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Self Adhesive Booklets

Cylinder Number Panes. Please use feedback form to enquire with your Wants.

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Pane Of 6 X 2nd Class Self-Adhesive Stamps

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: MA1 Scott: 6 x 2nd Issued 2001 Containing sg 2039, with www.postcodes.royalmail.com on back (Walsall) 
SG: MA1a Scott: 6 x 2nd Issued 2001 Containing sg 2039, Cod Post added to Ffon Testun and www.royalmail on back (Walsall) 

Pane Of 6 X 1st Class Self-Adhesive Stamps

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: MB1 Scott: 6 x 1st Issued 2001 Containing sg 2040, with www.postcodes.royalmail.com on back (Walsall) 
SG: MB1a Scott: 6 x 1st Issued 2001 Containing sg 2040, Cod Post added to Ffon Testun and www.royalmail on back (Walsall)
SG: MB2 Scott: 6 x 1st Issued 2001 Containing sg 2040, with Commemorative Queen Victoria Label (Walsall)
SG: MB3 Scott: 6 x 1st Issued 2002 Containing sg 2295 (Questa)
SG: MB4 Scott: 6 x 1st Issued 2002 Containing sg 2295 (Walsall)
SG: MB4a baby Scott: 6 x 1st Issued 2005 Containing sg 2295 (Walsall) As MB4, but with smilers Baby Advert Inside
SG: MB4a bride Scott: 6 x 1st Issued 2005 Containing sg 2295 (Walsall) As MB4, but with smilers Bride Advert Inside
SG: MB4b Scott: 6 x 1st Issued 2006 Containing sg 2295 (Walsall) As MB4, but with Validity Text to Back
SG: MB4c Scott: 6 x 1st Issued 2007 Containing sg 2295 (Walsall) As MB4, but with To Find the Correct Postcode Notice Inside
SG: MB4d Scott: 6 x 1st Issued 2007 Containing sg 2295 (Walsall) As MB4, but with Machin Insription Inside
SG: MB4e Scott: 6 x 1st Issued 2007 Containing sg 2295 (Walsall) As MB4, but with Harry Potter Insription Inside
SG: MB4f Scott: 6 x 1st Issued 2007 Containing sg 2295 (Walsall) As MB4, but with English and Welsh Text.
SG: MB4g Scott: 6 x 1st Issued 2008 Containing SG 2295 (Walsall) As MB4, but with Carry On Text
SG: MB5 Scott: 6 x 1st Issued 2002 Containing sg 2040 (Questa)
SG: MB6 Scott: 6 x 1st Issued 2003 Containing sg 2295 (Walsall) with The Real Network Logo added.
SG: MB7 Scott: 6 x 1st Issued 2004 Containing sg 2295 (Walsall) with Supporting London 2012 on the cover.
SG: MB8 Scott: 6 x 1st Issued 2009 Containing sg U2951 (Walsall) with Security Feature. Postcodes4free
SG: MB8a Scott: 6 x 1st Issued 2009 Containing sg U2951 (Walsall) with Security Feature. Postcodes4free (lower case p)
SG: MB8b Scott: 6 x 1st Issued 2010 Containing sg U2951 (Walsall) with Security Feature. London 2010 on edge of booklet
SG: MB8c Scott: 6 x 1st Issued 2010 Containing U3019 (Walsall) with Security Feature. Printers Logo Removed
SG: MB8c(a) Scott: 6 x 1st Gold MSIL No Logo ' 11 ' (Printers Name Removed)(U3019 '11')
SG: MB8e Scott: 6 x 1st FSC Logo 2012 Calendar
SG: MB9 Scott: 2012 Olympics ' Vision '
SG: MB10 Scott: 2012 Olympics ' Key Dates '
SG: MB12 Scott: 2013 6 x 1st New Colour. " 12 ". Containing sg U2968d (Walsall) with Security Feature.
SG: MB12a Scott: 2013 6 x 1st New Colour. " M13L"
SG: MB12aa Scott: 2013 6 x 1st New Colour. " 14 "
SG: MB12b Scott: 2014 6 x 1st New Telephone Number.
SG: MB12c Scott: 2014 6 x 1st Vermilion " 15 " MSIL
SG: MB13 Scott: 2015 6 x 1st Penny Black ( Contains 6 x SG.3709 )
SG: MB14 Scott: 2015 6 x 1st . Long To Reign.
SG: MB15 16 RM Scott: 2016 6 x 1st . Long to Reign. Security Background. ( 016R )
SG: MB15a 15 RM Scott: 6 x 1st Class Lilac - Long to Reign '15' with Royal Mail Backing Paper (extremely RARE)
SG: MB16 Scott: 2016 6 x 1st . Penny Red Anniversary.
SG: MB17 Scott: 2016 6 x 1st . Padlock Design. Security Background
SG: MB18 Scott: 2016 6 x 1st . ' M16L ' New Font & Colour Padlock Design. Security Background. (Picture for general reference only; our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist.)
SG: MB18a(a) 18 Scott: 6 x 1st Class Bright Scarlet 'M18L' MSIL Padlock Design, printed backing paper with ALL lines upright.
SG: MB18a 16 Scott: 6 x 1st Bright Scarlet MSIL Padlock Design M16L: printed backing paper with pairs of lines inverted. (Picture for general reference only; our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist.)
SG: MB18a 17 Scott: 6 x 1st Class Bright Scarlet 'M17L' MSIL Padlock Design, printed backing paper with pairs of lines inverted. (Picture for general reference only; our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist.)
SG: MB18a 18 Scott: 6 x 1st Class Bright Scarlet 'M18L' MSIL Padlock Design, printed backing paper with pairs of lines inverted. (Picture for general reference only; our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist.)
SG: MB18a 19 Scott: 6 x 1st Class Bright Scarlet 'M19L' MSIL Padlock Design, printed backing paper with pairs of lines inverted. (Picture for general reference only; our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist.)
SG: MB18a 20 Scott: 6 x 1st Class Bright Scarlet 'M20L' MSIL Padlock Design, printed backing paper with pairs of lines inverted. (Picture for general reference only; our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist.)
SG: MB18a 21 Scott: 6 x 1st Class Bright Scarlet 'M21L' MSIL Padlock Design, printed backing paper with pairs of lines inverted. (Picture for general reference only; our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist.)
SG: MB19 Scott: 2017 6 x 1st ' M17L ' Machin Definitive 50th Anniversary Containing sg U3028 (Walsall) with Security Feature. (Issue date 5/6/17)
SG: MB20 Scott: 2018 6 x 1st Self Adhesive Game of Thrones - The Iron Throne (contains SG 4044)
SG: MB21 Scott: 2020 6 x 1st London 2020 (This Retail Stamp Book of 6 x 1st Class stamps includes 2 x Penny Black, 2 x Twopenny Blue and 2 x Penny Red stamps) (Booklet contains pane SG 4331a)
SG: MB22 Scott: 2021 6 x 1st Queen (Booklet contains stamp SG.4502) (29.03.21)

