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Booklet Panes

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SG. 420dw. NB15a (9). 1½d Red - Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT INVERTED WATERMARK complete waterlow booklet pane of 6 with selvedge. Perf type ' P ' "Telephone Service / Air Mails, letters and parcels" setting 1 with bars. TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 75757

SG. 420dw. NB15a (9). 1½d Red - Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT INVERTED WATERMARK complete waterlow booklet pane of 6 with selvedge. Perf type ' P ' "Telephone Service / Air Mails, letters and parcels" setting 1 without bars. GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 73035

SG. 420dw. NB15a (9). 1½d Red - Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT INVERTED WATERMARK complete waterlow booklet pane of 6 with selvedge. Perf type ' P ' "Telephone Service / Air Mails, letters and parcels" setting 1 without bars. GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 73036

SG. 420dw. NB15a (9). 1½d Red - Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT INVERTED WATERMARK complete waterlow booklet pane of 6 with selvedge. Perf type ' P ' "Telephone Service / Air Mails, letters and parcels" setting 1 without bars. GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 73037

SG. 420dw. NB15a (10). 1½d Red - Brown. A mounted mint INVERTED WATERMARK complete waterlow booklet pane of 6 with selvedge. Perf type ' P ' "Telephone Service / Cable via Imperials with bars. GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 75759

SG. 420dw. NB15a (12). 1½d Red - Brown. A mounted mint INVERTED WATERMARK complete waterlow booklet pane of 6 with selvedge. Perf type ' P ' "Cash's washing ribbons. Ideal for shoulder straps/Book of ribbons. J .& J.Cash " with bars. GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 73753

SG. 420dw. NB15a (19). 1½d Red - Brown. A mounted mint INVERTED WATERMARK complete waterlow booklet pane of 6 with selvedge. Perf type ' P ' "Cash's satin lingerie ribbons / Samples [central] of Cash's ribbon J .& J.Cash 249 " with bars. TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 73048

SG. 420dw. NB15a (22). 1½d Red - Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT INVERTED WATERMARK complete waterlow booklet pane of 6 with selvedge. Perf type ' P ' " Castletone Stationery / Castell Bros." without bars. TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 73049

SG. 420dw. NB15a (26). 1½d Red - Brown. A mounted mint INVERTED WATERMARK complete waterlow booklet pane of 6 with selvedge. Perf type ' P ' " Holiday Trips £40.Tourist third Cabin only [in four lines]/ / ss. Minnekahda and Minnesota Atlantic Transport Cp.Ltd." with bars. TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 73050

SG. 420dw. NB15a (30). 1½d Red - Brown. A mounted mint INVERTED WATERMARK complete waterlow booklet pane of 6 with selvedge. Perf type ' P ' " South Africa for Sunshine / Union Castle Line" without bars. GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 73053

SG. 420dw. NB15a(51). 1½d Red - Brown. A mounted mint INVERTED WATERMARK complete waterlow booklet pane of 6 with selvedge. Perf type ' P ' "John Knight Ltd. / Family Health and Hustler Too!" with bars. GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 73059

SG. 420dw. NB15a (64). 1½d Red - Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT INVERTED WATERMARK complete waterlow booklet pane of 6 with selvedge. Perf type ' P ' "Gaze's all weather tennis courts [sideways] / Send to Harmer,Rooke, Auctions[upright] without bars. TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 73061

SG. 420dw. NB15a (73). 1½d Red - Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT INVERTED WATERMARK complete waterlow booklet pane of 6 with selvedge. Perf type ' P ' "Millennium Oat-Flakes / Wright's Coal Tar Soap" without bars. TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 73063

SG. 420dw. NB15a (80). 1½d Red - Brown. A mounted mint INVERTED WATERMARK complete waterlow booklet pane of 6 with selvedge. Perf type ' P ' "Robinson and Cleaver famous for Irish Linens / Ladies'Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs" without bars. TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 73064

SG. 420dw. NB15a (82). 1½d Red - Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT INVERTED WATERMARK complete waterlow booklet pane of 6 with selvedge. Perf type ' P ' "Scarborough's Hotels / Harmer, Rooke weekly Stamp Auctions." with bars. TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 73065

