All our FDC's from 1953 to Date either have Typed addresses or no address. We do not keep hand addressed for this period. Earlier FDC’s ( Pre 1953 ) may be hand addressed but will be clean covers.
Jump to Block:
GB Commemorative Issues For 1924 - 1935
Price Options
SG: 430-431 Scott: 185-6
1924 Wembley, British Empire Exhibition
SG: 432-433 Scott: 203-4
1925 Wembley, British Empire Exhibition
SG: 434-437 Scott: 205-8
1929 PUC Low Values (2½d Dark Blue Shade) Ninth Universal Postal Union Congress
SG: 438 Scott: 209
1929 PUC £1.00 Ninth Universal Postal Union Congress (Prices are From)
SG: 941-942 Scott: 707-8
1973 Royal Wedding (Pres Pack is our choice either Type B = No Flower Between Unicorns Legs. Whole Dog In Picture, or Type D = Flower Between Unicorns Legs. Whole Dog in Piture Picture)
SG: 943-948 Scott: 713a-14
1973 Christmas (3p Se-Tenant Strip of 5 PVA) Gum not applicable on used. (Pres Pack Is Type B = Thick Red Band - 6mm)
SG: Set 1973 Scott:
1973 EEC to Christmas Year Set (9 items as listed above respective column)
GB Commemorative Issues For 1974
Price Options
SG: 949 Scott: 715
1974 British Tree (10p). Horse Chestnut
SG: 950-953 Scott: 716-19
1974 Fire Service (Pres Pack is Type A = No Flower Between Unicorn's Legs)
SG: 954-957 Scott: 720-23
1974 U.P.U. Universal Postal Union (Pres Pack is Type A = No Flower Between Unicorn's Legs)
SG: Set 1989 Scott:
1989 RSPB Birds to Christmas Year Set (Greetings with full perfs) (items as listed above respective column, excluding 1989 Greetings trimmed perfs, 10 U/M, VFU & FDC, 8 Packs)
GB Commemorative Issues For 1990
Price Options
SG: 1467-1474 Scott: MH190-98
1990 Penny Black Anniversary ( Basic set of 5 different values ).
SG: 1550-1559 Scott: 1373a
1991 Greetings Smiles (1st Class) Se-Tenant Block from Booklet. These stamps are Printed in Photo. For Litho Printed Issues, see Smilers Sheets LS1, 5, 9 and 2002 Extras (KX3)(VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: 1560-1563 Scott: 1375a-7a
1991 Europa. Europe in Space
SG: 1564-1567 Scott: 1378-81
1991 Sport. World Student Games, Sheffield
SG: 1568-1572 Scott: 1382-6
1991 Ninth World Congress of Roses, Belfast
SG: 1573-1577 Scott: 1387-91
1991 150th Anniversary of Dinosaurs
SG: 1578-1581 Scott: 1392-5
1991 Bicentenary of Ordnance Survey Maps
SG: 1582-1586 Scott: 1416-20
1991 Christmas. Illuminated Manuscripts from the Bodleian Library
SG: Set 1991 Scott:
1991 Dogs to Christmas Year Set (items as listed above respective column. 10 U/M, VFU, FDC, 8 Packs)
GB Commemorative Issues For 1992
Price Options
SG: 1587-1591 Scott: 1421-25
1992 Wintertime. The four Seasons
SG: Set 1996 Scott:
1996 Burns to Christmas Year Set 10 (items as listed above respective column)
GB Commemorative Extras For 1996
Price Options
SG: 1905p-1914p Scott:
1996 Greetings Cartoons Re-Print (Phosphor Bands) (Se-Tenant Block) from Booklet These stamps are Printed in Photo. For Non Elliptical Perf Issues with Labels, see 2001 and 2003 Extras (from Booklet KX8A)
GB Commemorative Issues For 1997
Price Options
SG: 1955-1964 Scott: 1722a
1997 Greetings Flower Paintings (Se-Tenant Block) from Booklet These stamps are Printed in Photo. For Non Elliptical Perf Issues with Labels, see 2003 Extras (from Booklet KX9)
SG: 1965-1971 Scott: 1723-29a
1997 King Henry VIII (6 Wifes Stamps Se-Tenant Strip)
SG: 1972-1975 Scott: 1730-3
1997 Missions of Faith. Religious Anniversaries
SG: 1980-1983 Scott: 1754-57
1997 Tales and Legends . Horror Stories. Europa
SG: 1984-1988 Scott: 1758-62
1997 Architects of the Air. Aircraft Designers
SG: 1989-1992 Scott: 1763-6
1997 The Queen's Horses
SG: 1997-2000 Scott: 1767-70
1997 Sub Post Offices
SG: 2001-2005 Scott: 1771-5
1997 Enid Blyton
SG: 2006-2010 Scott: 1776-80
1997 Christmas. Christmas Cracker These stamps are Printed in Photo. For SG 2007 Printed in Litho with Label, see 2002 Extras
SG: 2011-2014 Scott: 1781-4
1997 Royal Golden Wedding
SG: Set 1997 Scott:
1997 Greetings to Royal Golden Wedding Year Set (10 items) (items as listed above respective column)
GB Commemorative Issues For 1998
Price Options
SG: 2015-2020 Scott: 1785-90
1998 Endangered Species
SG: 2021-2025 Scott: 1795a
1998 Diana, Princess of Wales (Se-Tenant Strip)
SG: 2026-2030 Scott: 1800a
1998 The Queens Beasts. Order of the Garter (Se-Tenant Strip)
SG: 2034-2038 Scott: 1804-8
1998 Lighthouses
SG: 2041-2045 Scott: 1809-13
1998 Comedians
SG: 2046-2049 Scott: 1814-17
1998 National Health Service
SG: 2050-2054 Scott: 1820-4
1998 Magical Worlds. Famous Children's Fantasy Novels
SG: 2055-2058 Scott: 1825-8
1998 Notting Hill Carnival. Europa
SG: 2059-2063 Scott: 1829-33
1998 British Land Speed Record Holders
SG: Set 2000 Scott:
2000 Above and Beyond to Sound and Vision Year set (items as listed above respective column) 16 sets ( 15 FDC's, 14 Packs )
GB Commemorative Extras For 2000
Price Options
SG: 2126a Scott: 1938
Sky at Night, as 2126 but 1st Class from Booklet
GB Commemorative Issues For 2001
Price Options
SG: 2178-2181 Scott: 1944-7
2001 Face Paintings. Rights of the Child. New Millennium
SG: 2182-2186 Scott: 1948-52
2001 Occasions. Ingots Greetings These stamps are Printed in Photo. For Litho Printed Issues with Labels, see 2001 Extras.
SG: 2187-2196 Scott: 1953-62
2001 Cats & Dogs (Se-Tenant Self-Adhesive Sheetlet). ( VFU orders will be supplied as single stamps, this is the only way used is possible ).
SG: 2197-2200 Scott: 1963-6
2001 The Weather.
SG: MS2201 Scott: 1966a
2001 The Weather Miniature Sheet
SG: 2202-2205 Scott: 1967-70
2001 Royal Navy Submarine Service.
SG: MS2206 Scott: 1999
2001 Flags Miniature Sheet. These stamps are Printed in Photo. For stamps Printed in Litho with Labels, see 2004 and 2005 Extras.