Pane Of 10 X 2nd Class Self-Adhesive Stamps

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: MC1 Scott: 10 x 2nd Issued 2001 Containing sg 2039 (Questa)

Pane Of 10 X 1st Class Self-Adhesive Stamps

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: MD1 Scott: 10 x 1st Issued 2001 Containing sg 2040 (Questa)

Pane Of 12 X 2nd Class Self-Adhesive Stamps

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: ME1 Scott: 12 x 2nd Issued 2001 Containing sg 2039, with www.postcodes.royalmail.com on back (Questa)
SG: ME1a Scott: 12 x 2nd Issued 2001 Containing 2039, Cod Post added to Ffon Testun and www.royalmail on back  (Questa)
SG: ME2 Scott: 12 x 2nd Issued 2002 Containing sg 2039 (Questa)
SG: ME3 Scott: 12 x 2nd Issued 2003 Containing sg 2039 (Walsall) The Real Network Logo added.
SG: ME4 Scott: 12 x 2nd Issued 2004 Containing sg 2039 (Walsall) Without The real Network Logo.
SG: ME4a Scott: 12 x 2nd Issued 2006 Containing sg 2039 (Walsall) With new Pricing Structure Text to Back
SG: ME4b Scott: 12 x 2nd Issued 2007 Containing sg 2039 (Walsall) With new Validity Text to Back
SG: ME5 Scott: 12 x 2nd Issued 2009 Containing sg U2981 (Walsall) with Security Feature.
SG: ME5a Scott: 12 x 2nd Issued 2010 Containing SG.U3013 (Walsall) with Security Feature. 10 MTIL
SG: ME5b Scott: 12 x 2nd Issued 2010 Containing sg U2981 (Walsall) with Security Feature. 10 MTIL. Printers Logo Removed
SG: ME5ba Scott: 12 x 2nd No Logo ' M11L '
SG: ME5c Scott: 12 x 2nd with FCS Logo ' M11L '
SG: ME5d Scott: 12 x 2nd M12L MTIL
SG: ME5e Scott: 12 x 2nd M13L MTIL
SG: ME5f Scott: 12 x 2nd M14L MTIL Old Telephone Number (08457)
SG: ME5g Scott: 12 x 2nd M14L MTIL New Telephone Number (03457)
SG: ME5h Scott: 12 x 2nd M15L MTIL
SG: ME6 Scott: ME6 2016 12 x 2nd 'MTIL ' ' M15L ' Security Background
SG: ME6a Scott: ME6a 2016 12 x 2nd 'MTIL ' ' MA16 ' Security Background Old Colour & Font
SG: ME7 '16' Scott: 2016 12 x 2nd 'MTIL ' ' M16L ' New Font & Colour Security Background
SG: ME7a '16' Scott: 12 x 2nd Class (U3013) '16' MTIL, printed backing paper with pairs of lines inverted. (Picture for general reference only; our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist.) (1 booklet only)
SG: ME7a '17' Scott: 12 x 2nd Class 'M17L' MTIL (U3013), printed backing paper with pairs of lines inverted. (Picture for general reference only; our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist.) (1 Booklet only)
SG: ME7a '18' Scott: 12 x 2nd Class 'M18L' MTIL (U3013), printed backing paper with pairs of lines inverted. (Picture for general reference only; our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist.) (1 Booklet only)
SG: ME7a '19' Scott: 12 x 2nd Class 'M19L' MTIL (U3013), printed backing paper with pairs of lines inverted. (Picture for general reference only; our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist.) (1 Booklet only)
SG: ME7a '20' Scott: 12 x 2nd Class 'M20L' MTIL (U3013 '20'), printed backing paper with pairs of lines inverted. (Picture for general reference only; our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist.) (1 Booklet only)
SG: ME7a '21' Scott: 12 x 2nd Class 'M21L' MTIL (U3013 '21'), printed backing paper with pairs of lines inverted. (Picture for general reference only; our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist.) (1 Booklet only)
SG: ME7b Scott: 12 x 2nd Class 'M18L' MTIL (U3013), printed backing paper ALL Lines Upright. (Picture for general reference only; our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist.) (1 Booklet only)

