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SG. O41. L36. ½d Vermilion. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A fine mounted mint control " Q imperf " strip of 3. With an UNLISTED " Broken ' Y '. Row 12/11 " error / variety.

SKU: 79695

SG. O41. L36n. ½d Vermilion. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A fine mounted mint example clearly showing the listed " Short ' L ' " error / variety.

SKU: 79938

SG. O41. L36n. ½d Vermilion. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A fine mounted mint horizontal pair with the left hand stamp clearly showing the listed " Short ' L ' " error / variety.

SKU: 79188

SG. O41. L36n. ½d Vermilion. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A fine used example with the listed " Short ' L ' " error / variety.

SKU: 77275

SG. O41a. L36c. ½d Vermilion. " ARMY OFFICIAl " A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example of this scarce Official error / variety.

SKU: 79690

SG. O41a. L36c. ½d Vermilion. " ARMY OFFICIAl " Error. An UNMOUNTED MINT example of this scarce Official variety.

SKU: 77937

SG. O42 -- L37. ½d Blue - Green. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A fine UNMOUNTED MINT Control " R imperf " example.

SKU: 70975

SG. O42 -- L37. ½d Blue - Green. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A fine UNMOUNTED MINT Control " R imperf " example.

SKU: 79693

SG. O42 -- L37. ½d Blue - Green. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A very fine UNMOUNTED MINT Control " R imperf " corner marginal pair from the scarce " single perf extension in lower margin " perf type.

SKU: 16317

SG. O42 -- L37. ½d Blue - Green. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A very fine UNMOUNTED MINT Control " R imperf " corner marginal pair from the scarce " single perf extension in lower margin " perf type.

SKU: 16318

SG. O42 -- L37. ½d Blue - Green. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A very fine UNMOUNTED MINT Control " R imperf " corner marginal pair from the scarce " single perf extension in lower margin " perf type.

SKU: 16319

SG. O42. L37. ½d Blue - Green. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A fine UNMOUNTED MINT control " R imperf " example.

SKU: 69913

SG. O42. L37. ½d Blue - green. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A superb UNMOUNTED MINT control " R imperf " corner marginal horizontal pair.

SKU: 16329

SG. O42. L37. ½d Blue - green. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A superb UNMOUNTED MINT control " R imperf " example.

SKU: 16332

SG. O42. L37. ½d Blue - green. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A superb UNMOUNTED MINT control " R imperf " example.

SKU: 16334

SG. O42. L37. ½d Blue - green. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A superb lightly mounted mint control " R imperf " corner marginal strip of 3. A very scarce strip these days.

SKU: 16323

SG. O42. L37. ½d Blue - green. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A superb lightly mounted mint control " R imperf " example.

SKU: 16324

SG. O42. L37. ½d Blue - green. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A superb lightly mounted mint control " R imperf " example.

SKU: 16325

SG. O42wi. L37 a. ½d Blue - Green. INVERTED WATERMARK. ARMY OFFICIAL. A super UNMOUNTED MINT example of this VERY RARE Victorian Official variety.

SKU: 58034

SG. O42wi. L37a. ½d Blue - Green. INVERTED WATERMARK. ARMY OFFICIAL. An UNMOUNTED MINT example of this VERY RARE Victorian Official variety.

SKU: 77936

SG. O43 -- L38. 1d Lilac. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A fine UNMOUNTED MINT ( mounted in the margin only ) control " W imperf " corner marginal strip of 3. A very scarce multiple these days.

SKU: 79995

SG. O43 -- L38. 1d Lilac. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A fine UNMOUNTED MINT ( mounted in the margin only ) control " W perf " corner marginal strip of 3. A very scarce multiple these days.

SKU: 79993

SG. O43 -- L38. 1d Lilac. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A fine UNMOUNTED MINT control " V perf " example.

SKU: 69914

SG. O43 -- L38. 1d Lilac. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A fine mounted mint control " U imperf " corner marginal strip of 3. A very scarce multiple these days.

SKU: 79990

SG. O43 -- L38. 1d Lilac. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A fine totally UNMOUNTED MINT control " V -- perf " corner marginal strip of 3. A very scarce multiple these days.

SKU: 79988

SG. O43 -- L38. 1d Lilac. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A fine totally UNMOUNTED MINT control " V -- perf " corner marginal strip of 3. A very scarce multiple these days.

