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Window (Non Value Indicator) Stamps Booklets

Cylinder Numbers, Blind at Base and + Bar Panes. Please use feedback form to enquire with your Wants.

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Special Offers

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: NVI BKS OFFER Scott: My selection of £25.00 face of NVI Books (Will be as different as possible)
SG: NVI BKS OFFER Scott: My selection of £50.00 face of NVI Books (Will be as different as possible)
SG: NVI BKS OFFER Scott: My selection of £100.00 face of NVI Books (Will be as different as possible)

Booklets Containing Panes Of 4 2nd Class Stamps

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: HA1 Scott: 4 x 2nd Bright Blue as Cover Type HA1 (Walsall)
SG: HA2 Scott: 4 x 2nd Bright Blue as Cover Type HA1 (Walsall/Harrison)
SG: HA3 Scott: 4 x 2nd Deep Blue as Cover Type HA3, Tab with Shoulder Cut (Walsall)
SG: HA3a Scott: 4 x 2nd Deep Blue as Cover Type HA3, Tab without Shoulder Cut (Walsall)
SG: HA4 Scott: 4 x 2nd Bright Blue as Cover Type HA3, Black Barcode (Walsall)
SG: HA4a Scott: 4 x 2nd Bright Blue as Cover Type HA3, Blue Barcode (Walsall)
SG: HA5 Scott: 4 x 2nd Bright Blue as Cover Type HA5 Olympic Front (Walsall)
SG: HA6 Scott: 4 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA3, Freepost Address at Left (Walsall)
SG: HA6a Scott: 4 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA3, Freepost Address at Right (Walsall)
SG: HA7 Scott: 4 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA3 (Harrison)
SG: HA8 Scott: 4 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA8, Yellow Fluor (Harrison)
SG: HA8+bar Scott: 4 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA8, Yellow Fluor (Harrison) with Black Bar Square on Cover. Not listed in SG.
SG: HA8a Scott: 4 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA8, Blue Fluor 4mm (Harrison)
SG: HA8a+bar Scott: 4 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA8, Blue Fluor 4mm with Black Bar Square on Cover. Not listed in SG. (Harrison)
SG: HA8b Scott: 4 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA8, Blue Fluor 4.75mm (Harrison) RARE
SG: HA8b+Bar Scott: 4 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA8, Blue Fluor 4.75mm (Harrison) RARE ( With black square on cover )
SG: HA9 Scott: 4 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA8 (Walsall)
SG: HA10 Scott: 4 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA8, Olympic Back (Walsall)
SG: HA11 Scott: 4 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, Litho (Walsall)
SG: HA12 Scott: 4 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, Imprint at Right, Photo (Walsall)
SG: HA12a Scott: 4 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, Imprint at Left and Revised Text, Photo (Walsall)
SG: HA12b Scott: 4 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, as 'a' but with Website added, Photo (Walsall)