Pane Of 12 X 1st Class Self-Adhesive Stamps

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: MF1 Scott: 12 x 1st Issued 2001 Containing sg 2040, with www.postcodes.royalmail.com on back (Questa)
SG: MF1a Scott: 12 x 1st Issued 2001 Containing 2040, Cod Post added to Ffon Testun and www.royalmail on back (Questa) 
SG: MF2 Scott: 12 x 1st Issued 2001 Containing sg 2040, with www.postcodes.royalmail.com on back (Walsall)
SG: MF2a Scott: 12 x 1st Issued 2001 Containing sg 2040, Cod Post added to Ffon Testun and www.royalmail on back (Walsall) 
SG: MF3 Scott: 12 x 1st Issued 2002 Containing sg 2295 (Walsall) Plain Cover
SG: MF3a Scott: 12 x 1st Issued 2006 Containing sg 2295 (Walsall) with Pricing Structure Text to Back
SG: MF3b Scott: 12 x 1st Issued 2007 Containing sg 2295 (Walsall) with Validity Text to Back
SG: MF4 Scott: 12 x 1st Issued 2003 Containing sg 2295 (Walsall)
SG: MF5 Scott: 12 x 1st Issued 2009 Containing sg U2986 MTIL (Walsall) with Security Feature. Walsall Inscription
SG: MF5a Scott: 12 x 1st Issued 2009 Containing sg U2986 MTIL (Walsall) with Security Feature. Walsall Inscription Removed
SG: MF5b Scott: 12 x 1st No Logo " 10 " MTIL Containing SG.3020
SG: MF5ba Scott: 12 x 1st No Logo " 11 " MTIL (Containing SG.U3020)
SG: MF5c Scott: 12 x 1st ' 11 ' MTIL with FSC Logo (containing SG.U3020)
SG: MF5ca Scott: 12 x 1st ' 12 ' MTIL with FSC Logo (Containing U3020)
SG: MF6 Scott: 2012 Diamond Jubilee 12 x 1st
SG: MF7 Scott: 2013 12 x 1st Vermilion " 12 " MTIL
SG: MF7a Scott: 12 x 1st Class Vermilion M13L MTIL (U3025)
SG: MF7b Scott: 2014 12 x 1st Class Vermilion MTIL 0845 Telephone number " 14 "
SG: MF7c Scott: 2014 12 x 1st Class Vermilion MTIL 0345 Telephone number " 14 "
SG: MF7d Scott: 2015 12 x 1st Class Vermilion " 15 " MTIL
SG: MF8 Scott: 2016 12 x 1st Class Vermilion M15L MTIL Security Background
SG: MF8a Scott: 2016 12 x 1st Class Vermilion M16L MTIL Security Background
SG: MF9 Scott: 2016 12 x 1st Class Bright Scarlet ' MTIL ' ' M16L ' New Font Security Background.
SG: MF9a 16 Scott: 12 x 1st Class Bright Scarlet ' M16L' MTIL, printed backing paper with pairs of lines inverted. (Picture for general reference only; our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist.) (1 booklet only) RARE
SG: MF9a 17 Scott: 12 x 1st Class Bright Scarlet 'M17L' MTIL, printed backing paper with pairs of lines inverted. (Picture for general reference only; our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist.) (1 booklet only)
SG: MF9a 18 Scott: 12 x 1st Class Bright Scarlet ' M18L' MTIL, printed backing paper with pairs of lines inverted. (Picture for general reference only; our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist.) (1 booklet only)
SG: MF9a 19 Scott: 12 x 1st Class Bright Scarlet ' M19L' MTIL, printed backing paper with pairs of lines inverted. (Picture for general reference only; our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist.) (1 booklet only)
SG: MF9a 20 Scott: 12 x 1st Class Bright Scarlet ' M20L' MTIL, printed backing paper with pairs of lines inverted. (Picture for general reference only; our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist.) (1 booklet only)
SG: MF9a 21 Scott: 12 x 1st Class Bright Scarlet ' M21L' MTIL, printed backing paper with pairs of lines inverted. (Picture for general reference only; our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist.) (1 booklet only)

Pane Of 20 X 1st Class Self-Adhesive Stamps

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: MG1 Scott: 20 x 1st Issued 1993 Containing sg 1789 (Walsall)