SG. 420dw. NB15a (88). 1½d Red - Brown. A mounted mint INVERTED WATERMARK complete Harrison booklet pane of 6 with selvedge. Perf type ' P ' "Telephone Service / Air Mails, letters and parcels" setting 2 without bars. TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 73068

SG. 420dw. NB15a (89). 1½d Red - Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT INVERTED WATERMARK complete Harrison booklet pane of 6 with selvedge. Perf type ' P ' "Saving is Simple / Home Safe" setting 2 with bars. GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 73070

SG. 420dw. NB15a (89). 1½d Red - Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT INVERTED WATERMARK complete Harrison booklet pane of 6 with selvedge. Perf type ' P ' "Saving is Simple / Home Safe" setting 2 with bars. GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 73071

SG. 420dw. NB15a (94). 1½d Red - Brown. A mounted mint INVERTED WATERMARK complete Harrison booklet pane of 6 with selvedge. Perf type ' P ' "Pepys Stationery. Bodiam in white and six colours/Just added:Bodiam Grey.Castells" with bars. GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 73074

SG. 420dw. NB15a (100). 1½d Red - Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT INVERTED WATERMARK complete Harrison booklet pane of 6 with selvedge. Perf type ' P '. " Shavallo for a swift smooth shave / Shavallo, Barbers use it " without bars. GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 75761

SG. 420e. NB14. 1½d Red-Brown. A mounted mint booklet pane of 6. Selvedge with BARS. Perf type P. TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 81377

SG. 420e. NB14. 1½d Red-Brown. A mounted mint complete booklet pane of 6. Selvedge with BARS. Perf type P. GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 75822

SG. 420e. NB14. 1½d Red-Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT complete booklet pane of 6. Selvedge with BARS. Perf type P. GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 72247

SG. 420e. NB14. 1½d Red-Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT complete booklet pane of 6. Selvedge with BARS. Perf type P. TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 77940

SG. 420e. NB14. 1½d Red-Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT complete booklet pane of 6. Selvedge without bars. Perf type I. TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 81042

SG. 420e. NB14v. N35 (4). 1½d Chestnut. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT complete booklet pane with selvedge. Perf type I. Overprinted CANCELLED type 28.

SKU: 60635

SG. 420ew. NB14a. 1½d Red-Brown. A mounted mint INVERTED WATERMARK complete booklet pane of 6. Selvedge with BARS. Perf type P. GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 72250

SG. 420ew. NB14a. 1½d Red-Brown. A mounted mint INVERTED WATERMARK complete booklet pane of 6. Selvedge with BARS. Perf type P. TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 81040

SG. 420ew. NB14a. 1½d Red-Brown. A mounted mint INVERTED WATERMARK complete booklet pane of 6. Selvedge with NO BARS. Perf type P. GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 72249

SG. 420ew. NB14a. 1½d Red-Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT INVERTED WATERMARK complete booklet pane of 6. Selvedge with BARS. Perf type P. GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 77301

SG. 420ew. NB14a. 1½d Red-Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT INVERTED WATERMARK complete booklet pane of 6. Selvedge with BARS. Perf type P. TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 77941

SG. 420ew. NB14a ax. 1½d Red-Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT INVERTED WATERMARK complete cancelled and punched booklet pane of 6. Type 33p Selvedge without bars. Perf type P. GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 73079

SG. 434b. NcomB1. ½d Green. An UNMOUNTED MINT complete booklet pane of 6 with NO horizontal bars. 1929 PUC. Perf type I. TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 74660

SG. 434b. NcomB1. ½d Green. An UNMOUNTED MINT complete booklet pane of 6. No horizontal bars. 1929 PUC. Perf type I. Trimmed Perf.

SKU: 59837

SG. 434bw. NcomB1a ½d Green. An UNMOUNTED MINT INVERTED WATERMARK booklet pane of 6. 1929 PUC no horizontal bars. Perf type P. GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 60967

SG. 435b. NcomB2. 1d Scarlet. A mounted mint booklet pane of 6. 1929 PUC With horizontal bars. Perf type P. GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 72578

SG. 435b. NcomB2. 1d Scarlet. A mounted mint complete booklet pane of 6. No horizontal bars. 1929 PUC. Perf type I. TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 81345

SG. 435b. NcomB2. 1d Scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT complete booklet pane of 6. No horizontal bars. 1929 PUC. Perf type I. TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 81344

SG. 436b. NComB4 (3) at. 1½d purple - brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT " Stamp Collectors / Desti Ltd " booklet pane overprinted CANCELLED type 33. Perf type ' I '. A RARE complete pane these days.

