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SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. A mounted mint " Control O44 cylinder 178 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 6B (E/P)

SKU: 67647

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. A mounted mint " Control O44 cylinder 178 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 6 I/P.

SKU: 67645

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. A mounted mint " Control O44 cylinder 183 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 6 I/P.

SKU: 67681

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. A mounted mint " Control O44 cylinder 183 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 6B E/P.

SKU: 67682

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. A mounted mint " Control O44 cylinder 183 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67678

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. A mounted mint " Control O44 cylinder 183 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 6 I/P

SKU: 67679

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. A mounted mint " Control P44 cylinder 178 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 6B E/P.

SKU: 67651

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. A mounted mint " Control P44 cylinder 178 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 6 I/P.

SKU: 67649

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. A mounted mint " Control Q45 cylinder 179 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67673

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. A mounted mint " Control Q45 cylinder 179 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67663

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. A mounted mint " Control Q45 cylinder 179 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5AE EA/I.

SKU: 67669

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. A mounted mint " Control R45 cylinder 186 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67694

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. A mounted mint " Control R45 cylinder 186 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67693

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. A mounted mint " Control S46 cylinder 184 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67685

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. A mounted mint " Control U47 cylinder 185 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67691

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. A mounted mint " Control U47 cylinder 185 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67689

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. A mounted mint " Control U47 cylinder 187 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67714

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. A mounted mint " No Control, cylinder 191 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67721

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. A mounted mint control block of 6. " Control L42 cylinder 175 dot ". Perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 76508

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. A mounted mint control block of 6. " Control L42 cylinder 175 no dot ". Perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 76507

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. A mounted mint control block of 6. " Control N43 cylinder 175 dot ". Perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 76509

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. A mounted mint control block of 6. " Control S46 cylinder 184 no dot ". Perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 76510

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. A mounted mint control block of 6. " Control S46 cylinder 185 dot ". Perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 76511

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. A mounted mint control block of 6. " Control S46 cylinder 186 no dot ". Perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 76513

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT" Control L42 cylinder 175 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67638

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT" Control L42 cylinder 176 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67643

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT" Control L42 cylinder 176 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67641

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT" Control N43 cylinder 175 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67639

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT" Control N43 cylinder 183 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67677

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT" Control O44 cylinder 183 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67680

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT" Control P44 cylinder 178 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 6B E/P.

SKU: 67650

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT" Control Q45 cylinder 179 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67672

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT" Control Q45 cylinder 179 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67662

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT " Control S46 cylinder 184 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67684

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT " Control S46 cylinder 184 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67683

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT " Control S46 cylinder 185 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67687

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT " Control S46 cylinder 185 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67686

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT " Control S46 cylinder 186 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67713

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT " Control S46 cylinder 186 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67695

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT " Control U47 cylinder 185 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67690

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT " Control U47 cylinder 185 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67688

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT " Control U47 cylinder 187 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67718

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control, cylinder 185 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67692

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control, cylinder 191 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67722

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control, cylinder 191 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67720

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT " No control cylinder 187 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 76514

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT Control block of 6. Control P44 cylinder 178 no dot. Perf type 6 I/P.

SKU: 74658

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT control block of 6. " Control R45 cylinder 186 dot ". Perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 76512

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control Q45 cylinder 179 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5AE AE/I.

SKU: 38496

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control S46 cylinder 184 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I. with marginal rule.

SKU: 19125

SG. 487. Q8. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 191 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I. with marginal rule

SKU: 23548

SG. 487. Q8c. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. A mounted mint " No Control, cylinder 192 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I. With the listed " retouched forehead, cyl.192 no dot R 19/1." Variety.

SKU: 67724

SG. 487. Q8c. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. A mounted mint control block of 6. NO CONTROL cylinder 192 dot. Perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 75637

SG. 487. Q8c. 1½d Pale Red-Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control, cylinder 192 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I. With the listed " retouched forehead, cyl.192 no dot R 19/1." Variety.

SKU: 67723

SG. 487b. Q25. 1½d pale red brown. MOUNTED MINT. Complet cylinder pane of 2 185 No Dot. Control U47 Perf Type "E". Good Perfs.

SKU: 49469

SG. 487b. Q25. 1½d pale red brown. UNMOUNTED MINT. Complet cylinder pane of 2 185 No Dot. Control U47 Perf Type "E". Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 49468

SG. 487b. Q25. 1½d pale red brown. UNMOUNTED MINT. Complet cylinder pane of 2 185 No Dot. Perf Type "E". Trimmed Perfs. RARE Unpriced is SG.

