcels ". A fine " 11th November 1887 HULL " CDS used example.
Found in > Officials
SG. 420 variety N35 (4). 1½d Chestnut. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT ( mounted in the margin only ) control " H27 imperf " block of 6 with perf type 2C, extremely scarce on this value / control combination. There is a gum bend affecting the stamps at row 19 (1) & row 20 (1).
Found in > Block Cypher
SG. 17wi. C1 (1)d. " QC ". 1d Red Brown. Plate R5. INVERTED WATERMARK. A fine used example of this Line Engraved watermark error / variety.
Found in > Perforated 1d Stars
SG. 17wi. C1 (1)d. " NL ". 1d Red Brown. Plate R5. INVERTED WATERMARK. A fine used example of this Line Engraved watermark error / variety.
Found in > Perforated 1d Stars
SG. 8m. B1 (1)uj. BS22. " RB ". 1d Red - Brown. Plate 34. " 10 " in maltese cross. A fine used example with the constant varieties " 1842/3 ray flaws and horizontal guide lines in SW and SE squares "..
Found in > Imperf 1d Reds
SG. 449. N62. 1/- Bistre-Brown. A fine mint block of 6. Control Z36. 1 bar. Cylinder 5 dot. Perf type 5 E/I.
Found in > Photogravure
SG. 22. C2 (1). " DD ". 1d Red - Brown. Plate 198. A fine " 1855 " CDS used example of this scarce plate number.
Found in > Perforated 1d Stars
SG. 342. N11 (1). 1d Scarlet. Die 2. A fine mounted mint control " B11 - imperf " strip of 3. Perf type 3. Plate 7b. A scarce multiple.
Found in > Downey Head
SG. X948. 15½p pale violet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT MISPERF ERROR block of 4.
Found in > Definitive
SG. 178. K10 (1). " JB ". 2/6 Lilac. A decent average mint example.
Found in > Surface Printed
SG. 180. K12 (1). " CC ". 5/- Rose. A very fine " 7th November 1889 ANNAN " CDS used example.
Found in > Surface Printed
SG. BC2. 2/- Edition Number 381. A fine example of this Edward VIII booklet containing PB5 ( 7 ) " Drages 50 pay way / Free book. Drages " pane.
Found in > Pre 1953 Booklets
SG. 342. N11 (1). 1d Scarlet. Die 2. A fine lightly mounted mint control " B12 wide " perf type 2 complete bottom row from plate 11.
Found in > Downey Head
SG. 542. SB62. 1½d Green. An UNMOUNTED MINT cylinder pane of 6. Cylinder G9 dot. Perf type (Iet). GOOD Perfs. Smooth edge.
Found in > Definitive
SG. 615l. SB99. 3d Deep Lilac. An UNMOUNTED MINT cylinder booklet pane of 6. Cylinder " K18 dot ". Perf type (Iet). GOOD PERFS. Blue Phosphor Cream Paper.
Found in > Definitive
SG. BC3. 3/- Edition Number 328. A fine example of this Edward VIII booklet.
Found in > Pre 1953 Booklets
SG. 459aw. PB5a (15). 1½d Red - Brown. INVERTED WATERMARK. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Perf type ' P '. "Come on the telephone / Airmails letters and parcels". Good Perfs.
Found in > Edward VIII
SG. L32p. 4/6 Phosphor 1962 June. Violet Cover. Blue Phosphor
Found in > Pre Decimal (1953-1970)
SG. 329 variety. N8 (4)i. 1d Carmine. Die 1B. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT control " A11 ' close ' - imperf " example with the listed " White scratch to left of lions face ( plate 16. Row 20/1 ) " variety / error.
Found in > Downey Head
SG 580. S117. 7d Bright Green. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT bottom marginal vertical block of 8 with glazed paper surface (as phosphor issue): PHOSPHOR OMITTED. From a sheet of PERF. TYPE F(L) ( 1 extension hole in bottom margin ) as from phosphor 7d rather than the crowns (see SG Specialised Catalogue, Vol.3 [notes on Crowns 7d. cylinders]). Very scarce.
Found in > Definitive
SG. BD3. 6d - A very fine complete George VI booklet containing Stamps in Original Colours - Margin at top. Pale Green Cover.