Pane Of 6 X E Class Self-Adhesive Stamps

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: MH1 Scott: 6 x E Issued 2002 Containing sg 2296 (Walsall)
SG: MH2 Scott: 6 x E Issued 2003 Containing sg 2296 (Walsall) The Real Network

Pane Of 4 X Europe Self-Adhesive Stamps

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: MI1 Scott: 4 x Europe (blue cover), issued 2003, with pane of four Europe up to 40 grams, SG 2358 (Walsall), with The Real Network Logo on front cover.
SG: MI2 Scott: 4 x Europe (blue cover), issued 2004, with pane of four Europe up to 40 grams, SG 2358 (Walsall). The Real Network Logo is no longer on the front cover.
SG: MI3 Scott: 4 x Europe (green cover), issued 2010, with pane of four Europe up to 20 grams, SG 2357b (Walsall).

Pane Of 4 X Worldwide Self-Adhesive Stamps

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: MJ1 Scott: 4 x Worldwide (red cover), issued 2003, with pane of four Worldwide up to 40 grams, SG 2359 (Walsall), with The Real Network Logo on front cover.
SG: MJ2 Scott: 4 x Worldwide (red cover), issued 2004, with pane of four Worldwide up to 40 grams, SG 2359 (Walsall). The Real Network Logo is no longer on the front cover.
SG: MJ3 Scott: 4 x Worldwide (mauve cover), issued 2010, with pane of four Worldwide up to 20 grams, SG 2358a (Walsall).

Pane Of 4 X Worldwide Postcard Self-Adhesive Stamps

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: MJA1 Scott: 4 x Worldwide Postcard (grey-green cover), issued 2004, with pane of four postcard, SG 2357a (Walsall).

Pane Of 6 X 42P Self-Adhesive Stamps

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: NA1 Scott: 6 x 42p Issued 2002 Containing sg 2297 (Walsall)
SG: NA2 Scott: 6 x 42p Issued 2003 Containing sg 2297 (Walsall)

Pane Of 6 X 68P Self-Adhesive Stamps

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: NB1 Scott: 6 x 68p Issued 2002 Containing sg 2298 (Walsall)
SG: NB2 Scott: 6 x 68p Issued 2003 Containing sg 2298 (Walsall)

Self Adhesive Barcode NVI Commemorative & Machin Booklets (Code P)

