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George VI

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SG. D27. R27a. ½d Emerald. A fine part CDS used example with the " Broken ' 2 ' in ' ½ ' ( Row 3/14, 7/13 & 9/9 " variety.

SKU: 58767

SG. D28. R28. 1d Carmine. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT " control G40 imperf " block of 6.

SKU: 71278

SG. D28. R28. 1d Carmine. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT ( mounted in the margin only ) " control O44 imperf " block of 6.

SKU: 71311

SG. D28. R28. 1d Carmine. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT ( mounted in the margin only ) " control Q45 imperf " block of 6. A scarce multiple.

SKU: 71312

SG. D28. R28. 1d Carmine. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT ( mounted in the margin only ) control " E39 imperf " strip of 3.

SKU: 71308

SG. D28. R28. 1d Carmine. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT control " Q45 imperf " example.

SKU: 79269

SG. D28. R28. 1d Carmine. A fine mounted mint ( 4 stamps UNMOUNTED MINT ) control " C38 imperf " block of 6. A scarce multiple.

SKU: 79271

SG. D28. R28. 1d Carmine. A fine mounted mint ( 5 stamps UNMOUNTED MINT ) control " Q45 imperf " block of 6. A scarce multiple.

SKU: 79270

SG. D28. R28. 1d Carmine. A fine totally UNMOUNTED MINT control " C38 imperf " strip of 3.

SKU: 71307

SG. D29. R29. 2d Agate. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT ( mounted in the margin only ) control " I41 perf " example.

SKU: 79265

SG. D29. R29. 2d Agate. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT ( mounted in the margin only ) control " M43 imperf " block of 6. A scarce multiple.

SKU: 71315

SG. D29. R29. 2d Agate. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT ( mounted in the margin only ) control " O44 imperf " example. A very scarce control on this stamp.

SKU: 79256

SG. D29. R29. 2d Agate. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT ( mounted in the margin only ) control " Q45 imperf " block of 6. A scarce multiple.

SKU: 71317

SG. D29. R29. 2d Agate. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT control " I41 perf " example.

SKU: 79274

SG. D29. R29. 2d Agate. A fine mounted mint control " C38 imperf " block of 6. A scarce multiple.

SKU: 71319

SG. D29. R29. 2d Agate. A fine totally UNMOUNTED MINT control " E39 imperf " block of 6. A scarce multiple.

SKU: 71318

SG. D29. R29. 2d agate. A fine lightly mounted mint " control U47 imperf " block of 6. A scarce multiple.

SKU: 8650

SG. D30. R30. 3d Violet. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT ( mounted in the margin only ) control " O44 imperf " block of 6. A scarce multiple.

SKU: 71320

SG. D30. R30. 3d Violet. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT control " F39 perf " example. A RARE control on this issue. Also with streaky gum which is not listed in SG.

SKU: 79258

SG. D30. R30. 3d Violet. A fine mounted mint control " B37 imperf " strip of 3. A scarce multiple.

SKU: 71321

SG. D30. R30. 3d Violet. A fine mounted mint control " D38 imperf " strip of 3. A scarce multiple.

SKU: 71323

SG. D30. R30. 3d Violet. A fine totally UNMOUNTED MINT control " B37 imperf " strip of 3. A scarce multiple.

SKU: 8649

SG. D30. R30. 3d Violet. A fine totally UNMOUNTED MINT control " R45 imperf " strip of 3. A scarce multiple.

SKU: 79266

SG. D31. 4d dull grey - green. A very fine mint control " B37 imperf " block of 6. A very scarce multiple.

SKU: 3978

SG. D31. R31. 4d Dull Grey - Green. A fine totally UNMOUNTED MINT " control B37 imperf " strip of 3.

SKU: 79259

SG. D31. R31. 4d Dull Grey - Green. A fine totally UNMOUNTED MINT " control P44 imperf " strip of 3.

SKU: 79267

SG. D31. R31. 4d dull grey - green. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT( mounted in the margin only ) " control P44 imperf " bottom left hand corner pair.

SKU: 8634

SG. D32. R32. 5d Yellow - Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT control " C38 imperf " block of 6. A scarce multiple.

SKU: 79268

SG. D32. R32. 5d Yellow - Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT control " G40 imperf " example.

SKU: 79260

SG. D32. R32. 5d Yellow - Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT control " I41 perf " example.

SKU: 79272

SG. D32. R32. 5d yellow - brown. A fine lightly mounted mint control M43 imperf " strip of 3.

SKU: 8632

SG. D33. 1/- deep blue. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT control " B37 imperf " block of 6. A very scarce multiple.

SKU: 4227

SG. D33. R33. 1/- Deep Blue. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT control " J41 imperf " example.

SKU: 79262

SG. D33. R33. 1/- Deep Blue. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT control " K42 imperf " example.

SKU: 79273

SG. D33. R33. 1/- Deep Blue. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT control " R45 imperf " example.

SKU: 79261

SG. D33. R33. 1/- Deep Blue. A fine mounted mint ( 2 stamps UNMOUNTED MINT ) control " B37 imperf " block of 6.

SKU: 79264

SG. D33. R33. 1/- Deep Blue. A fine mounted mint control " B37 imperf " example.

SKU: 79263

SG. D33. R33. 1/- deep blue. A UNMOUNTED MINT " control E39 imperf " block of 6. A very scarce multiple.

SKU: 8624

SG. D33. R33. 1/- deep blue. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT control " G40 imperf " example.

SKU: 5555

SG. D33. R33. 1/- deep blue. A fine lightly mounted mint " control G40 imperf " strip of 3. A very scarce multiple.

SKU: 8622

SG. D33. R33t. 1/- Deep Blue. A fine mounted mint control " S46 imperf " example overprinted ' CANCELLED ' type 33. Listed but unpriced in SG.

SKU: 71290

SG. D35. R35 (1). ½d Yellow Orange. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example overprinted " CANCELLED " type 33. Currently unlisted in SG.

SKU: 77133

SG. D35a. R35 (2). ½d Bright Orange. " ERROR OF COLOUR ". A fine UNMOUNTED MINT left hand marginal example of this difficult George VI colour error / variety.

SKU: 79254

SG. D35a. R35 (2). ½d Bright Orange. " ERROR OF COLOUR ". A fine UNMOUNTED MINT right hand marginal block if 4 of this difficult George VI colour error / variety. Complete with RPS certificate.

SKU: 79252

SG. D37wi. R37a. 1½d Green. INVERTED WATERMARK. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT left hand marginal block of 4 example of this scarce watermark variety.

SKU: 60450