Booklets Containing Panes Of 4 1st Class Stamps

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: HB1 Scott: 4 x 1st Black as Cover Type HA1 (Walsall) - Contains SG1450
SG: HB2 Scott: 4 x 1st Black as Cover Type HA1 (Walsall/Harrison)
SG: HB3 Scott: 4 x 1st Orange as Cover Type HA3, Tab with Shoulder Cut, Newcastle (Walsall)
SG: HB3a Scott: 4 x 1st Orange as Cover Type HA3, Tab with Shoulder Cut, Newcastle (Perf Error) (Walsall)
SG: HB3b Scott: 4 x 1st Orange as Cover Type HA3, Tab without Shoulder Cut, Newcastle (Walsall)
SG: HB3c Scott: 4 x 1st Orange as Cover Type HA3, London, Black Barcode (Walsall) 
SG: HB3d Scott: 4 x 1st Orange as Cover Type HA3, London, Blue Barcode, PVA (Walsall)
SG: HB3e Scott: 4 x 1st Orange as Cover Type HA3, London, Blue Barcode, PVAD (Walsall)
SG: HB4 Scott: 4 x 1st Orange as Cover Type HA5 Olympic Front (Walsall)
SG: HB5 Scott: 4 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA3 (Harrison)
SG: HB6 Scott: 4 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA3, Freepost Address at Right, Layout A, (Walsall)
SG: HB6a Scott: 4 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA3, Freepost Address at Left (Walsall)
SG: HB6b Scott: 4 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA3, Freepost Address at Right, Layout B, (See Guide in Links) (Walsall)
SG: HB6c Scott: 4 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA3, Freepost Address at Right, Layout C, (See Guide in Links) (Walsall)
SG: HB7 Scott: 4 x 1st Bank of England Label as Cover Type HA8 (Walsall)
SG: HB8 Scott: 4 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA8, Yellow Fluor (Walsall)
SG: HB8a Scott: 4 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA8, Blue Fluor, Layout C (See Guide in Links) (Walsall)
SG: HB9 Scott: 4 x 1st Spitfire Label as Cover Type HA8 (Walsall)
SG: HB10 Scott: 4 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA8, Olympic Back (Walsall)
SG: HB10a Scott: 4 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, Olympic Back (Walsall) Rare Booklet
SG: HB11 Scott: 4 x 1st Queen's Birthday Label as Cover Type HA11 (Walsall)
SG: HB12 Scott: 4 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, Litho (Walsall)
SG: HB13 Scott: 4 x 1st Hong Kong Label as Cover Type HA11 (Walsall)
SG: HB14 Scott: 4 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, Photo, Imprint Right, 3 Line Postcode (Walsall)
SG: HB14 9mm Scott: 4 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, Photo, Imprint Right, 3 Line Postcode (Walsall) with 9mm Phosphor Bands
SG: HB14 6.5mm Scott: 4 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, Photo, Imprint Right, 3 Line Postcode (Walsall) with 6.5mm Phosphor Band at Selvedge
SG: HB14a Scott: 4 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, Photo, Imprint Left, 4 Line Postcode (Walsall)
SG: HB14a 9mm Scott: 4 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, Photo, Imprint Left, 4 Line Postcode (Walsall) with 9mm Phosphor Bands
SG: HB14a 6.5mm Scott: 4 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, Photo, Imprint Left, 4 Line Postcode (Walsall) with 6.5mm Phosphor Band at Selvedge
SG: HB14b Scott: 4 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, Photo, as 'a' but Not Valid Notice (Walsall)
SG: HB14b 9mm Scott: 4 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, Photo, as 'a' but Not Valid Notice (Walsall) with 9mm Phosphor Bands
SG: HB14b 6.5mm Scott: 4 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, Photo, as 'a' but Not Valid Notice (Walsall) with 6.5mm Phosphor Band at Selvedge
SG: HB14c Scott: 4 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, Photo, as 'b' but With Added Email Address (Walsall)
SG: HB14c 9mm Scott: 4 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, Photo, as 'b' but With Added Email Address (Walsall) with 9mm Phosphor Bands
SG: HB14c 6.5mm Scott: 4 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, Photo, as 'b' but With Added Email Address (Walsall) with 6.5mm Phosphor Band at Selvedge
SG: HB15 Scott: 4 x 1st Heads of Government Label as Cover Type HA11 (Walsall)
SG: HB16 Scott: 4 x 1st Prince of Wales Label as Cover Type HA11 (Walsall)
SG: HB17 Scott: 4 x 1st Berlin Airlift Label as Cover Type HA11 (Walsall)
SG: HB18 Scott: 4 x 1st Rugby World Cup Label as Cover Type HA11 (Walsall)
SG: HB19 Scott: 4 x 1st Stamp Show 2000 (Postman Pat) Label as Cover Type HA11 (Walsall)
SG: HB20 Scott: 4 x 1st Botanic Garden Label as Cover Type HA11 (Walsall)