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: PM1 Scott: 1962b 2001 12 x 1st. Cats and Dogs ( SG. 2187 - 2196 ) Plus 2 x Machin's.
SG: PM2 Scott: 1971a 2001 6 x 1st. Centenary of Royal Navy Submarine Service x 2 ( SG. 2207 ) Plus 4 x Machin's (Scarce)
SG: PM3 Scott: 1992a 2001 6 x 1st. Punch and Judy Show Puppets x 2 ( SG. 2230 & 2231 ) Plus 4 x Machin's.
SG: PM4 Scott: 2001a 2001 6 x 1st. Flags and Ensigns x 2 ( SG. 2208 & 2209 ) Plus 4 x Machin's. 
SG: PM5 Scott: 2053a 2002 6 x 1st. 50th Anniversary of Passenger Jet Aviation. Airliners x 2 ( SG. 2290 ) Plus 4 x Machin's.
SG: PM6 Scott: 2058a 2002 6 x 1st. World Cup Football Championship, Japan and Korea x 2 ( SG. 2293 & 2294 ) Plus 4 x Machin's.
SG: PM7 Scott: 2074a 2002 6 x 1st. Bridges of London x 2 ( SG. 2314 ) Plus 4 x Machin's.
SG: PM8 Scott: 2028Ab 2003 6 x 1st. Hello Occasions Greetings Stamps x 2 ( SG. 2264a ) Plus 4 x Machin's. 
SG: PM9 Scott: 2124a 2003 6 x 1st. Extreme Endeavours x 2 ( SG. 2366 ) Plus 4 x Machin's.
SG: PM10 Scott: 2147a 2003 6 x 1st A British Journey Scotland x 2 ( SG. 2391 ) Plus 4 x Machin's.
SG: PM11 Scott: 2158a 2003 6 x 1st Classic Transport Toys x 2 ( SG. 2403 ). Plus 4 x Machin's.
SG: PM12 Scott: 2199a 2004 6 x 1st A British Journey Northern Ireland x 2 ( SG. 2445 ) Plus 4 x Machin's.
SG: PM13 Scott: 2208a 2004 6 x 1st Ocean Liners x 2 ( SG. 2455 ) Plus 4 x Machin's.
SG: PM14 Scott: 2221a 2004 6 x 1st. A British Journey Wales, Europa x 2 ( SG. 2472 ) Plus 4 x Machin's.
SG: PM15 Scott: 2008 6 x 1st Beside the Seaside x 2 ( SG. 2848 ) Plus 4 x Machin's.
SG: PM16 Scott: 2009 6 x 1st British Design Classics, Bus and Telephone Box ( SG. 2911 & 2912 ) Plus 4 x Machin's.
SG: PM17 Scott: 2009 6 x 1st. British Design Classics, Mini Car x 2 ( SG. 2913 ) Plus 4 x Machins
SG: PM19 Scott: 2009 6 x 1st. British Design Classics, Concorde x 2 ( SG. 2914 ) Plus 4 x Machin's.
SG: PM20 Scott: 2009 6 x 1st. British Design Classics, Mini Skirt x 2 ( SG. 2915 ) Plus 4 x Machin's.
SG: PM18 Scott: 2009 6 x 1st. NAFAS x 2 ( SG. 2942 & 2943 ) Plus 4 x Machin's (U2983 No A)
SG: PM21 Scott: 2010 6 x 1st. Olympics No 1. Judo and Archery ( SG. 3020 & 3021 ) Plus 4 x Machin's (No date code).
SG: PM22 Scott: 2010 6 x 1st. Olympics No 2. Track and Basketball ( SG. 3022 & 3023 ) Plus 4 x Machin's (MA10).
SG: PM23 Scott: 2010 6 x 1st Mammals. Otter and Hedgehog ( SG. 3095 & 3096 ) Plus 4 Machin's (MA10).
SG: PM24 Scott: 2010 6 x 1st. Olympics No 3. Rowing and Table Tennis ( SG. 3107 & 3108 ) Plus 4 x Machins (MA10)
SG: PM25 Scott: 2010 6 x 1st. Design Classics Spitfire ( SG. 2915b ) Plus 4 x Machins (MA10).
SG: PM26 Scott: 2010 6 x 1st. Olympics No 4. Football and Cycling ( SG. 3108a & 3108b ) Plus 4 x Machins (MA10).
SG: PM27 Scott: 2011 6 x 1st. Thunderbirds x 2 ( SG. 3143 ) Plus 4 Machin's (M11L).
SG: PM28 Scott: 2011 6 x 1st. British Heart Foundation x 2 ( SG. 3153 ) Plus 4 Machin's (M11L)
SG: PM29 Scott: 2011 6 x 1st. Thomas The Tank x 2 ( SG. 3194 ) Plus 4 Machin's (M11L).
SG: PM30 Scott: 2011 6 x 1st. Olympics No. 5 Wheelchair Rugby and Paralympic Sailing ( SG. 3205 & 3206 ) Plus 4 Machin's (M11L).
SG: PM31 Scott: 2011 6 x 1st. Locomotives of England x 2 ( SG. 3215 ) Plus 4 Machin's (M11L).
SG: PM33 Scott: 2012 6 x 1st. Diamond Jubilee x 2 ( SG. 3327 ) Plus 4 Machin's.
SG: PM34 Scott: 2012 6 x 1st. Locos of Scotland x 2 ( SG. 3407 ) Plus 4 Machin's.
SG: PM35 Scott: 2013 6 x 1st. London Underground x 2 ( SG. 3430 ) Plus 4 Machin's (M12L).
SG: PM36 Scott: 2013 6 x 1st. Dr Who Matt Smith and William Hartnell ( SG. 3448 & 3450 ) Plus 4 Tardis ( SG. 3449 ).
SG: PM37 Scott: 2013 6 x 1st Football Heroes Book 1. Bobby Moore and George Best ( SG. 3475 & 3456 ) Plus 4 Machin's (M13L).
SG: PM38 Scott: 2013 6 x 1st. Locos of N. Ireland x 2 ( SG. 3497 ) Plus 4 Machin's (M13L).
SG: PM39 Scott: 2013 6 x 1st. Butterflies Chalkhill and Comma ( SG. 3509 & 3510 ) Plus 4 Machin's (M13L)
SG: PM40 Scott: 2013 6 x 1st. Morris Minor & Royal Yacht Britannia ( SG. 3530 & 3531 ) Plus 4 Machin's (M13L).
SG: PM41 Scott: 2014 6 x 1st. Football Heroes Book 2. John Charles and Dave Mackay ( SG. 3477 & 3478 ) Plus 4 Machin's (M13L).
SG: PM42 Scott: 2014 6 x 1st Buckingham Palace. Grand Staircase and The Throne Room ( SG. 3595 & 3596 ) Plus 4 Machin's (M14L).
SG: PM43 Scott: 2014 6 x 1st. Commonwealth Games Glasgow x 2 ( SG. 3625 ) Plus 4 Machin's (M14L)