SKU: 79992

SG. O43 -- L38. 1d Lilac. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A fine totally UNMOUNTED MINT control " W imperf " corner marginal strip of 3. A very scarce multiple these days.

SKU: 79987

SG. O43 -- L38. 1d Lilac. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A fine totally UNMOUNTED MINT control " W imperf " corner marginal strip of 3. A very scarce multiple these days.

SKU: 79989

SG. O43 -- L38. 1d Lilac. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A fine totally UNMOUNTED MINT control " W perf " corner marginal strip of 3. A very scarce multiple these days.

SKU: 79994

SG. O43 -- L38. 1d Lilac. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". on LAID REPP PAPER. A fine totally UNMOUNTED MINT control " S perf " block of 6 with the variety visible from the front of sheet margin. A very scarce multiple these days.

SKU: 79991

SG. O43. L38 n. 1d Lilac. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A superb UNMOUNTED MINT horizontal pair with the right hand stamp having the listed " Short ' L ' " variety.

SKU: 58031

SG. O43. L38. 1d Lilac. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A fine UNMOUNTED MINT control " W perf " single.

SKU: 79997

SG. O43. L38. 1d Lilac. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A fine mounted mint control " V perf " single.

SKU: 70901

SG. O43. L38. 1d Lilac. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A fine totally UNMOUNTED MINT control " V imperf " corner marginal horizontal pair. A very scarce multiple these days. Also " Broken Perf Pin variety " Row 20/12.

SKU: 79996

SG. O43. L38. 1d Lilac. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A fine totally UNMOUNTED MINT control " V perf " strip of 3.

SKU: 79726

SG. O43. L38l. 1d Lilac. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A fine " 23rd September 1901 " CDS used example with the listed " Long first ' I ' in OFFICIAL " error / variety.

SKU: 77277

SG. O43a. L38 c. 1d Lilac. " ARMY OFFICIAI ". A fine mounted mint example clearly showing the variety.

SKU: 58033

SG. O43a. L38c. 1d Lilac. " ARMY OFFICIAI ". A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example clearly showing the ERROR / variety.

SKU: 72405

SG. O43a. L38c. 1d Lilac. " ARMY OFFICIAI ". A fine mounted mint example clearly showing the error / variety.

SKU: 79682

SG. O43a. L38c. 1d Lilac. " ARMY OFFICIAI ". An UNMOUNTED MINT example clearly showing the ERROR / variety.

SKU: 77933

SG. O43a. L38c. 1d Lilac. " ARMY OFFICIAI ". An UNMOUNTED MINT example clearly showing the ERROR / variety.

SKU: 79318

SG. O44. L39. 2½d Purple On Blue Paper. Army Official. An UNMOUNTED MINT example.

SKU: 77935

SG. O45. L40. 6d Purple / Rose - Red. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example.

SKU: 70929

SG. O45. L40. 6d Purple / Rose - Red. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". An UNMOUNTED MINT example.

SKU: 77934

SG. O45. L40. 6d Purple / Rose - Red. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". An UNMOUNTED MINT example.

SKU: 79329

SG. O45. L40. 6d Purple / Rose - Red. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A super UNMOUNTED MINT block of 4.

SKU: 61315

SG. O45. L40. 6d purple / rose - red. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A fine mounted mint example.

SKU: 43807

SG. O45. L40. 6d purple / rose - red. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A super UNMOUNTED MINT example.

SKU: 40765

SG. O45s. L40s. 6d Purple / Rose - Red. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example overprinted SPECIMEN type 15.

SKU: 69908

SG. O48. MO19. ½d VERY DEEP BLUE GREEN. " ARMY OFFICIAL ". A very fine UNMOUNTED MINT example of this known but unlisted by SG. Edwardian shade variety. Complete with HENDON certificate.

SKU: 57986

SG. O48. MO19j. ½d Blue Green. " Army Official ". A superb UNMOUNTED MINT control " B imperf " bottom right hand corner marginal pair with the scarce and underrated " Long top to second ' F ' " listed variety.

SKU: 61459

SG. O49. MO20 h. 1d Scarlet. " Army Official ". A mounted mint horizontal pair with the left hand stamp having the scarce and underated " Splayed Y " listed variety.