SKU: 49466

SG. 487b. Q25a. 1½d Pale red brown. An UNMOUNTED booklet pane of 2. Perf Type "E". Arrow at the top. TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 76195

SG. 487b. Q25a. 1½d pale red brown. UNMOUNTED MINT. Complet booklet pane of 2. Perf Type "E". Arrow at the Bottom. Good Perfs.

SKU: 50830

SG. 487b. Q25a. 1½d pale red brown. UNMOUNTED MINT. Complet booklet pane of 2. Perf Type "E". Arrow at the Bottom. Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 49269

SG. 487b. Q25a. 1½d pale red brown. UNMOUNTED MINT. Complet booklet pane of 2. Perf Type "E". Arrow at the top. Good Perfs.

SKU: 49266

SG. 487b. QB25. 1½d Pale Red - Brown. UNMOUNTED MINT. Complete booklet pane of 2. Perf Type "E". Good Perfs.

SKU: 62833

SG. 487b. QB25. 1½d Pale Red - Brown. UNMOUNTED MINT. Complete booklet pane of 2. Perf Type "E". Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 62834

SG. 487b. QB25a. 1½d Pale Red - Brown. Mounted mint. Complete booklet pane of 2. Perf Type "E". Arrow at the Bottom. Good Perfs.

SKU: 62836

SG. 488. 2d pale orange. A super UNMOUNTED MINT block of 6 with a fine MIS- PERF error.

SKU: 25712

SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. A fine lightly mounted mint " Control J41 cylinder 24 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 38462

SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. A fine lightly mounted mint " Control J41 cylinder 24 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 38463

SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. A fine lightly mounted mint " Control J41 cylinder 24 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 42785

SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. A fine lightly mounted mint " Control J41 cylinder 25 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 42786

SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. A fine lightly mounted mint " Control L42 cylinder 25 dot " control block of 6 with perf type5 E/I.

SKU: 38445

SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. A fine lightly mounted mint " Control M43 cylinder 25 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 42791

SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. A fine lightly mounted mint. " Control J41 cylinder 24 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 35367

SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. A fine lightly mounted mint. " Control J41 cylinder 24 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 35368

SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. A fine ligthtly mounted mint " Control J41 cylinder 24 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 29495

SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. A fine ligthtly mounted mint " Control M43 cylinder 25 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 29483

SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. A mounted mint " Control J41 cylinder 24 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67798

SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. A mounted mint " Control J41 cylinder 24 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67794

SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. A mounted mint " Control J41 cylinder 25 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67808

SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. A mounted mint " Control J41 cylinder 25 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67805

SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. A mounted mint " Control J41 cylinder 25 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 6 I/P.

SKU: 67806

SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. A mounted mint " Control K42 cylinder 24 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67802

SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. A mounted mint " Control K42 cylinder 25 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67823

SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. A mounted mint " Control L42 cylinder 25 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 67839

SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. A mounted mint " Control L42 cylinder 25 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 6 (I/P).

SKU: 67855

SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. A mounted mint " Control L42 cylinder 25 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 67825

SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. A mounted mint " Control L42 cylinder 25 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67822

SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. A mounted mint " Control L42 cylinder 25 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 6 (I/P).

SKU: 67833

SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. A mounted mint " Control L42 cylinder 26 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 67875

SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. A mounted mint " Control M43 cylinder 23 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 67787

SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. A mounted mint " Control M43 cylinder 25 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 67872

SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. A mounted mint " Control M43 cylinder 25 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 67870

SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. A mounted mint " Control M43 cylinder 30 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 67899

SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. A mounted mint " Control M43 cylinder 30 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 67885

SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. A mounted mint " Control N43 cylinder 30 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 67907

SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. A mounted mint " Control N43 cylinder 32 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 67906

SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. A mounted mint " Control None cylinder 52 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 68705

SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. A mounted mint " Control None cylinder 52 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 6B (E/P).

SKU: 68709

SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. A mounted mint " Control None cylinder 52 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 68691

SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. A mounted mint " Control None cylinder 52 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 6 (I/P).

SKU: 68697

SG. 488. Q11. 2d Pale Orange. A mounted mint " Control None cylinder 54 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 68721