SG: PM44 Scott: 2014 6 x 1st Sustainable Fish. Common Skate and Cornish Sardine ( SG. 3632 & 3633 ) Plus 4 Machin's (M14L).
SG: PM45 Scott: 2014 6 x 1st. Locos of Wales x 2 ( SG. 3634 ) Plus 4 Machin's (M14L).
SG: PM46 Scott: 2015 6 x 1st. Alice in Wonderland x 2 ( SG. 3668 & 3669 ) Plus 4 Machin's (M15L)
SG: PM47 Scott: 2015 6 x 1st Comedy Greats. Norman Wisdom & Morecambe and Wise ( SG. 3707 & 3708 ) Plus 4 Machin's (M15L).
SG: PM48 Scott: 2015 6 x 1st. Bees x 2 ( SG. 3743 ) Plus 4 Machin's (M15L).
SG: PM49 Scott: 2015 6 x 1st. Rugby World Cup x 2 ( SG. 3756 & 3757 ) Plus 4 Machin's.
SG: PM50 Scott: 2016 6 x 1st HRH The Queen's 90th Birthday Book 1. Prince Charles & HRM Queen Elizabeth ( SG. 3833 & 3834 ) Plus 4 Machin's
SG: PM51 Scott: 2016 6 x 1st HRH The Queen's 90th Birthday Book 2. Prince George & Prince William ( SG. 3835 & 3836 ) Plus 4 Machin's
SG: PM52 Scott: 2016 6 x 1st. Beatrix Potter Peter Rabbit & Mrs Tiggy-Winkle ( SG. 3862 & 3863 ) Plus 4 Machin's
SG: PM53 Scott: 2016 6 x 1st. Landscape Compton Verney & Highclere Castle ( SG. 3877 & 3878 ) Plus 4 Machin's (U3274).
SG: PM54 Scott: 2016 6 x 1st. Mr Men Little Miss Mr Happy & Mr Tickle ( SG. 3901 & 3902 ) Plus 4 Machin (M16L).
SG: PM55 Scott: 2017 6 x 1st. Windsor Sir Reginald Bray & Castle Fan-Vaulted Roof ( SG. 3926 & 3927 ) Plus 4 Machins (M17L).
SG: PM56 Scott: 2017 6 x 1st. David Bowie x 2 ( SG. 3934 & 3935 ) Plus 4 x Machin (M17L).
SG: PM57 Scott: 2017 6 x 1st. Star Wars x 2 (Maz-Kanata & Chewbacca) Plus 4 x Machin (M17L).
SG: PM58 Scott: 2017 6 x 1st. Star Wars x 2 (BB-8 & R2-D2) Plus 4 x Machin (M17L).
SG: PM59 Scott: 2018 6 x 1st. RAF x 2 (Hurricane Mk 1 & Lightning F6) Plus 4 x Machin (M18L).
SG: PM60 Scott: 2018 6 x 1st. RAF x 2 (Red Arrow's Flypast & Swan) Plus 4 x Machin (M18L).
SG: PM61 Scott: 2018 6 x 1st. Dads Army x 2 (Mainwaring & Jones) Plus 4 x Machin (M18L).
SG: PM62 Scott: 2018 6 x 1st. Hampton Court Palace x 2 ( Great Hall 4116 & Kings Great Bedchamber 4117 ) Plus 4 Machin (M18L)
SG: PM63 Scott: 2018 6 x 1st. The Great War x 2 ( Poppy, F Strickland & 100 Poppies, Z and B Baran ) Plus 4 Machin (M18L)
SG: PM64 Scott: 2018 6 x 1st. Harry Potter x 2 ( Hermione Granger & Harry Potter ) Plus 4 Machin (M18L) (16.10.18) Backing Paper alternate 2 lines inverted
SG: PM64a Scott: 2018 6 x 1st Class Harry Potter x 2 ( Hermione Granger & Harry Potter ) Plus 4 Machin (M18L) Backing Paper ALL lines INVERTED
SG: PM65 Scott: 2019 6 x 1st. Marvel Iconic Super Heroes ( Spiderman & Hulk ) Plus 4 Machin (M19L). 14.3.19
SG: PM66 Scott: 2019 6 x 1st. Birds of Prey ( Buzzard & Hobby ) Plus 4 Machin (M19L) 14.4.19
SG: PM67 Scott: 2019 6 x 1st. 75th Anniversary of D-Day ( Gold & Sword ) Plus 4 Machin (M19L) 6.6.19. (ISSUE DATE: 6.6.19)
SG: PM68 Scott: 2019 6 x 1st. Elton John ( Yellow Brick Road & Captain Fantastic ) Plus 4 Machin (M19L) 3.9.19.
SG: PM69 Scott: 2019 6 x 1st. Royal Navy Ships ( Mary Rose & HMS Queen Elizabeth 2014 ) Plus 4 Machin (M19L) 19.9.19.
SG: PM70 Scott: 2019 6 x 1st. Star Wars(Poe Dameron and Sith Trooper) Plus 4 Machin (M19L-MCIL) 26.11.19
SG: PM71 Scott: 2020 6 x 1st Video Games-Plus 4 Machin (M20L-MCIL) 21.01.20
SG: PM72 Scott: 2020 6 x 1st James Bond-Plus 4 Machin (M20L-MCIL) 17.3.20
SG: PM73 Scott: 2020 - 6 x 1st Coronation Street - Plus 4 Machin (M20L-MCIL) 28.05.20
SG: PM74 Scott: 2020 Queen 6 x 1st class Plus 4 Machin (M20L-MCIL) 09.07.20
SG: PM75 Scott: 2020 Sherlock 6 x 1st class Plus 4 Machin (M20L-MCIL) 18.08.20
SG: PM76 Scott: 2020 Star Trek 6 x 1st class Plus 4 Machin (M20L-MCIL) 13.11..20
SG: PM77 Scott: 2021 National Parks 2 x 1st class Plus 4 Machin (M21L-MCIL) 14.01.21
SG: PM78 Scott: 2021 Only Fools and Horses 6 x 1st class Plus 4 Machin (M21L-MCIL) 16.02.21
SG: PM79 Scott: 2021 Paul McCartney 6 x 1st class Plus 4 Machin (M21L-MCIL) 28.05.21
SG: PM80 Scott: 2021 Dennis and Gnasher 6 x 1st class Plus 4 Machin (M21L-MCIL) 01.07.21
SG: PM81 Scott: 2021 Wild Coasts 6 x 1st class Plus 4 Machin (M21L-MCIL) 22.07.21
SG: PM82 Scott: 2021 DC Collection Batman & Robin 6 x 1st class Plus 4 Machin (M21L-MCIL) (under UV light illustrations appear) 17.09.21
SG: PM83 Scott: 2021 DC Collection Wonder Woman 6 x 1st class Plus 4 Machin (M21L-MCIL) (under UV light illustrations appear) 17.09.21
SG: PM1 - 83 Scott: Complete set of PM booklets PM1-83 (Contains 84 Booklets) (excluding Carry On Cach Booklet) (image for reference only)