SG: 2220-2223 Scott: 1981-4
2001 Pond Life. Europa
SG: 2224-2229 Scott: 1985-90
2001 Punch and Judy (Se-Tenant Strip)
SG: 2232-2237 Scott: 1993-8
2001 Nobel Prizes.
SG: 2238-2242 Scott: 2002-6
2001 Christmas. Robins These stamps are Printed in Photo. For SG 2239 with 2 Bands and 2238/9 Printed in Litho with Labels, see 2003 and 2005 Extras
SG: Set 2001 Scott:
2001 The Future to Christmas Year Set (items as listed above respective column) 14 sets ( 14 FDC's, 12 Packs )
GB Commemorative Issues For 2002
Price Options
SG: 2243-2252 Scott: 2007-16
2002 Kipling's Just So Stories (Se-Tenant Self-Adhesive Sheetlet) ( VFU orders will be supplied as single stamps, this is the only way used is possible )
SG: 2253-2257 Scott: 2017-21
2002 Golden Jubilee (Watermark 50 Sideways from Sheets)
SG: 2260-2264 Scott: 2024-8
2002 Occasions Greetings Stamps.For SG 2206 and Perf changed SG 2262 with Labels see 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2008 Extras
SG: 2265-2274 Scott: 2029-38
2002 British Coastlines (Se-Tenant Block)
SG: MS2292 Scott: 2056
2002 World Cup Japan and Korea Miniature Sheet These stamps are Printed in Photo. For Litho Printed Issue with Labels, see 2002 Extras
SG: 2299-2303 Scott: 2059-63
2002 Commonwealth Games, Manchester
SG: 2304-2308 Scott: 2064-8
2002 Peter Pan. Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital
SG: 2309-2313 Scott: 2069-73
2002 Bridges of London.
SG: 2343-2347 Scott: 2103-2107
2003 The Secret of Life. Discovery of DNA
SG: 2348-2357 Scott: 2108-2117
2003 Fun Fruit and Vegetables (Se-Tenant Self-Adhesive Sheetlet) Presentation Pack. These stamps are Printed in Photo. For stamps Printed in Litho with Labels, see 2006 Extras
SG: 2368-2377 Scott: 2127-2136
2003 50th Anniversary of the Coronation (Se-Tenant Block)
SG: 2381-2384 Scott: 2137-2140
2003 Prince William 21st Birthday
SG: 2385-2390 Scott: 2141-2146
2003 Scotland. A British Journey
SG: 2392-2396 Scott: 2148-2152
2003 Pub Signs. Europa
SG: 2397-2401 Scott: 2153-2157
2003 Transports of Delight. Classic Transport Toys
SG: MS2402 Scott: 2157a
2003 Transports of Delight. Classic Transport Toys Miniature Sheet
SG: 2404-2409 Scott: 2159-2164
2003 The British Museum
SG: 2410-2415 Scott: 2165-2170
2003 Christmas Ice Sculptures These stamps are Printed in Photo. For SG 2410/2411 Printed in Litho with Labels, see 2003 Extras
SG: MS2416 Scott: 2171
2003 Rugby England Winners Miniature Sheet
SG: Set 2003 Scott:
2003 Birds of Prey to Rugby MS Year Set (14 items as listed above respective column)
SG: 2456-2461 Scott: 2209-2214
2004 Royal Horticultural Society 1st IssueThese stamps are Printed in Photo. For SG 2457 Printed in Litho with Label, see 2004 Extras
SG: MS2462 Scott: 2214a
2004 Royal Horticultural Society 1st Issue Miniature Sheet
SG: 2466-2471 Scott: 2215-2220
2004 Wales. A British Journey. Includes Europa 1st and 40p Vlaues
SG: 2473-2478 Scott: 2222-2227
2004 The Royal Society of Arts
SG: 2489-2494 Scott: 2238-2243
2004 The Crimean War
SG: 2495-2500 Scott: 2245-2250
2004 Christmas Santa ClausThese stamps are Printed in Photo. For SG 2495/6 Printed in Litho with Labels, see 2004 Extras
SG: MS2501 Scott: 2244
2004 Christmas Santa Claus Miniature Sheet
SG: Set 2004 Scott:
2004 Classic Locomotives to Christmas Year Set (16 items as listed above respective column)
SG: 2502-2511 Scott: 2251-60
2005 Farm Animals (Se-Tenant Block)These stamps are Printed in Photo. For stamps Printed in Litho with Labels, see 2005 Extras
SG: 2512-2517 Scott: 2261-2266
2005 South West England. A British Journey. 8.2.05
SG: 2518-2523 Scott: 2267-2272
2005 Jane Eyre. Charlotte Bronte
SG: MS2524 Scott: 2272a
2005 Jane Eyre. Charlotte Bronte Miniature Sheet
SG: 2525-2529 Scott: 2273-2277
2005 Magic CircleThese stamps are Printed in Photo. 15.3.05. For SG 2525 Printed in Litho with Label, see 2005 Extras
SG: MS2554 Scott: 2301
2005 Olympics London 2012 Miniature Sheet
SG: 2555-2560 Scott: 2302-2307
2005 Changing Tastes of Britain. Includes Europa 1st and 42p values. 23.8.05
SG: 2561-2566 Scott: 2308-2313
2005 Classic ITV Television. 15.9.05. For SG2562 with Label, see 2005 Extras
SG: 2567-2572 Scott: 2314-2319
2005 Smilers Booklet Stamps (1st Series). These stamps are Printed in Photo (from QA1 Booklet). For Litho Printed Issues with Labels, see 2006 and 2007 Extras
SG: 2667-2671 Scott: 2400-2404
2006 Sounds of Britain. Includes Europa 1st and 50p values
SG: 2672-2677 Scott: 2406-2410
2006 Smilers Booklet Stamps (2nd Series) Occasions These stamps are Printed in Photo (from QA3 Booklet). For Litho Printed Issues, see below, LS 33hsheet and 2008 Extras (VFU will be off paper)
SG: 2678-2683 Scott: 2412-2417
2006 Christmas These stamps are Printed in Photo. For SG 2678/9 with Labels Printed in Litho, see 2006 Extras
SG: MS2685 Scott: 2418
2006 Lest We Forget Miniature Sheet 1st Issue. Battle of the Somme This Sheet is Printed in Photo. For Stamp with Label Printed in Litho, see 2006 Extras
SG: Set 2006 Scott:
2006 YEAR SET Animal Tales to Lest We Forget (17 sets, 17 FDC, 13 packs as listed above respective column)
SG: 2686-91 Scott: 2421-2427
2007 The Beatles. Album Covers (Self Adhesive) (PACK: Includes MS2692) Used on piece
SG: MS2692 Scott: 2420
2007 The Beatles. Album Covers Miniature Sheet
SG: 2699-08 Scott: 2428-2437
2007 Sea Life (Se-Tenant Block) (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: 2709-14 Scott: 2438-2443
2007 Sky at Night (Self Adhesive)
SG: 2715-20 Scott: 2450-2455
2007 World of Invention 1st Series (Self Adhesive)
SG: MS2727 Scott: 2449a