Found in > Pre 1953 Booklets
SG. 17wi. C1 (1)d. " OH ". 1d Red Brown. Plate 183. INVERTED WATERMARK. A good used example of this Line Engraved watermark error / variety.
Found in > Perforated 1d Stars
SG. O45. L40. 6d Purple / Rose - Red. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example.
Found in > Officials
SG. O45. L40. 6d Purple / Rose - Red. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". An UNMOUNTED MINT example.
Found in > Officials
SG. 281 variety M7 (5). 1d Pale Carmine. " DOUBLE GUM ". A fine mounted mint example of this known " DOUBLE GUM " variety and complete with Hendon certificate.
Found in > Edward VII
SG. 307a. M41 (5). 9d Deep Plum & Blue. A fine mounted mint bottom right hand corner marginal pair from plate H3 D(3). Complete with HENDON certificate.
Found in > Edward VII
SG. 473. Q25b. 9d Olive-Green. An UNMOUNTED MINT control block of 6. Control O44 cylinder 2 no dot with the listed " Serif touched out but dot remains " R.18/1." variety/error. Perf type 2 I/EI
Found in > Definitive
SG. 570. SB8. ½d Orange - red. An UNMOUNTED MINT cylinder booklet pane of 6. Cylinder E12 dot. Perf type (Ieb). GOOD Perfs. Rough edge White paper.
Found in > Definitive
SG. L53p. 4/6 Blue Phosphor 1964 November. Violet Cover. Multiple Crown
Found in > Pre Decimal (1953-1970)
SG. 475. Q28. 1/- Bistre-Brown. A fine mounted mint " NO Control cylinder 19 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.
Found in > Definitive
SG.L37.4/6 1963 April. Multiple Crown. Violet Cover Type D
Found in > Pre Decimal (1953-1970)
SG. 351cw. NB6a. ½d Green. A mounted mint INVERTED WATERMARK complete stapled booklet pane with bars. Perf type " E ". GOOD Perfs.
Found in > Royal Cypher
SG. 423wi variety N 38 (UNLISTED)a. 3d Pale Reddish Violet. INVERTED WATERMARK. A fine mounted mint example with the unlisted " Violet flaw in front of right hand ' 3 ' " error / variety.
Found in > Block Cypher
SG. 469. Q21. 5d Brown. A fine mounted mint. " Control I41 cylinder 1 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 6B E/P.
Found in > Definitive
SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. An UNMOUNTED MINT control block of 6. Control None cylinder 68 no dot. Perf type 5 (E/I).
Found in > Definitive
SG. 485. Q2. ½d Pale Green. An UNMOUNTED MINT . No Control, cylinder 137 no dot block of 6 with perf type 5 (E/I).
Found in > Definitive
SG. 611l. SB54. 1d Ultramarine. An UNMOUNTED MINT cylinder booklet pane of 6. Cylinder " F10 no dot ". Perf type (Is). Good Perfs. Violet 9.5mm.
Found in > Definitive
SG.613a. S47. 2d Light Red Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT cylinder block of 6. Cylinder 25 dot. Perf type A (E/I). Blue Phosphor White paper
Found in > Definitive
SG. 420 wi variety N35 (UNLISTED) c. 1½d Deep Bright Yellow Brown. INVERTED WATERMARK. A very fine UNMOUNTED MINT example of this known but unlisted by SG. George V shade variety complete with Hendon certificate.
Found in > Block Cypher
SG. 43/44. G1. " BA " 1d Red. Plate 147. A very fine " 21st February 1873 LONDON " CDS used example.
Found in > ½d, 1d, 1½ & 2d Plates
SG. 472. Q24. 8d Carmine. A fine lightly mounted mint " Control E39. Cylinder 1 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 6B E/P
Found in > Definitive
SG. 740. U22. 9d Myrtle Green. An UNMOUNTED MINT cylinder block of 6. Cylinder 2 No dot. Perf type A (E/I). Gum Arabic. Head A.
Found in > Definitive
SG. 571. SB34. 1d Ultramarine. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT cylinder " F12 no dot " booklet pane of 4. Perf type (I) with TRIMMED PERFS. Smooth edge. White paper.
Found in > Definitive