Booklets Containing Panes Of 10 2nd Class Stamps

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: HC1 Scott: 10 x 2nd Bright Blue as Cover Type HA1, No Rates Table (Harrison)
SG: HC1a Scott: 10 x 2nd Bright Blue as Cover Type HA1, New Rates Table (Harrison)
SG: HC3 Scott: 10 x 2nd Dark Blue as Cover Type HA3 (Harrison)
SG: HC4 Scott: 10 x 2nd Dark Blue as Cover Type HA3 (Questa)
SG: HC5 Scott: 10 x 2nd Dark Blue as Cover Type HA3, Tab with Shoulder Cut (Walsall)
SG: HC5a Scott: 10 x 2nd Dark Blue as Cover Type HA3, Tab without Shoulder Cut (Walsall)
SG: HC6 Scott: 10 x 2nd Bright Blue as Cover Type HA3, Black Barcode (Questa)
SG: HC6a Scott: 10 x 2nd Bright Blue as Cover Type HA3, Blue Barcode (Questa)
SG: HC7 Scott: 10 x 2nd Bright Blue as Cover Type HA3, Black Barcode (Walsall)
SG: HC7a Scott: 10 x 2nd Bright Blue as Cover Type HA3, Blue Barcode, PVA Gum (Walsall)
SG: HC7b Scott: 10 x 2nd Bright Blue as Cover Type HA3, Blue Barcode, PVAD Gum (Walsall)
SG: HC8 Scott: 10 x 2nd Bright Blue as Cover Type HA5 Olympic Front (Walsall) 
SG: HC9 Scott: 10 x 2nd Bright Blue as Cover Type HA5 Olympic Front (Questa) 
SG: HC10 Scott: 10 x 2nd Bright Blue as Cover Type HA3 (Harrison)
SG: HC11 Scott: 10 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA3, Imprint at Left ( 1 line of text ) (Vert) (Questa)
SG: HC11a Scott: 10 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA3, Imprint at Right (Horz), Broken phosphor Band between top & bottom stamp (will require a lamp), 2 Line Postcode (Questa)
SG: HC11b Scott: 10 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA3, Imprint at Right (Horz), Continued phosphor Band between top & bottom stamp (will require a lamp), 2 Line Postcode (Questa)
SG: HC11c Scott: 10 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA3, Imprint at Right (Horz), Continued Band, 3 Line Postcode (Questa)
SG: HC12 Scott: 10 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA3 (Walsall)
SG: HC13 Scott: 10 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA8, Yellow Fluor (Questa)
SG: HC13a Scott: 10 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA8, Blue Fluor (Questa)
SG: HC14 Scott: 10 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA8 (Harrison)
SG: HC15 Scott: 10 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA8, Olympic Back (Harrison)
SG: HC15+bar Scott: 10 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA8, Olympic Back, with Black Bar Square on Cover. Not listed in SG. (Harrison)
SG: HC16 Scott: 10 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA8, Olympic Back (Questa)
SG: HC17 Scott: 10 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, Olympic Back (Harrison)
SG: HC17+bar Scott: 10 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, Olympic Back, with Black Bar Square on Cover. Not listed in SG. (Harrison)
SG: HC18 Scott: 10 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, Olympic Back (Questa)
SG: HC19 Scott: 10 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, PVAD (Harrison)
SG: HC19a Scott: 10 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, PVA gum, (Bluish) (Harrison) RARE
SG: HC19b Scott: 10 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, Computer Engraved (Harrison)
SG: HC19b+bar Scott: 10 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, Computer Engraved with Black Bar Square on Cover. Not listed in SG. (Harrison)
SG: HC20 Scott: 10 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, Imprint Horz. (Questa)
SG: HC20a Scott: 10 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, Revised Valid Notice and Imprint Vertical (Questa)
SG: HC21 Scott: 10 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA11 (De La Rue) (SG.1664)
SG: HC21+bar Scott: 10 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, with Black Square on Cover. Not listed in SG. (De La Rue)
SG: HC22 Scott: 10 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, Stamps Perf 14, No Website (Questa)
SG: HC22a Scott: 10 x 2nd Bright Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, Stamps Perf 14, With Website added (Questa)