Pane Of 6 X 1st Class Smilers Self-Adhesive Stamps (Code Q)

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: QA1 Scott: 6 x 1st Issued 2005 Containing small format Smilers 1. 'New Stamps' on Cover. (04.10.05)
SG: QA2 Scott: 6 x 1st Issued 2006 Containing small format Smilers 1. Plain Cover at front, but Valid Notice on Back (17.07.06)
SG: QA3 Scott: 6 x 1st Issued 2006 Containing small format Smilers 2 ( SG. 2672 - 2677 ).
SG: QA4 Scott: 6 x 1st Issued 2008 Containing small format Smilers combining Smilers 1 and 2..

Pane Of 12 X 1st Class Smilers Self-Adhesive Stamps

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: QB1 Scott: 12 x 1st Issued 2015 Smilers. ( Contains 3670-3677 )

Pane Of 4 X 2nd Large Pip Self-Adhesive Stamps

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: RA1 Scott: 4 x 2nd Large Issued 2006 Containing sg 2656 (Walsall)
SG: RA2 Scott: 4 x 2nd Large Issued 2009. With Security Feature 'FOY' Containing (U2988)
SG: RA2a Scott: 4 x 2nd Large Issued 2010. With Security Feature. With MA10. Containing U3032. (Stock almost exhausted)
SG: RA2b Scott: 4 x 2nd Pip Large " 11 " 'F' Containing U3032
SG: RA2c Scott: 4 x 2nd Pip Large FSC Logo " 11 " 'FIL' Containing U3032
SG: RA2cb 13 Scott: 4 x 2nd Pip Large FSC Logo " 13 " FIL Containing (U3032)
SG: RA2cc 14 (0845) Scott: 4 x 2nd Pip Large FSC Logo " 14 " MFIL Containing U3032
SG: RA2cd 14 (0345) Scott: 4 x 2nd Pip Large FSC Logo MFIL. New Telephone Number. " 14 " Containing U3032
SG: RA2ce 15 Scott: 4 x 2nd Pip Large FSC Logo. " 15 " MFIL Containing U3032
SG: RA4 Scott: 4 x 2nd Class Large " M16L " " MFIL " New Font & Colour Containing U3032
SG: RA4a 17 Scott: 4 x 2nd Pip Large (U3032) " M17L " MFIL New Font & Colour, printed backing paper with pairs of lines inverted. (Picture for general reference only; our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist.) (1 booklet only)
SG: RA4a 18 Scott: 4 x 2nd Pip Large (U3032) " M18L " MFIL New Font & Colour, printed backing paper with pairs of lines inverted. (Picture for general reference only; our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist.) (1 booklet only)
SG: RA4a 19 Scott: 4 x 2nd Pip Large (U3032) " M19L " MFIL New Font & Colour, printed backing paper with pairs of lines inverted. (Picture for general reference only; our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist.) (1 booklet only)
SG: RA4a 20 Scott: 4 x 2nd Pip Large ( contains U3032 M20L) " M20L " MFIL printed backing paper with pairs of lines inverted. (Picture for general reference only; our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist.)
SG: RA4a 21 Scott: 4 x 2nd Pip Large ( contains U3032 M21L) " M21L " MFIL printed backing paper with pairs of lines inverted. (Picture for general reference only; our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist.) (1 booklet only)