2007 World of Invention Miniature Sheet
SG: 2728-33 Scott: 2456-2461
2007 Abolition of the Slave Trade (Se-Tenant Pairs)
SG: 2734-39 Scott: 2463-2468
2007 Beside the Seaside. 1st Series
SG: MS2740 Scott: 2470
2007 Wembley Stadium Miniature Sheet This Sheet is Printed in Photo. For Stamp Printed in Litho with Label, see 2007 Extras
SG: MS2743 Scott: 2471
2007 40th Anniversary of the First Machin Miniature Sheet. This Sheet is Printed in Photo. For Stamp Printed in Litho with Label, see 2007 Extras
SG: 2744-49 Scott: 2473-2478
2007 British Grand Prix, Silverstone
SG: 2750-56 Scott: 2479-2485
2007 Harry Potter Book Covers (Se-Tenant Strip) (PACK: Includes MS2757)
SG: MS2757 Scott: 2486
2007 Harry Potter Crests of Hogwarts School Miniature Sheet. This Sheet is Printed in Photo and Gummed. For Issue Printed in Litho and Self Adhesive with Labels see 2007 Extras
SG: 2758-63 Scott: 2492-2497
2007 Scouting and World Scout Jamboree
SG: 2764-73 Scott: 2498-2507
2007 Birds. Action for Species 1st Series (Se-Tenant Block)
SG: 2774-79 Scott: 2508-2513
2007 British Army Uniforms. Military Uniforms 1st Series (Se-Tenant Strips)
SG: 2787-88 Scott: 2521-2522
2007 Christmas. 1st Issue Paintings of the Madonna and Child
SG: 2789-94 Scott: 2524-2529
2007 Christmas. 2nd Issue Angels. These stamps are Printed in Photo. For SG 2789/90 and 2793 Printed in Litho with Labels, see 2007 Extras (PACK: Includes Madonna and Angles)
SG: Set 2009 Scott:
2009 Design Classics 1st Series to Christmas Stained Glass Windows Miniature Sheet Year Set (19 sets,17 FDC, 13 packs as listed above respective column)
GB Commemorative Extras For 2009
Price Options
SG: MSW147 Scott: 2639
2009 Celebrating Wales Miniature Sheet
GB Commemorative Issues For 2010
Price Options
SG: 2999-3008 Scott: 2734-2743
2010 Classic Album Covers (Self Adhesives)
SG: MS3024 Scott: 2744
2010 Smilers Business and Consumer Miniature Sheet
SG: MS3025 Scott: 2746
2010 Girlguiding UK Miniature Sheet
SG: 3026-3035 Scott: 2747-2756
2010 The Royal Society (Se-Tenant Block)
SG: 3036-3045 Scott: 2757-2766
2010 Battersea Cats and Dogs Home (Se-Tenant Block)
SG: 3046-3052 Scott: 2767-2773
2010 Kings and Queens 3rd Issue. The House of the Stewarts (PACK: Includes MS3053)
SG: MS3053 Scott: 2774
2010 Kings and Queens 3rd Issue. The Age of the Stewarts Miniature Sheet.
SG: Set 2012 Scott:
2012 Roald Dahl to Christmas Year Set: 27 issues (items as listed above respective column)
GB Commemorative Extras For 2012
Price Options
SG: 3342a-3370a Scott:
Complete Set of 29 Olympic GB Gold Winners Miniature Sheets ( Used will be on piece due to security gum )
GB Commemorative Issues For 2013
Price Options
SG: 3423-3428 Scott: 3127-3132
2013 London Underground (PACK: Includes MS3429)
SG: MS3429 Scott: 3133
2013 London Underground Miniature Sheet
SG: 3431-3436 Scott: 3135-3140
2013 Jane Austen. 21.2.13
SG: FS59 x 6 Scott:
2013 Ponds Post & Go. 6 x 1st Class Different Designs. (Pack P&G 11) (BK8 P1)
SG: 3437-3447 Scott: 3141-3151
2013 Doctor Who (PACK: Includes MS3451). 26.3.13. (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: MS3451 Scott: 3153
2013 Doctor Who Miniature Sheet. 26.3.13
SG: 3453-3462 Scott: 3157-3166
2013 Great Britons (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: 3463-3473 Scott: 3167-3177
2013 Football Heroes (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: MS3474 Scott: 3177b
2013 Football Heroes Miniature Sheet
SG: 3491-3496 Scott: 3191-3196
2013 Royal Portraits
SG: FS65 x 6 Scott:
2013 Lakes Post & Go. 6 x 1st Class Different Designs. (Pack P&G 12) (BK8 P6)
SG: 3499-3508 Scott: 3199-3208
2013 Butterflies (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: MS3511 Scott: 3211
2013 Andy Murray Miniature Sheet
SG: 3512-3517 Scott: 3212-3217
2013 British Auto Legends (PACK: Includes MS3518). 19.8.13. (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: MS3518 Scott: 3218
2013 British Auto Legends Miniature Sheet
SG: 3519-3524 Scott: 3219-3224
2013 Merchant Navy (PACK: Includes MS3529)
SG: MS3529 Scott: 3525
2013 Merchant Navy Miniature Sheet
SG: FS71 x 6 Scott:
2013 Rivers Post & Go. 6 x 1st Class Different Designs. (Pack P&G 13) (BK.8 P11)
SG: 3602-3607 Scott: 3288-3293
2014 Great British Film (PACK: Includes MS3608 - No Barcode)(Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: MS3608a Scott: 3294
2014 Great British Film Miniature Sheet - NO BARCODE
SG: 3609-3618 Scott: 3299a-3304a
2014 Substainable Fish (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: 3619-3624 Scott: 3305-3310
2014 Commonwealth Games
SG: 3626-3631 Scott: 3312-3317
2014 The Great War
SG: FS103 X 6 Scott:
2014 Symbolic Flowers Post & Go. 6 x 1st Class Different Designs. (Pack P&G 16) (Bk9 P10)
SG: 3635-3640 Scott: 3321-3326
2014 Seaside Architecture (PACK: Includes MS3641 - No barcode)
SG: 3642-3649 Scott: 3328-3335
2014 Prime Ministers (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: 3650-3656 Scott: 3337-3343
2014 Christmas
SG: MS3657a Scott: 3336
2014 Christmas Minisheet - NO BARCODE
SG: FS109-112 Scott:
2014 Winter Greenery Post & Go. Set of 4, 2nd, 2nd Large, 1st and 1st Large. : Type IIIA (P&G17) (2019 SG/Davo Supplement page FS15) (Bk10,P1)
SG: Set 2014 Scott:
2014 Classic Children's TV to Christmas Year Set (26xUM&VFU, 19xFDC, 15xPack)(items as listed above respective column)
GB Commemorative Issues For 2015
Price Options
SG: 3658-3667 Scott:
2015 Alice in Wonderland (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: MS3678a Scott:
2015 Smilers Minisheet - NO BARCODE
SG: 3670-3677 Scott:
2015 Smilers Self Adhesive set of 8 stamps from booklet QB1.
SG: FS117 Scott:
2015 Post and Go Working Sail. 6 x 1st Class Different Designs. (Pack P&G 18) (BK11 P1)
SG: 3679-3686 Scott:
2015 Inventive Britain (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: 3687-3696 Scott:
2015 Bridges (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: 3697-3706 Scott:
2015 Comedy Greats (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: MS3710a Scott:
2015 Penny Black Minisheet - NO BARCODE
SG: FS125 Scott:
2015 Post and Go Heraldic Beasts. 6 x 1st Class Different Designs. (Pack P&G 19) (BK11 P6)
SG: 3711-3716 Scott:
2015 The First World War
SG: 3718-3723 Scott:
2015 800th Anniversary of the Magna Carta
SG: 3724-3729 Scott:
2015 The Battle of Waterloo (PACK: Includes MS3734 - No Barcode)
SG: MS3734a Scott:
2015 The Battle of Waterloo minisheet - NO BARCODE
SG: MS3735a Scott:
2015 The Battle of Britain minisheet - NO BARCODE
SG: 3736-3741 Scott:
2015 Bees (PACK: Includes MS3742 - No Barcode)
SG: MS3742a Scott:
2015 Bees minisheet - NO BARCODE
SG: MS3747a Scott:
2015 Long to Reign Over Us minisheet - NO BARCODE
SG: FS131 x 6 Scott:
2015 Post and Go Sea Travel. 6 x 1st Class Different Designs. (Pack P&G 20) (Bk 11 P9)
SG: 3748-3755 Scott:
2015 Rugby World Cup (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: 3758-3769 Scott:
2015 Star Wars (PACK: Includes MS3770 - No Barcode) (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: MS3770 Scott:
2015 Star Wars minisheet - NO BARCODE
SG: 3771-3778 Scott:
2015 Christmas
SG: MS3779a Scott:
2015 Christmas Minisheet - NO BARCODE
SG: FS143a/146a Scott:
2015 Post and Go Fur and Feathers.2 x 1st & 2 x 2nd Class Different Designs. (Pack P&G 21/ BK11 P12)
SG: Set 2015 Scott:
2015 Alice in Wonderland to Christmas Year Set (items as listed above respective column) (38xUM&VFU, 23xFDC, 20xPack)(items as listed above respective column)
GB Commemorative Issues For 2016
Price Options
SG: 3787-3794 Scott:
2016 Shackleton and the Endurance Expedition (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: FS151 Scott:
2016 Post and Go Royal Mail Heritage Transport: 6 x 1st Class Different Designs (BK12,P9). (P&G 22)
SG: 3795-3800 Scott:
2016 Royal Mail 500. (PACK: Includes MS3801 - No Barcode)
SG: MS3801a Scott:
2016 Royal Mail 500 Years of the postal service minisheet - NO BARCODE
SG: 3810-3815 Scott:
2016 British Humanitarians (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: 3816-3825 Scott:
2016 400th Death Anniversary of William Shakespeare (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: 3826-3831 Scott:
2016 HRH The Queens 90th Birthday (PACK: Includes MS3832 - No Barcode) (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: MS3832a Scott:
2016 HRH The Queens 90th Birthday minisheet - NO BARCODE
SG: MS3837a Scott:
2016 Endearing Animals minisheet - NO BARCODE
SG: 3838-3843 Scott:
2016 The Great War 1916 (PACK: Includes MS3848 No Barcode)
SG: MS3848a Scott:
2016 The Great War 1916 minisheet - WITHOUT BARCODE
SG: 3849-3854 Scott:
2016 Music Giants - Pink Floyd (PACK: Includes minisheet - No Barcode)
SG: MS3855a Scott:
2016 Music Giants - Pink Floyd minisheet - NO BARCODE
SG: 3856-3861 Scott:
2016 150 Years of Beatrix Potter (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: MS3868a Scott:
2016 150 Years of Beatrix Potter minisheet - NO BARCODE
SG: 3869-3876 Scott:
2016 Landscape Gardens (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: 3879-3884 Scott:
2016 The Great Fire of London (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: FS159 Scott:
2016 Post and Go Royal Ladybirds. 6 x 1st Class Different Designs. (P&G 23) (BK 12 P3A)
SG: 3885-3890 Scott:
2016 Agatha Christie (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (When Placed under UV light parts of the Design light up)
SG: 3891-3900 Scott:
2016 Mr Men Little Miss (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: 3903-10 Scott:
2016 Christmas
SG: MS3911 Scott:
2016 Christmas Minisheet ( With Barcode )
SG: FS165a/168a Scott:
2016 Post and Go Hibernating Animals 2 x 1st Class and 2x 2nd class Different Designs. (P&G 24) (Bk12 P6A)
SG: Set 2016 Scott:
2016 Shackleton Expedition to Christmas Year Set (34xUM&VFU, 23xFDC, 18xPack)(items as listed above respective column)
GB Commemorative Issues For 2017
Price Options
SG: 3912-3919 Scott:
2017 Ancient Britain (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: 3920-3925 Scott:
2017 Windsor Castle (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: MS3932a Scott:
2017 Windsor Castle Minisheet - NO BARCODE
SG: FS173 Scott:
2017 Post and Go Royal Mail Heritage Mail By Rail. 6 x 1st Class Different Designs. (Pack P&G 25) (BK13 P1)
SG: 3933-3938 Scott:
2017 David Bowie (PACK: Includes Minisheet with No Barcode)
SG: MS3939a Scott:
2017 David Bowie Minisheet - NO BARCODE
SG: 3940-3947 Scott:
2017 Racehorse Legends
SG: 3948-3957 Scott:
2017 Songbirds (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: MS3964a Scott:
2017 Machin Definitive 50th Anniversary Minisheet - NO BARCODE (PACK: Includes 50th Anniversary & Golden Anniversary Minisheets)
SG: MS3965a Scott:
2017 Machin Definitive Golden Anniversary Minisheet - NO BARCODE.
SG: FS179a Scott:
2017 Machin Anniversary Multi-Coloured Head 6 x 1st Class Type IIIA (BK5. P12). (P&G Pack 26)
SG: 3967-3972 Scott:
2017 Windmills and Watermills (3 vertical pairs 2x1st, 2x£1.40, 2x£1.57)(Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: 3973-3982 Scott:
2017 Landmark Buildings (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: 3983-88 Scott:
2017 The Great War 1917
SG: FS185 Scott:
2017 Post and Go: Royal Mail Heritage Mail By Air. 6 x 1st Class Different Designs. (Pack P&G 27) (BK13 P4A)
SG: 3989-3998 Scott:
2017 Classic Toys (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: 3999-4006 Scott:
2017 Ladybird Books (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: 4007-4014 Scott:
2017 Star Wars (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: MS4027 Scott:
2017 Christmas Minisheet ( FDC has NO BARCODE )
SG: MS4032a Scott:
2017 The Royal Wedding Platinum Anniversary Minisheet - WITHOUT BARCODE
SG: Set 2017 Scott:
2017 Ancient Britain to Platinum Wedding ( 31 Sets, 21 FDC, 17 Packs. Items as listed above respective column).
GB Commemorative Issues For 2018
Price Options
SG: 4033-4042 Scott:
2018 Game of Thrones ( x2 Horizontal strips of 5x1st)(Pack 551: Includes MS No Barcode)(Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: MS4043a Scott:
2018 Game of Thrones Minisheet -NO BARCODE
SG: FS199a - 201a Scott:
2018 Post & Go: Game of Thrones 2nd & 1st Class (set of 2) The Iron Throne. (Pack P&G 28) (BK13 P7a)
SG: FS207 Scott:
2018 Post & Go: Royal Mail Heritage - Mail by Sea. (Pack P&G 29)(BK13 P9A)
SG: 4050-4057 Scott:
2018 Centenary 100 Years of Votes for Women (x4 Horizontal pairs 2x2nd, 2x1st, 2x£1.40, 2x£1.57 (Pack No:552)(Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: 4058-63 Scott:
2018 The RAF Centenary: 100 Years of RAF (3x Horizontal pairs 2x1st, 2x£1.40, 2x£1.57)(Pack No:553 Incudes M/S NO Barcode)(Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: MS4064a Scott:
2018 The RAF Centenary: 100 Years of RAF Minisheet - NO BARCODE
SG: 4074-4079 Scott:
2018 Reintroduced Species ( x3 Horizontal pairs 2x1st, 2x£1.45, 2x£1.55)(Pack No:554)(Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: 4082-4091 Scott:
2018 Owls (x2 Horizontal strips of 5x1st)(Pack No:555(Please Note:VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: MS4092a Scott:
2018 Royal Wedding HRH Prince Henry & Ms Meghan Markle Minisheet - NO BARCODE
SG: FS213 Scott:
2018 Post & Go: Royal Mail Heritage - Mail by Bike (Pack P&G 30) (Bk 13 P11)
SG: 4093-4098 Scott:
2018 Royal Academy of Arts : 250th Anniversary (x3 Vertical pairs 2x1st, 2x£1.25, 2x£1.55)(Pack No:556)(Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: 4099-4106 Scott:
2018 Dads Army 50th Anniversary (x4 Horizontal pairs2x2nd, 2x1st, 2x£1.45, 2x£1.55)(Pack No:557)(Please Note:VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: 4109-4114 Scott:
2018 Hampton Court Palace ( PACK: Includes Minisheet with No Barcode ) (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: 4118-4123 Scott:
2018 Captain Cook and the Endeavour Voyage (PACK: Includes MS No Barcode) (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: MS4124a Scott:
2018 Captain Cook and the Endeavour Voyage Minisheet - NO BARCODE
SG: 4125-4132 Scott:
2018 Bicentenary of The Old Vic. (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: 4133-4138 Scott:
2018 The Great War 1918
SG: 4141-4150 Scott:
2018 Harry Potter (2 strips 5x1st, 5x1st)(Pack No:562 Includes MS No Barcode)(16.10.18)
SG: MS4151a Scott:
2018 Harry Potter Minisheet NO BARCODE. When Placed under UV light parts of the Design light up green and reveals additional information (Contains SG 4164,4165,4166,4167,4168)
SG: 4154-61 Scott:
2018 Christmas
SG: MS4162a Scott:
2018 Christmas Minisheet - NO BARCODE
SG: MS4163a Scott:
2018 HRH Prince of Wales 70th Birthday Minisheet; NO BARCODE. ( EUB Tywysog Cymru Pen Blwydd 70 Oed )
SG: Set 2018 Scott:
2018 Year Set. Game of Thrones to HRH Prince Of Wales (39 Sets, 24 FDC, 18 Packs. Items as listed above respective column).
SG: 4170-4181 Scott:
2019 500th Anniversary of Leonardo Da Vinci (Used may be on piece due to them seperating when soaked). (13.2.19)
SG: 4182-4191 Scott:
2019 Marvel Iconic Super Heroes (Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (PACK: Includes Minisheet No Barcode). (14.3.19)
SG: MS4192a Scott:
2019 Marvel Iconic Super Heroes Minisheet - NO BARCODE. (14.3.19)
SG: 4200-4209 Scott:
2019 Birds of Prey. (Used may be on piece due to them seperating when soaked 4.4.19)
SG: 4212-4217 Scott:
2019 British Engineering (PACK: Includes Harrier Minisheet No Barcode)(Used may be on piece due to them seperating when soaked) (2.5.19)
SG: MS4218a Scott:
2019 British Engineering Minisheet - NO BARCODE. (2.5.19)
SG: 4219-4224 Scott:
2019 Bicentenary of Queen Victoria 3 x horizontal pairs (Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (PACK: Includes Minisheet - No Barcode) (24.5.19)
SG: MS4225a Scott:
2019 Bicentenary of Queen Victoria - Legacy of Prince Albert Minisheet - NO BARCODE. (24.5.19)
SG: 4230-4235 Scott:
2019 75th Anniversary of D-Day Landings. 6.6.19. (PACK: Includes Minisheet No Barcode)(Used may be on piece due to them seperating when soaked)
SG: MS4236a Scott:
2019 75th Anniversary of D-Day Landings Minisheet - NO BARCODE. (6.6.19)
SG: 4239-4246 Scott:
2019 Curious Customs. (Used may be on piece due to them seperating when soaked 9.7.19)
SG: 4247-4252 Scott:
2019 Forests: 100 Years of the Forestry Commission. (13.08.19)
SG: 4253-4260 Scott:
2019 Elton John (2 strips 4x1st, 4x£1.55)(Pack No:575 Includes Minisheet No Barcode) (03.09.19)
SG: MS4261a Scott:
2019 Elton John Minisheet - NO BARCODE. (3.9.19)
SG: 4264-4271 Scott:
2019 Royal Navy Ships. (19.9.19)
SG: MS4274a Scott:
2019 Men's Cricket World Cup Winners Minisheet - NO BARCODE ( PACK: Contains Women's World Cup M/S No Barcode)
SG: MS4275a Scott:
2019 Women's Cricket World Cup Winners 2017 Minisheet - NO BARCODE
SG: 4276-4281 Scott:
2019 The Gruffalo 10.10.19 (PACK: Includes Minisheet No Barcode)
SG: MS4282a Scott:
2019 The Gruffalo Minisheet - NO BARCODE (10.10.19)
SG: 4283-4290 Scott:
2019 Christmas (5.11.19)
SG: MS4291a Scott:
2019 Christmas Minisheet - NO BARCODE
SG: MS4303a Scott:
2019 Star Wars Minisheet- NO BARCODE
SG: Set 2019 Scott:
2019 Year Set Stamp Classics to Star Wars (42 Sets, 24 FDC, 15 Packs. Items as listed above respective column).
GB Commemorative Issues For 2020
Price Options
SG: 4312-4319 Scott:
2020 Video Games (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) 21.1.20
SG: MS4320a Scott:
2020 Video Games Minisheet- WITHOUT BARCODE (under UV light illustrations appear)
SG: 4323-4330 Scott:
2020 Visions of the Universe (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) 11.2.20
SG: 4332-4337 Scott:
2020 James Bond (2 Horizontal strips 3x1st, 3x£1.60)(Pack No:583 Includes M/S No Barcode)(Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)(17.3.20)
SG: MS4338a Scott:
2020 James Bond Minisheet- WITHOUT BARCODE (under UV light illustrations appear) -007 detail in perforation
SG: 4345-4354 Scott:
2020-The Romantic Poets ( 2 Horizontal strips 5x1st)(Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) 07.04.20
SG: 4356-4363 Scott:
2020 The End of the Second World War 8.05.20 (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: MS4364a Scott:
2020 The End of the Second World War Minisheet WITHOUT BARCODE 8.5.20
SG: 4369-4376 Scott:
2020 Coronation Street (x4 Horizontal pairs 2x1st, 2x2nd, 2x£1.42, 2 x £1.63)(Pack No:586 contains M/S No Barcode)(Please Note:VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) 28.05.20
SG: MS4377a Scott:
2020 Coronation Street Minisheet 28.05.20 WITHOUT BARCODE
SG: 4388-4395 Scott:
2020 Queen ( x2 Strips 4x1st, 4 x £1.63)(Pack No:588 contains M/S No Barcode)(Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) 09.07.20
SG: MS4396a Scott:
2020 Queen Minisheet 09.07.20 WITHOUT BARCODE
SG: 4404-4409 Scott:
2020 Palace of Westminster ( 2 Horizontal strips 3x1st)(Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) 30.07.20
SG: MS4410a Scott:
2020 Palace of Westminster Minisheet 30.07.20 WITHOUT BARCODE
SG: 4411-4416 Scott:
2020 Sherlock (x3 vertical pairs 2x1st, 2x£1.42, 2x£1.68)(Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)(under UV light illustrations appear) (Pack No:590 contains M/S No Barcode)18.8.20
SG: MS4417a Scott:
2020 Sherlock Holmes Minisheet 18.08.20 WITHOUT BARCODE
SG: 4420-4427 Scott:
2020 Rupert Bear (x4 horizontal Pairs 2x1st, 2x2nd, 2x1.45, 2x1.70)(Pack No:591) (Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) 03.9.20
SG: 4428-4433 Scott:
2020 Brilliant Bugs (x3 vertical pairs 2x1st, 2x1.45, 2x1.70 (Pack No: 592)(Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) 01.10.20
SG: 4434-4441 Scott:
2020 Christmas (set x8 stamps 1st large,2nd large,1st,2nd,£1.45,£1.70,£2.50,£2.55)(Pack No:593) (Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) 03.11.20
SG: MS4442 Scott:
2020 Christmas Minisheet - WITH BARCODE (FDC has NO BARCODE) (3.11.20)
SG: 4443-4454 Scott:
2020 Star Trek (2 x 6 1st class strips) Original series through to modern day (13.11.20) (PACK: Includes MS No Barcode Pack 594) (Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: MS4455a Scott:
2020 Star Trek Minisheet WITHOUT BARCODE (13.11.2020)
SG: Set 2020 Scott:
2020 Year Set. Video Games to Star Wars Year Set. (40 Sets, 23 FDC, 14 Packs) (items as listed above respective column)
GB Commemorative Extra's For 2020
Price Options
SG: MSS180 Scott:
2020 Declaration of Arbroath Definitive Miniature Sheet (Only exist with barcode) 07.04.20
GB Commemorative Issues For 2021
Price Options
SG: 4464-4473 Scott:
2021 National Parks (2 strips 5x1st, 5x1st)(Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (Pack no:596)14.01.21
SG: MS4476a Scott:
2021 United Kingdom-A Celebration WITHOUT BARCODE (MS containing 2x1st and 2x £1.70) (Pack No:M26).01.21
SG: 4477-4484 Scott:
2021 Only Fools and Horses - 4 x vertical pairs (PACK: Includes MS No Barcode Pack no:597) 16.02.21 (Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: MS4485a Scott:
2021 Only Fools and Horses WITHOUT BARCODE (MS containing 2x1st and 2x £1.70) 16.02.21
SG: 4492-4501 Scott:
2021 The Legend of King Arthur (2 strips 5 x 1st and 5 x £1.70) (Pack.598 ISP--Litho) (Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) 16.03.21
SG: 4509-4516 Scott:
2021 War of the Roses (horizontal pairs,2x1st, 2x2nd, 2x£1.70, 2x£2.55, (Pack no: 600)(04.05.21)
SG: 4517-4524 Scott:
2021 Paul McCartney (Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (PACK: Includes MS No Barcode Pack No.601) 28.05.21
SG: MS4525a Scott:
2021 Paul McCartney WITHOUT BARCODE (MS containing 2 x 1st and 2x £1.70)(Contains SG 4528,4529,4530,4531- also found in booklet pane 4528a) (28.05.21)
SG: MS4532a Scott:
2021-HRH The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh WITHOUT BARCODE (MS containing 2nd,1st,£1.70,£2.55) (24.06.21) (Pack 602)
SG: 4533-4538 Scott:
2021 Dennis and Gnasher (2strips of 3 3x1st & £1.70) (01.07.21) (PACK: Includes MS No Barcode) (Pack no:603) (Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: MS4539a Scott:
MS4539a 2021 Dennis and Gnasher WITHOUT BARCODE (MS containing 2 x1st, 2 x £1.70) (01.07.21)
SG: 4542-4551 Scott:
2021 Wild Coasts (2 strips 5x1st, 5x1st) (Pack No: 604 Includes MS No Barcode)(Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (22.07.21)
SG: 4566-4573 Scott:
2021 British Army Vehicles ( 2 strips of 4 x 1st & £1.70-please note the FDC the stamps are in pairs) (PACK: Includes MS No Barcode) (Pack no:606) (02.09.21)
SG: MS4574a Scott:
MS4574a 2021 British Army Vehicles Minisheet WITHOUT BARCODE (containing 2x1st,2x£1.70) (02.09.21)
SG: 4575-4586 Scott:
2021 DC Collection (PACK: 607 with MS No Barcode)(Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (under UV light illustrations appear) (17.09.21)
SG: MS4587a Scott:
MS4587a 2021 DC Collection -Justice League Minisheet WITHOUT BARCODE (6x1st) (17.09.21) (under UV light illustrations appear) (contains SG4591,4592,4593,4594,4595,4596) - MS4587a
SG: 4605-4612 Scott:
2021 Christmas Stamps-Barcoded (contains x 8 stamps with values 1st, 1st large, 2nd & 2nd large with data matrix, also contains 2nd, 1st, £1.70 & £2.55) (02.11.21)
SG: MS4613 Scott:
2021 Christmas Minisheet WITH BARCODE and barcoded stamps (contains 1st, 1st large, 2nd & 2nd large with data matrix, also contains 2nd, 1st, £1.70 & £2.55) (FDC has NO BARCODE) (02.11.21)
SG: Set 2021 Scott:
2021 Year Set. National Parks to Christmas (40 Sets, 23 FDC, 15 Packs. Items as listed above respective column).
GB Commemorative Issues For 2022
Price Options
SG: 4614-4621 Scott:
2022 Rolling Stones (2 strips 4x1st, 4x£1.70) (PACK: Includes MS No Barcode Pack no: 611) (20.01.22) (Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: MS4622a Scott:
2022 Rolling Stones, Minisheet WITHOUT BARCODE (containing 2x1st,2x£1.70) (20.01.22)
SG: 4627-34 Scott:
2022 The Platinum Jubilee Of HM The Queen ( 2 strips 4x1st, 4x£1.70) (Pack No: 612)(4.02.22)
SG: MS4635a Scott:
2022 Minisheet David Gentleman WITHOUT BARCODE (contains 2x2nd,2x1st,2x1.70) (18.02.22)
SG: 4636-4641 Scott:
2022 FA Cup (3x vertical pairs 2x1st, 2x£1.70, 2x£2.55)(Pack No:614 Includes MS No Barcode)(8.03.22)
Please note the images are off centre to emulate goal posts
SG: MS4642a Scott:
2022 Minisheet FA Cup WITHOUT BARCODE (contains 2x1st, 2x£1.70) (8.03.22)
SG: 4643-4650 Scott:
2022 Heroes of the Pandemic (2 strips 4x1st, 4x1st (FDC will be single stamps as issued) (Pack No:615) (Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (23.03.22)
SG: 4651-4660 Scott:
2022 Migratory Birds (2 strips 5x1st, 5x1st) (Pack No: 616) (Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (07.04.22)
SG: 4661-4670 Scott:
2022 Unsung Heroes Women of WWII (2 strips 5x1st class) (PACK: Includes MS No Barcode Pack No: 617) (Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (05.05.22)
SG: MS4671a Scott:
2022 Unsung Heroes Women WWII, Minisheet WITHOUT BARCODE (containing 2x1st, 2x£1.85) 05.05.22
SG: 4676-4683 Scott:
2022 Cats (4 vertical pairs 2x1st,2x2nd,2x£1.85,2x£2.55) (Pack No:618)(Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) 09.06.22
SG: 4684-4691 Scott:
2022 Pride (4 horizontal pairs 2x1st, 2x£1.85) (Pack No.619)(Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (1.07.22)
SG: 4692-4699 Scott:
2022 Birmingham-Commonwealth Games (2 strips 4x1st, 4x£1.85) (Pack No: 620)(Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)(28.07.22)
SG: 4700-4707 Scott:
2022 Transformers (4 horizontal pairs 2x1st, 2x£1.85) (Pack No:621 Includes MS no barcode) (Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (under UV light illustrations appear)(01.09.22)
SG: 4714-4721 Scott:
2022 Royal Marines (2 strips of 4x1st, 4x£1.85 ) (Pack No:622 including MS no barcode)(Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)(29.09.22)
SG: MS4722a Scott:
2022 Minisheet Royal Marines WITHOUT BARCODE (contains 2x1st, 2x£1.85) (29..09.22)
SG: 4723-4730 Scott:
2022 Aardman classics (4 horizontal pairs 2x2nd, 2x1st, 2x£1.85, 2x £2.55)(Pack No:623 including MS no barcode) (Please Note: VFU will be on piece and a used set is only available as single stamps) (19.10.22)
SG: MS4738a Scott:
2022 Christmas Minisheet WITHOUT BARCODE and barcoded stamps (contains 1st, 1st large, 2nd & 2nd large, £1.85, £2.55) (FDC has NO BARCODE) (03.11.22)
SG: 4739-4742 Scott:
2022 HM Queen Elizabeth II Memoriam ( 2nd,1st,£1.85,£2.55) (Pack No:M27) (10.11.22)
SG: 4743-4750 Scott:
2022 Tutankhamun's Treasure (4 horizontal pairs 2x1st, 2x2nd, 2x£1.85, 2x£2.55 (Pack No:625 including MS no barcode) (Please Note: VFU may be on piece) (24.11.22)
SG: Set 2022 Scott:
2022 Year Set, Rolling Stones-Tutankhamun (43 sets, 24 FDC, 16 Packs. Items as listed above respective column).
GB Commemorative Issues For 2023
Price Options
SG: 4756-4763 Scott:
2023 Iron Maiden (2 strips 4x1st & 4x £1.85) (Pack No: 627 Includes MS No Barcode)(Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (12.01.23)
SG: MS4764a Scott:
2023 Iron Maiden Minisheet WITHOUT BARCODE (containing 2x1st,2x£1.85) (12.01.23)
SG: 4765-4776 Scott:
2023 X Men ( x2 strips 6x1st, 6x2nd) (Pack No:629 Includes MS No Barcode)(Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (16.02.23)
SG: MS4777a Scott:
2023 X Men Minisheet WITHOUT BARCODE (containing 4x1st,1x£1.85) (Contains: SG:4778,4779,4780,4781,4782) (16.02.23)
SG: 4783-4790 Scott:
2023 Flying Scotsman (4 horizontal pairs 2x1st, 2x1st, 2x£1.85, 2x£1.85) (Pack No:628 Includes MS No Barcode)(Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (09.03.23)
SG: 5000-5009 Scott:
2023 Flowers (first commemoratives with King Charles III head printed on them) (2 strips of 5 x 1st Class) (Pack No:630) (Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (23.03.23)
SG: 5010-5019 Scott:
2023 Robin Hood (2 strips of 5 x 1st Class) (Pack no: 631) (Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (13.04.23)
SG: MS5020a Scott:
2023 King Charles III - A New Reign Minisheet WITHOUT BARCODE (Pack No:632) (containing 2x1st,2x£2.20) (06.05.23)
SG: 5021-5028 Scott:
2023 Blackadder (4 horizontal pairs 2 x1st,2x 2nd,2x£2,2x£2.20) (Pack No: 633 Includes MS No Barcode)(Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (17.05.23)
SG: MS5029a Scott:
2023 Blackadder Minisheet WITHOUT BARCODE (containing 2x1st and 2x£2.20) (17.05.23)
SG: 5030-5035 Scott:
2023 Warhammer (3 vertical pairs 2 x1st, 2x£2,2x£2.20) (Pack No:634 Includes MS No Barcode)(Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (08.06.23)
SG: MS5036a Scott:
2023 Warhammer Minisheet WITHOUT BARCODE (containing 2x1st and 2x£2.20) (08.06.23)
SG: 5037-5044 Scott:
2023 Windrush (4 horizontal pairs 2x1st, 2x£1.00, 2x£2, 2x£2.20) (Pack No: 635) Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (22.06.23)
SG: 5045-5054 Scott:
2023 River Wildlife- Please note, the UM & VFU set has the corrected strip of 5x1st Class, but the FDC has the error on the strip of 1st's with the one phosphor band.(2 strips 5x2nd, 5x1st) (Pack No: 636 has the error strip in as issued) Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (13.07.23)
SG: 5055-5062 Scott:
2023 Terry Pratchett's Discworld (4 horizontal pairs 2 x1st, 2x£1.00, 2x£2, 2x£2.20) (Pack No: 637) Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (10.08.23)
SG: 5063-5068 Scott:
2023 Paddington (3 horizontal pairs 2x1st, 2x£2, 2x£2.20) (Pack No: 638 Includes MS no Barcode) Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (05.09.23)
SG: MS5069a Scott:
2023 Paddington Minisheet WITHOUT BARCODE (containing 2x1st and 2x£2) (05.09.23)
SG: 5070-5077 Scott:
2023 Dame Shirley Bassey (2 strips 4x1st & 4x£2.00) (Pack No: 639 Includes MS no barcode) Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (21.09.23)
SG: MS5078a Scott:
2023 Dame Shirley Bassey Minisheet WITHOUT BARCODE (containing 2x1st and 2x£2) (21.09.23)
SG: 5083-5092 Scott:
2023 Harry Potter (2 strips 5x1st,5xst)(Pack No: 640 Includes MS no barcode) Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (19.10.23)
SG: MS5093a Scott:
2023 Harry Potter Creatures and Beings Minisheet WITHOUT BARCODE (containing 6x1st) (contains SG:5094,5095,5096,5097,5098,5099) (19.10.23)
SG: 5100-5104 Scott:
2023 Christmas Barcoded stamps set of 5 (2nd,2nd large,1st,1st large,£2.20) (Pack No:641) (02.11.23)
SG: Set 2023 Scott:
2023 Year Set, Iron Maiden - Christmas (42 sets, 24 FDC, 15 Packs. Items as listed above respective column).
GB Commemorative Issues For 2024
Price Options
SG: 5106-5115 Scott:
2024 Spice Girls (2 Horizontal strips 5x1st)(Pack No: 643) Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (11.01.24)
SG: 5122-5129 Scott:
2024 Weather Forecasting (4 Horizontal pairs 2x2nd, 2x1st, 2x£2.00, 2x£2.20)(Pack No: 644)(Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (01.02.24)
SG: 5130-5137 Scott:
2024 Vikings (4 Horizontal pairs 2x£1.00 2x1st, 2x£2.00, 2x£2.20) (Pack No: 645) (Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (20.02.24)
SG: 5138-5145 Scott:
2024 Dinosaurs (4 vertical pairs 2x1st, 2x£2.00)(Pack No: 646 Includes MS No barcode)(Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (12.03.24)
SG: MS5146a Scott:
2024 Dinosaurs WITHOUT BARCODE (containing 4x1st) (12.03.24)
SG: 5147-5156 Scott:
2024 100 Years of Commemorative stamps (2 strips 5x1st & 5x1st)(Pack No: 647)(Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (16.04.24)
SG: 5157-5164 Scott:
2024 Peppa Pig (2 horizontal pairs 4x1st, 4x£2.00)(Pack No: 648 Includes MS No barcode)(Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (16.05.24)
SG: 5166-5175 Scott:
2024 Dogs (2 Horizontal strips 5x2nd, 5x1st)(Pack No: 649)(Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (06.06.24)
SG: 5176-5183 Scott:
2024 Red Arrows (4 Horizontal strips 2x1st, 2x £2.00)(Pack No: 650 Includes MS No barcode)(Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (20.06.24)
SG: MS5184a Scott:
2024 Red Arrows WITHOUT BARCODE (containing 2x1st, 2x£2.50) (20.06.24)
SG: 5189-5196 Scott:
2024 Dungeons & Dragons (2 Horizontal strips 4x1st, 4x £2.50)(Pack No: 651 Includes MS No barcode)(Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) When Placed under UV light parts of the Design light up to show additional images (25.07.24)
SG: MS5197a Scott:
2024 Dungeons & Dragons WITHOUT BARCODE ( containing 6x1st ) When Placed under UV light parts of the Design light to show additional images (25.07.24)
SG: 5205-5210 Scott:
2024 Tower of London ( 3x Vertical pairs 2x1st, 2x£2.00, 2x £2.50)(Pack No: 652 Includes MS No barcode)(Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (13.08.24)
SG: MS5211a Scott:
2024 Tower of London WITHOUT BARCODE ( containing 2x1st, 2x£2.50)(13.08.24)
SG: 5204 Scott:
2024 Union Flag (1 x1st)(from sheet or CY7)(13.08.24)
SG: 5212-5219 Scott:
2024 Porridge (4 Horizontal strips 2x2nd, 2x1st, 2x£2.00, 2x£2.50 )(Pack No: 653)(Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)(03.09.24)
SG: 5220-5229 Scott:
2024 Spiders (2 Horizontal strips 5x2nd, 5x1st,)(Pack No: 654)(Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)(26.09.24)
SG: 5230-5237 Scott:
2024 The Who ( x2 Horizontal pairs 4x1st, 4x£2.00)(Pack No: 655 Includes MS No barcode)(Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (17.10.24)
SG: MS5238a Scott:
2024 The Who WITHOUT BARCODE ( containing 2x1st, 2x£2.00)(17.10.24)
SG: 5247-5251 Scott:
2024 Christmas Barcoded stamps set of 5 (2nd,2nd large,1st,1st large,£2.80) (Pack No:656) (05.11.24)
SG: MS5252a Scott:
2024 Christmas WITHOUT BARCODE (05.11.24)
SG: 5253-5260 Scott:
2024 Churchill ( 4x Vertical pairs 2x2nd, 2x1st, 2x £1.00 2x£2.00)(Pack No: 657)(Please Note: VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked) (30.11.24)
SG: Set 2024 Scott:
2024 Year Set, Spice Girls - Churchill (43 sets, 24 FDC, 15 Packs. Items as listed above respective column).
GB Commemorative Issues For 2025
Price Options
SG: 5261-5268 Scott:
2025 The Vicar of Dibley (4 horizontal pairs 2 x2nd, 2x1st, 2x£1.00, 2x£2.80) (Pack No: 659 Includes MS no barcode)(14.01.25)
SG: MS5269a Scott:
2025 Vicar of Dibley WITHOUT barcode
SG: 5270-5277 Scott:
2025 The Royal Armouries (4 horizontal pairs 2 x2nd, 2x1st, 2x£1.00, 2x£2.80) (Pack No: 660 Includes MS no barcode)(30.01.25)
SG: MS5278a Scott:
2025 The Royal Armouries WITHOUT Barcode (30.01.25)
SG: 5283-5290 Scott:
2025 AC/DC (4 horizontal pairs 2x1st, 2x£2.00 ) (Pack No: 661 Includes MS no barcode)(17.02.25)
SG: MS5291a Scott:
2025 AC/DC WITHOUT barcode (17.02.25)
SG: 493 Scott:
1948 Silver Wedding. 2½d Value only on First Day Cover
GB Complete Collections Relating To 1953 To 1967 Period
Price Options
SG: 1962-67 (Ord & Phos) Set Scott:
1962 NPY to 1967 Christmas (Ordinary and Phosphor sets) Complete, apart from Extras. (Pack set is 1964-1967)
SG: 1962-67 (Ord) Set Scott:
1962 NPY to 1967 Christmas (Ordinary sets) Complete, apart from Extras. (Pack set is 1964-1967)
SG: 1962p-67p (Phos only) Set Scott:
1962 NPY to 1967 Flowers (Phosphor sets only) Complete, apart from Extras. (Pack set is 1965 Post office tower &1967 Flowers(x2 Packs) U/M & F/U 30 sets
SG: Set 1953-67 O Scott:
1953 Coronation to 1967 Christmas (Ordinary sets x44) Complete ( excluding extras ). (Pack set is 1964-1967)
SG: Set 1953-67 b Scott:
1953 Coronation to 1967 Christmas (Ordinary and Phosphor sets) Complete, apart from Extras.
GB Commemorative Offers
Price Options
SG: COM OFFER 1 Scott:
MY SELECTION OF 50 DIFFERENT COMMEMORATIVE FDC'S 1967 / 1989. PLEASE NOTE ALL orders for this offer will be subject to a POSTAGE charge due to the weight. ( Picture is just for Illustration )
SG: COM OFFER 2 Scott:
MY SELECTION OF 100 DIFFERENT COMMEMORATIVE FDC'S 1967 / 1999 PLEASE NOTE. ALL orders for this offer will be subject to a POSTAGE charge due to the weight. ( Picture is just for Illustration )
GB Complete Collections Relating To 1953 To 1970 Period
Price Options
SG: 1953/70 (Ord) Set Scott:
1953 Coronation to 1970 Christmas ( Ordinary Sets ) Complete. (excluding Extras and 1962/67 Phosphor issues) 62 sets
SG: Set 1953/70 (ord & Phos) Scott:
1953 Coronation to 1970 Christmas (Ordinary and Phosphor sets) Complete, apart from Extras.