SKU: 40524

SG. O49. MO20 j. 1d scarlet " Army Official ". A superb UNMOUNTED MINT control " B imperf " bottom right hand corner marginal strip of 3 with the scarce and underrated " Long top to second ' F ' " listed variety.

SKU: 16075

SG. O49. MO20. 1d scarlet " Army Official ". A superb mint " control A imperf, perf type V2A " block of 6. A very scarce block these days.

SKU: 3011

SG. O49. MO20h. 1d Scarlet. " Army Official ". A fine " 23rd January 1904 " CDS used example clearly showing the listed " Splayed Y " error / variety.

SKU: 79238

SG. O49. MO20j. 1d Scarlet " Army Official ". A very fine UNMOUNTED MINT control " A imperf continuous rule " single with the listed " Long top to second ' F ' " listed variety.

SKU: 61460

SG. O49. MO20j. 1d scarlet " Army Official ". A very fine UNMOUNTED MINT control " B imperf continuous rule " single with the listed " Long top to second ' F ' " listed variety.

SKU: 61463

SG. O50. MO21 h. 6d Pale Dull Purple. " Army Official ". A super UNMOUNTED MINT example with the listed " Splayed ' Y ' " variety. A RARE stamp in this grade.

SKU: 58023

SG. O50. MO21. 6d Pale Dull Purple. " Army Official ". A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example.

SKU: 70215

SG. O50. MO21. 6d Pale Dull Purple. " Army Official ". A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example.

SKU: 77828

SG. O50. MO21. 6d Pale Dull Purple. " Army Official ". A very fine UNMOUNTED MINT example.

SKU: 61464

SG. O50. MO21. 6d Pale Dull Purple. " Army Official ". A very fine UNMOUNTED MINT example. Complete with WENVOE certificate.

SKU: 66046

SG. O50. MO21. 6d Pale Dull Purple Army Official. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example complete with RPS certificate.

SKU: 77677

SG. O50. MO21. 6d Pale dull purple. " Army Official ". A very fine UNMOUNTED MINT horizontal strip of 3. A scarce multiple.

SKU: 37171

SG. O52. MO22. 6d Pale Dull Purple. " ARMY OFFICIAL Type 06 ". A fine " 14th April 1904 " CDS used example of this RARE Edwardian Official.

SKU: 60324

SG. O52. MO22. 6d Pale Dull Purple. " ARMY OFFICIAL Type 06 ". A fine " 19th March 1904 " CDS used example of this RARE Edwardian Official.

SKU: 63465

SG. O52. MO22. 6d Pale Dull Purple. " ARMY OFFICIAL Type 06 ". A fine " 22nd March 1904 " CDS used example of this RARE Edwardian Official. Complete with WENVOE certificate.

SKU: 64867

SG. O52. MO22. 6d Pale Dull Purple. ARMY OFFICIAL. Type 06. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example of this RARE Official complete with RPS certificate.

SKU: 77827

SG. O52. MO22. 6d Pale dull purple. ARMY OFFICIAL. Type 06. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT block of 4 of this RARE Official complete with RPS certificate.

SKU: 72827

SG. O61a. L18a. " TB ". 1½d Lilac. " Govt. Parcels ". A fine " 10th August 1886 HULL " CDS used example clearly showing the listed " No dot under ' T ' " error / variety.

SKU: 76044

SG. O63. L20. " GB " 9d Dull Green. " Govt. Parcels ". A fine CDS used example.

SKU: 61286

SG. O63. L20. " ID " 9d Dull Green. " Govt. Parcels ". A fine " 3rd October 1885 SELBY " CDS used example. A very scarce stamp CDS used.

SKU: 76045

SG. O63. L20. " JD " 9d Dull Green. " Govt. Parcels ". A very fine " 20th June 1889 " CDS used example. A very scarce stamp CDS used.

SKU: 61331

SG. O64. L21. " EC ". 1/- Orange - Brown plate 13. " Government Parcels ". An average mint example.

SKU: 62094

SG. O64. L21. " NB ". 1/- Orange - Brown. Plate 13. " Government Parcels ". A fine " 27th November 1885 SOHAM " CDS used example.