SKU: 53363

SG. 436b. NComB4a (4). 1½d . An UNMOUNTED MINT Complete Advert booklet pane of 6. "Holiday trips £40/Tourist 3rd Cabin. 1929 PUC. TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 68939

SG. 436bw. NComB4a (4). 1½d. An UNMOUNTED MINT INVERTED WATERMARK Complete Advert booklet pane of 6. " Holiday trips £40/Tourist 3rd Cabin ". 1929 PUC. TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 68940

SG. 436bw. NComB4a (4). 1½d. An UNMOUNTED MINT WATERMARK INVERTED complete Advert booklet pane of 6. " Holiday trips £40/Tourist 3rd Cabin ". 1929 PUC. GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 80748

SG. 436bw. NComB4a (4) 1½d Complete Advert booklet pane of 6. UNMOUNTED MINT. WATERMARK INVERTED." Holiday trips £40/Tourist 3rd Cabin ". 1929 PUC. Good Perfs.

SKU: 59852

SG. 436bw. NComB4a (5). 1½d Complete Advert booklet pane of 6. UNMOUNTED MINT. WATERMARK INVERTED." Telephone service/Air mails ". 1929 PUC. Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 59858

SG. 436bw. NcomB4a (2) 1½d Complete Advert booklet pane of 6. UNMOUNTED MINT. WATERMARK INVERTED. " Cleaver's Terebene / F. S. Cleaver & Sons Ltd " 1929 PUC. Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 61557

SG. 436c. NcomB3. 1½d Purple Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT complete booklet pane of 6 with horizontal bars. 1929 PUC. Perf type P. GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 74659

SG. 436cw. NcomB3a. 1½d Purple Brown. A mounted mint INVERTED WATERMARK booklet pane of 6. 1929 PUC with horizontal bars. Perf type P. GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 77318

SG. 436cw. NcomB3a. 1½d Purple Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT INVERTED WATERMARK booklet pane of 6. 1929 PUC with horizontal bars. Perf type P. GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 77317

SG. 436cw. NcomB3a. 1½d Purple Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT INVERTED WATERMARK complete booklet pane of 6. 1929 PUC. Perf type P. GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 59846

SG. 436cw. NcomB3a. 1½d Purple Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT INVERTED WATERMARK complete booklet pane of 6. 1929 PUC. Perf type P. TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 59896

SG. 436cw. NcomB3a. 1½d Purple Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT INVERTED WATERMARK complete booklet pane of 6. No horizontal bars. 1929 PUC. Perf type P. TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 59895

SG. 439c. NB20 ½d Green. A mounted mint INTERMEDIATE FORMAT booklet pane 6. Cylinder " E1 Dot " Perf type B4A (I). GOOD Perfs

SKU: 68306

SG. 439c. NB20 ½d Green. A mounted mint INTERMEDIATE FORMAT booklet pane 6. Cylinder " E1 No Dot " Perf type B4 (E). GOOD Perfs

SKU: 68304

SG. 439c. NB20 ½d Green. A mounted mint INTERMEDIATE FORMAT booklet pane 6. Cylinder E1 Dot. Perf type B4A (I). TRIMMED Perfs

SKU: 69459

SG. 439c. NB21 ½d Green. A mounted mint SMALL FORMAT complete booklet pane of 6 with selvedge. Perf type P. TRIMMED Perfs

SKU: 79999

SG. 439c. NB21 ½d Green. A mounted mint SMALL FORMAT complete booklet pane of 6. Cylinder " E4 No dot " Perf type B4(E) GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 68340

SG. 439c. NB21 ½d Green. A mounted mint SMALL FORMAT complete booklet pane of 6. Cylinder " E4 No dot " Perf type B4(E) TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 68342

SG. 439c. NB21 ½d Green. A mounted mint SMALL FORMAT complete booklet pane of 6. Cylinder " E4 dot " Perf type B4A(I) GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 68351

SG. 439c. NB21 ½d Green. A mounted mint SMALL FORMAT complete booklet pane of 6. Cylinder " E5 No dot " Perf type B4 (E) TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 68359

SG. 439c. NB21 ½d Green. An UNMOUNTED MINT " SMALL FORMAT " complete booklet pane of 6 with selvedge. Perf type E.