Booklets Containing Panes Of 10 1st Class Stamps

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: HD1 Scott: 10 x 1st Black as Cover Type HA1, No Rates Table (Harrison)
SG: HD1a Scott: 10 x 1st Black as Cover Type HA1, New Rates Table (Harrison)
SG: HD3 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange as Cover Type HA3, Newcastle (Harrison)
SG: HD3a Scott: 10 x 1st Orange as Cover Type HA3, London, Black Barcode (Harrison)
SG: HD3b Scott: 10 x 1st Orange as Cover Type HA3, London, Blue Barcode (Harrison)
SG: HD4 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange as Cover Type HA3, Newcastle (Questa)
SG: HD4a Scott: 10 x 1st Orange as Cover Type HA3, London, Black Barcode (Questa)
SG: HD4b Scott: 10 x 1st Orange as Cover Type HA3, London, Blue Barcode (Questa)
SG: HD5 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange as Cover Type HA3, Newcastle,Tab with Shoulder Cut (Walsall)
SG: HD5a Scott: 10 x 1st Orange as Cover Type HA3, Newcastle, Tab without Shoulder Cut (Walsall)
SG: HD5b Scott: 10 x 1st Orange as Cover Type HA3, London, Black Barcode (Walsall)
SG: HD5c Scott: 10 x 1st Orange as Cover Type HA3, London, Blue Barcode (Walsall)
SG: HD6 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange as Cover Type HA5 Olympic Front (Harrison)
SG: HD7 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange as Cover Type HA5 Olympic Front (Walsall)
SG: HD8 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange as Cover Type HA3 Rupert Back (Walsall)
SG: HD9 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA3, Imprint at Left (Vert) (Harrison)
SG: HD9a Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA3, Imprint at Right (Horz) (Harrison)
SG: HD10 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA3, Imprint at Left (Vert) (Walsall)
SG: HD10a Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA3, Imprint at Right (Horz) (Walsall)
SG: HD11 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA3, 2 Line Postcode Left (Questa)
SG: HD11a Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA3, 3 Line Postcode Left (Questa)
SG: HD11b Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA3, 3 Line Postcode Left, Type 1 Stamp (Thin Value) (Questa) RARE
SG: HD12 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA3, Rupert Back, 2 x 3.5mm Bands ( ie split between phosphor across perfs (Walsall)
SG: HD12a Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA3, Rupert Back, 8mm Bands across perfs (no split) (Walsall)
SG: HD13 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA3, Free Postcards Tab and Back (Walsall)
SG: HD14 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA3, Better Luck Inside, Rupert Back (Walsall)
SG: HD15 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA3, You've Won Inside, Rupert Back (Walsall)
SG: HD16 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical, Do Not Open Cover (Walsall)
SG: HD17 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical, Keep In Touch Cover (Walsall)
SG: HD18 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical, Happy Birthday Covér (Walsall)
SG: HD19 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical, What's Happening Cover (Walsall)
SG: HD20 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA8, Litho (Harrison)
SG: HD20+bar Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA8, With Black Bar Square on Cover, Not listed in SG (Harrison)
SG: HD21 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA8, Yellow Fluor (Questa)
SG: HD21a Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA8, Blue Fluor (Questa)
SG: HD22 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA8, Yellow Fluor (Walsall)
SG: HD22a Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA8, Blue Fluor (Walsall)
SG: HD23 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical Thornton's Chocolate Cover (Walsall)
SG: HD24 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA8, Photo, Yellow Fluor (Harrison)
SG: HD24+bar Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA8, Photo, Yellow Fluor, with Black Bar Square on Cover. Not listed in SG (Harrison)
SG: HD24a Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA8, Photo, Blue Fluor (Harrison)
SG: HD25 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA8, W.H. Smith Tab (Walsall)
SG: HD26 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA8, Sainbury Promotion Tab (Questa)
SG: HD27 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical Benjy Bear Cover, (Harrison)
SG: HD27+box Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical Benjy Bear Cover, Black Square on Cover (Harrison)
SG: HD28 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA8, Olympic Back (Walsall)
SG: HD29 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical Disney World Cover (Harrison)
SG: HD29+bar Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical Disney World Cover, with Black Bar Square on Cover. Not listed in SG. (Harrison)
SG: HD30 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA8, Olympic Back (Harrison)
SG: HD30+bar Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA8, Olympic Back , with Black Bar Square on Cover. Not listed in SG (Harrison)
SG: HD31 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical Olympic Torch Front, Shot Put Back Cover (Harrison)
SG: HD31+bar Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical Olympic Torch Front, Shot Put Back Cover, with Black Bar Square on Cover. Not listed in SG. (Harrison)