Pane Of 4 X 1st Large Pip Self-Adhesive Stamps

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: RB1 Scott: 4 x 1st Large Issued 2006 Containing sg 2657 (Walsall)
SG: RB2 Scott: 4 x 1st Large Issued 2009. With Security Feature 'F' Containing U2990
SG: RB2a Scott: 4 x 1st Large Issued 2010. With Security Feature. With MA10 'F' Containing U3035
SG: RB2b Scott: 4 x 1st Pip Large " 11 " 'MFIL' Contains U3035
SG: RB2c Scott: 4 x 1st Pip Large FSC Logo
SG: RB3 Scott: 4 x 1st Large Diamond Jubilee Containing U3277 'Jubilfe'
SG: RB4 Scott: 4 x 1st Large Vermilion " MA12 " 'MFIL'
SG: RB4a Scott: 4 x 1st Large Vermilion " MA13 " 'MFIL'
SG: RB4aa Scott: 4 x 1st Large New Colour. " MA14 " MFIL (08457)
SG: RB4b Scott: 4 x 1st Large New Colour. New Telephone Number (03457). " 14 "
SG: RB4c Scott: 4 x 1st Large Vermilion. " MA15 " "MFIL"
SG: RB5 Scott: 4 x 1st Large Vermilion 'MFIL ' ' MA15 ' Security Background
SG: RB5a Scott: 4 x 1st Large Vermilion 'MFIL ' ' M16L ' Security Background
SG: RB6 16 Scott: 4 x 1st Large Bright Scarlet 'MFIL ' ' M16L ' New Font - Security Background
SG: RB6a 17 Scott: 4 x 1st Large M17L 'MFIL' Bright Scarlet, printed backing paper with pairs of lines inverted. (Picture for general reference only; our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist.) (1 booklet only)
SG: RB6a 18 Scott: 4 x 1st Large M18L 'MFIL' Bright Scarlet, printed backing paper with pairs of lines inverted. (Picture for general reference only; our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist.) (1 booklet only)
SG: RB6a 19 Scott: 4 x 1st Large M19L 'MFIL' Bright Scarlet, printed backing paper with pairs of lines inverted. (Picture for general reference only; our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist.) (1 booklet only)
SG: RB6a 20 Scott: 4 x 1st Large M20L 'MFIL' Bright Scarlet, printed backing paper with pairs of lines inverted. (Picture for general reference only; our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist.) (1 booklet only)
SG: RB6a 21 Scott: 4 x 1st Large M21L 'MFIL' Bright Scarlet, printed backing paper with pairs of lines inverted. (Picture for general reference only; our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist.) (1 booklet only)

Pane Of 6 X 1st Standard Pip Self-Adhesive Stamps

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: RC1 Scott: 6 x 1st Class Gold Issued 2006 Containing sg 2655 (Walsall). Plain Inside Cover.
SG: RC1a Scott: 6 x 1st Class Gold Issued 2006 Containing sg 2655 (Walsall) 'Don't just send a stamp' inside cover.
SG: RC1b Scott: 6 x 1st Class Gold Issued 2006 Containing sg 2655 (Walsall) 'To find a postcode' inside cover

Pane Of 12 X 2nd Standard Pip Self-Adhesive Stamps

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: RD1 Scott: 12 x 2nd Class Issued 2006 Containing sg 2654 (Walsall)

Pane Of 12 X 1st Standard Pip Self-Adhesive Stamps

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: RE1 Scott: 12 x 1st Issued 2006 Containing sg 2655 (Walsall)

Self Adhesive Barcode P.I.P. Plus Smiler Stamps Booklets (Code S)

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: SA1 Scott: 6 x 1st Issued 2007 Containing SG 2693a (Walsall)
SG: SA2 Scott: 6 x 1st Issued 2008 Containing SG 2693b (Walsall)

QE2 Barcoded Booklets

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: TB1 Scott: 4 x 1st Class M22L MFIL NVI Barcoded Booklet (01.02.2022)
SG: TC1 Scott: 8 x 2nd Class M22L MEIL NVI Barcoded Booklet (01.02.2022)
SG: TD1 Scott: 8 x 1st Class M22L MEIL NVI Barcoded Booklet (01.02.2022)
SG: TE1 Scott: 4 x 2nd Class LARGE M22L MFIL NVI Barcoded Booklet (01.02.2022)
SG: TF1 Scott: 4 x 1st Class LARGE M22L MFIL NVI Barcoded Booklet (01.02.2022)

King Charles III Barcoded Booklets

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: CB1 (M23L) Scott: 2023 King Charles III: 4 x 1st Class (M23L) (MFIL, V5016) (our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist) (04.04.23)
SG: CC1 (M23L) Scott: 2023 King Charles III: 8 x 2nd Class (M23L) (MEIL, V5010) (our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist) (04.04.23)
SG: CC1 (M24L Edward) Scott: King Charles III EDWARD crown: 8 x 2nd Class with M24L year code) (MEIL, V5010) (our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist)
SG: CC1 (M24L TUDOR) Scott: King Charles III TUDOR crown: 8 x 2nd Class with M24L year code) (MEIL, V5010) (our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist)
SG: CD1 (M23L) Scott: 2023 King Charles III: 8 x 1st Class (M23L) (MEIL, V5015) (our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist) (04.04.23)
SG: CD1 (M24L Edward) Scott: King Charles III EDWARD crown: 8 x 1st Class with M24L year code) (MEIL, V5015) (our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist)
SG: CD1 (M24L Tudor) Scott: King Charles III TUDOR crown: 8 x 1st Class with M24L year code) (MEIL, V5015) (our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist)
SG: CE1 (M23L) Scott: 2023 King Charles III: 4 x 2nd Large (M23L) (MFIL, V5018) (our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist) (04.04.23)
SG: CF1 (M23L) Scott: 2023 King Charles III: 4 x 1st Large (M23L) (MFIL, V5020) (our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist) (04.04.23)