SKU: 67312

SG. 439c. NB21 ½d Green. An UNMOUNTED MINT " SMALL FORMAT " complete booklet pane of 6 with selvedge. Perf type P.

SKU: 67313

SG. 439c. NB21 ½d Green. An UNMOUNTED MINT " SMALL FORMAT " complete booklet pane of 6 with selvedge. Perf type P. TRIMMED Perfs

SKU: 79846

SG. 439c. NB21 ½d Green. An UNMOUNTED MINT SMALL FORMAT complete booklet pane of 6. Cylinder " E4 No dot " Perf type B4(E) GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 68339

SG. 439c. NB21 ½d Green. An UNMOUNTED MINT SMALL FORMAT complete booklet pane of 6. Cylinder " E4 dot " Perf type B4A(I) GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 68349

SG. 439c. NB21 ½d Green. An UNMOUNTED MINT SMALL FORMAT complete booklet pane of 6. Cylinder " E4 dot " Perf type B4A(I) TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 68352

SG. 439c. NB21 ½d Green. An UNMOUNTED MINT SMALL FORMAT complete booklet pane of 6. Cylinder " E5 No dot " Perf type B4 (E) TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 68360

SG. 439c. NB21. ½d Green. A mounted mint SMALL FORMAT complete booklet pane of 6. Cylinder E5 dot. Perf type B4A (I). GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 68942

SG. 439c. NB21. ½d Green. A mounted mint SMALL FORMAT complete booklet pane of 6. Cylinder E5 dot. Perf type B4A (I). TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 68943

SG. 439c. NB21.½d Green. A mounted mint SMALL FORMAT complete booklet pane of 6. Cylinder E6 No dot. Perf type B4 (E). GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 68945

SG. 439c. NB21. ½d Green. A mounted mint SMALL FORMAT complete booklet pane of 6. Cylinder E6 No dot. Perf type B4 (E). TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 68946

SG. 439c. NB21. ½d Green. A mounted mint SMALL FORMAT complete booklet pane of 6. Cylinder E6 dot. Perf type B4A (I). GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 68948

SG. 439c. NB21. ½d Green. A mounted mint SMALL FORMAT complete booklet pane of 6. Cylinder E6 dot. Perf type B4A (I). TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 68949

SG. 439c. NB21. ½d Green. An UNMOUNTED MINT SMALL FORMAT complete booklet pane of 6. Cylinder E6 No dot. Perf type B4 (E). GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 68944

SG. 439c. NB21. ½d Green. An UNMOUNTED MINT SMALL FORMAT complete booklet pane of 6. Cylinder E6 dot. Perf type B4A (I). GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 68947

SG. 439c variety NB20. ½d Green. A mounted mint INTERMEDIATE FORMAT complete booklet pane. Perf type P. GOOD Perfs

SKU: 67423

SG. 439c variety NB20. ½d Green. An UNMOUNTED MINT INTERMEDIATE FORMAT complete booklet pane. Perf type I. GOOD Perfs

SKU: 67426

SG. 439c variety NB20. ½d Green. An UNMOUNTED MINT INTERMEDIATE FORMAT complete booklet pane. Perf type I. TRIMMED Perfs

SKU: 79998

SG. 439c variety NB20. ½d Green. An UNMOUNTED MINT INTERMEDIATE FORMAT complete booklet pane. Perf type P. TRIMMED Perfs

SKU: 67424

SG. 439cw. NB21a ½d Green. A mounted mint INVERTED WATERMARK " SMALL FORMAT " booklet pane of 6 with selvedge. Perf type P. GOOD Perfs

SKU: 81389

SG. 439cw. NB21a ½d Green. A mounted mint INVERTED WTAERMARK " SMALL FORMAT " complete booklet pane of 6 with selvedge. Perf type I. GOOD Perf.