SG: HD32 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical Olympic Torch Front, Hurdles Back Cover (Harrison)
SG: HD32+bar Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical Olympic Torch Front, Hurdles Back Cover, with black Square on Cover. Not listed in SG. (Harrison)
SG: HD33 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical Olympic Torch Front, Archery Back Cover (Harrison)
SG: HD33+bar Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical Olympic Torch Front, Archery Back Cover, with Black Bar Square on Cover. Not listed in SG. (Harrison)
SG: HD34 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, W.H. Smith Tab (Walsall)
SG: HD35 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, Olympic Back (Harrison)
SG: HD35+bar Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, Olympic Back, with Black Bar Square on Cover. Not listed in SG. (Harrison)
SG: HD36 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, Olympic Back (Walsall)
SG: HD37 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical Cakes Cover, (Walsall)
SG: HD37+box Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical Cakes Cover, Black Square on Cover (Walsall)
SG: HD38 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, ASDA Offer Inside, (Walsall)
SG: HD39 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, PVAD Gum (Harrison)
SG: HD39+bar Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, PVAD Gum (Harrison), with Black Bar Square on Cover. Not listed in SG.
SG: HD39a Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, PVA layflat Gum, Bluish (Harrison) (JMD)
SG: HD39a+bar Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, PVA layflat Gum, Bluish (Harrison), with Black Bar Square on cover. Not listed in SG. (JMD)
SG: HD39b Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, stamps are computer engraved (Harrison)
SG: HD39b+bar Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, stamps are computer engraved (Harrison), with Black Square on Cover. Not listed in SG. (JMD)
SG: HD40 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, Imprint Right, Litho (Walsall)
SG: HD41 Scott: 10 x 1st Gold Elliptical as Cover Type HA11 (Harrison)
SG: HD41+bar Scott: 10 x 1st Gold Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, with Black Bar Square on Cover. Not listed in SG. (Harrison)
SG: HD42 Scott: 10 x 1st Gold Elliptical as Cover Type HA11 (Walsall)
SG: HD43 Scott: 10 x 1st Gold Elliptical First ClassTravel Cover (Harrison)
SG: HD44 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, New Head Type, Horizontal Imprint (Walsall)
SG: HD44a Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, New Head Type, Vertical Imprint and Valid Notice (Walsall)
SG: HD44b Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, New Head Type, Vertical Imprint but No Valid Notice (Walsall)
SG: HD45 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical Disney Animal Kingdom Cover (Harrison)
SG: HD46 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical Peugeot Car Cover (De La Rue)
SG: HD46+bar Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical Peugeot Car Cover, with black Square on Cover. Not listed in SG. (De La Rue)
SG: HD47 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA11 (De La Rue)
SG: HD47+bar Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA11, with Black Bar Square on Cover. Not listed in SG. (De La Rue)
SG: HD48 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical Camcorder Cover (De La Rue)
SG: HD48+bar Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical Camcorder Cover, with Black Bar Square on Cover. Not listed in SG. (De La Rue)
SG: HD49 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical Create A card Cover (De La Rue)
SG: HD50 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA11 (Questa)
SG: HD51 Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA11 Perf 14 (Questa). Valid Notice
SG: HD51a Scott: 10 x 1st Orange Elliptical as Cover Type HA11 Perf 14 (Questa). Not Valid for Europe Notice
SG: HD52 Scott: 10 x 1st Olive Millennium as Cover Type HA11, with 0345 Tel. Number (Questa)
SG: HD52a Scott: 10 x 1st Olive Millennium as Cover Type HA11, with 08457 Tel. Number (Questa)
SG: HD53 Scott: 10 x 1st Olive Millennium as Cover Type HA11, with 0345 Tel. Number (Walsall). 9mm Phosphor band in margin.
SG: HD53a Scott: 10 x 1st Olive Millennium as Cover Type HA11, with 08457 Tel. Number (Walsall). 9mm Phosphor band in margin.
SG: HD53ab Scott: 10 x 1st Olive Millennium as Cover Type HA11, with 08457 Tel. Number (Walsall). 6.5mm Phosphor band in margin.

Booklet Containing Pane Of 4 European (E) Airmail Stamps

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: HF1 Scott: 4 x E Dark Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HF1, E Value stamps (Walsall). 0345 Phone Number
SG: HF1 6.5mm Scott: 4 x E Dark Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HF1, E Value stamps (Walsall). 0345 Phone Number with 6.5mm Phosphor Band at Selvedge
SG: HF1 9mm Scott: 4 x E Dark Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HF1, E Value stamps (Walsall). 0345 Phone Number with 9mm Phosphor Bands
SG: HF1a Scott: 4 x E Dark Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HF1, E Value stamps (Walsall). 08457 Phone Number
SG: HF1a 6.5mm Scott: 4 x E Dark Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HF1, E Value stamps (Walsall). 08457 Phone Number with 6.5mm Phosphor Band at Selvedge
SG: HF1a 9mm Scott: 4 x E Dark Blue Elliptical as Cover Type HF1, E Value stamps (Walsall). 08457 Phone Number with 9mm Phosphor Bands