SKU: 61332

SG. O64. L21. " OA ". 1/- Orange - Brown. Plate 13. " Government Parcels ". A fine " 11th November 1887 HULL " CDS used example.

SKU: 76047

SG. O64. L21. " PA ". 1/- Orange - Brown plate 13. " Government Parcels ". An UNMOUNTED MINT example of this scarce stamp complete with RPS certificate.

SKU: 77932

SG. O64. L21. " RB ". 1/- Orange - Brown. Plate 13. " Government Parcels ". A fine " 18th February 1890 BIRMINGHAM " CDS used example.

SKU: 72394

SG. O64a. L21a. " DB ". 1/- Orange - Brown. Plate 13. " Government Parcels ". A fine " 16th July 1891 WORKINGTON " CDS used example clearly showing the listed " No dot under ' T ' " error / variety.

SKU: 76712

SG. O64s. L21 s. " ND ". 1/- Orange - Brown plate 13. " Government Parcels ". A fine mounted mint example overprinted " SPECIMEN " type 9.

SKU: 58005

SG. O64s. L21s. " II ". 1/- Orange - Brown plate 13. " Government Parcels ". A fine mounted mint example overprinted " SPECIMEN " type 9.

SKU: 62095

SG. O65 s. L24 s. 1½d Green and Purple. GOVT. PARCELS. An average mint example overprinted SPECIMEN type 9.

SKU: 43787

SG. O65. L24. 1½d Green and Purple. GOVT. PARCELS. A fine " 9th July 1896 AYR " CDS used example.

SKU: 76052

SG. O65. L24. 1½d Green and Purple. GOVT. PARCELS. A fine " 16th June 1891 WESTERN DISTRICT " CDS used example.

SKU: 76050

SG. O65. L24. 1½d Green and Purple. GOVT. PARCELS. A fine " 27th June 1892 BURY " CDS used example.

SKU: 76051

SG. O65. L24. 1½d Green and Purple. GOVT. PARCELS. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example.

SKU: 70962

SG. O65a. L24a. 1½d Green and Purple. GOVT. PARCELS. A good used example on piece with SG. O68. L29.

SKU: 76408

SG. O65s. L24 s. 1½d Green and Purple. GOVT. PARCELS. A fine mounted mint example overprinted SPECIMEN type 9.

SKU: 58004

SG. O65s. L24 s. 1½d Green and Purple. GOVT. PARCELS. A fine mounted mint example overprinted SPECIMEN type 9.

SKU: 76411

SG. O66. L27. 6d Purple / Rose Red. GOVT. PARCELS. A fine " 9th November 1899 WEYMOUTH " CDS used example.

SKU: 76056

SG. O66. L27. 6d Purple / Rose Red. GOVT. PARCELS. An UNMOUNTED MINT example.

SKU: 77928

SG. O66. L27. 6d Purple / Rose Red. GOVT. PARCELS. An UNMOUNTED MINT example complete with RPS certificate.

SKU: 79676

SG. O66. L27. 6d Purple / Rose Red. GOVT. PARCELS. A very fine small part CDS used example leaving a totally clear profile.

SKU: 61335

SG. O66s. L27 s. 6d Purple / Rose Red. GOVT. PARCELS. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example overprinted SPECIMEN type 9.

SKU: 69919

SG. O66s. L27 s. 6d Purple / Rose Red. GOVT. PARCELS. A fine mounted mint example overprinted SPECIMEN type 9.

SKU: 58003

SG. O66s. L27 s. 6d Purple / Rose Red. GOVT. PARCELS. A fine mounted mint example overprinted SPECIMEN type 15.

SKU: 58002

SG. O66s. L27 s. 6d Purple / Rose Red. GOVT. PARCELS. A super UNMOUNTED MINT example overprinted SPECIMEN type 9.

SKU: 58832

SG. O66s. L27s. 6d Purple / Rose Red. GOVT. PARCELS. A fine mounted mint example overprinted SPECIMEN type 9.

SKU: 72805

SG. O66s. L27s. 6d Purple / Rose Red. GOVT. PARCELS. A fine mounted mint example overprinted SPECIMEN type 9.

SKU: 76412

SG. O67. L28. 9d Dull Purple & Blue. GOVT. PARCELS. A fine " 21st February DEVIZES " CDS used example.

SKU: 76058