SKU: 67321

SG. 439cw. NB21a ½d Green. A mounted mint INVERTED WTAERMARK " SMALL FORMAT " complete booklet pane of 6 with selvedge. Perf type I. TRIMMED Perf.

SKU: 67322

SG. 439cw. NB21a ½d Green. An UNMOUNTED MINT INVERTED WATERMARK " SMALL FORMAT " complete booklet pane of 6 with selvedge. Perf type P. GOOD Perfs

SKU: 73213

SG. 439cw. NB21a ½d Green. An UNMOUNTED MINT INVERTED WTAERMARK " SMALL FORMAT " complete booklet pane of 6 with selvedge. Perf type E. Good Perf.

SKU: 67316

SG. 439cw. NB21a ½d Green. An UNMOUNTED MINT INVERTED WTAERMARK " SMALL FORMAT " complete booklet pane of 6 with selvedge. Perf type I. GOOD Perf.

SKU: 67320

SG. 439cwi. NB21a ½d Green. A mounted mint INVERTED WTAERMARK " SMALL FORMAT " complete booklet pane of 6 with selvedge. Perf type E. Good Perf.

SKU: 77791

SG. 439cw variety NB20a. ½d Green. A mounted mint INVERTED WATERMARK INTERMEDIATE FORMAT complete booklet pane. Perf type P. GOOD Perfs

SKU: 67431

SG. 439cw variety NB20a. ½d Green. An UNMOUNTED MINT INVERTED WATERMARK INTERMEDIATE FORMAT complete booklet pane. Perf type P. GOOD Perfs

SKU: 67428

SG. 440g. NB22 1d Scarlet. A mounted mint INTERMEDIATE FORMAT complete booklet pane of 6. Cylinder " F1 Dot " Perf type B4A (I) GOOD Perfs

SKU: 68315

SG. 440g. NB22 1d Scarlet. A mounted mint INTERMEDIATE FORMAT complete booklet pane of 6. Cylinder " F1 No Dot " Perf type B4 (E) GOOD Perfs

SKU: 68314

SG. 440g. NB22 1d Scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT INTERMEDIATE FORMAT complete booklet pane of 6. Cylinder " F1 No Dot " Perf type B4 (E) GOOD Perfs

SKU: 68313

SG. 440g. NB23 1d Scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT " SMALL FORMAT " complete booklet pane of 6 with selvedge. Perf type E. Good Perfs

SKU: 67326

SG. 440g. NB23 1d Scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT " SMALL FORMAT " complete booklet pane of 6 with selvedge. Perf type P. TRIMMED Perfs

SKU: 80000

SG. 440g. NB23. 1d Scarlet. A mounted mint SMALL FORMAT cylinder booklet pane of 6. Cylinder F6 dot. Perf type B4A(I). GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 68955

SG. 440g. NB23. 1d Scarlet. A mounted mint SMALL FORMAT cylinder booklet pane of 6. Cylinder F6 no dot. Perf type B4(E). GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 68950

SG. 440g. NB23. 1d Scarlet. A mounted mint SMALL FORMAT cylinder booklet pane of 6. Cylinder F7 No dot. Perf type B4 (E). GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 68957

SG. 440g. NB23. 1d Scarlet. A mounted mint SMALL FORMAT cylinder booklet pane of 6. Cylinder F7 dot. Perf type B4A (I). GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 69061

SG. 440g. NB23. 1d Scarlet. A mounted mint SMALL FORMAT cylinder booklet pane of 6. Cylinder F7 dot. Perf type B4B (E). GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 69064

SG. 440g. NB23. 1d Scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT SMALL FORMAT cylinder booklet pane of 6. Cylinder F6 dot. Perf type B3A(P). GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 68952

SG. 440g. NB23. 1d Scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT SMALL FORMAT cylinder booklet pane of 6. Cylinder F6 dot. Perf type B3A(P). TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 68953

SG. 440g. NB23. 1d Scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT SMALL FORMAT cylinder booklet pane of 6. Cylinder F6 dot. Perf type B4A(I). GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 68954