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SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT. Control N43 cylinder 99 no dot control block of 6 with perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 64101

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT. Control N43, cylinder 92 dot control block of 6 with perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 64056

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT. Control N43, cylinder 94 dot control block of 6 with perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 64068

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT. Control N43, cylinder 94 no dot control block of 6 with perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 64063

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT. Control N43, cylinder 96 no dot control block of 6 with perf type 5 ((E/I).

SKU: 64089

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT. Control N43, cylinder 97 no dot control block of 6 with perf type 5 ((E/I).

SKU: 64095

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT.Control O44 cylinder 100 no dot control block of 6 with perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 64235

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT. Control O44, cylinder 94 no dot control block of 6 with perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 64069

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT. Control O44, cylinder 94 no dot control block of 6 with perf type 5AE (AE/I).

SKU: 64072

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT. Control O44, cylinder 95 dot control block of 6 with perf type 5 ((E/I).

SKU: 64080

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT. Control O44, cylinder 98 dot control block of 6 with perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 64098

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT. Control O44, cylinder 98 dot control block of 6 with perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 64100

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT. Control O44, cylinder 98 no dot control block of 6 with perf type 5AE (AE/I).

SKU: 65484

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT.Control P44 cylinder 106 dot control block of 6 with perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 64309

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT .Control P44 cylinder 107 no dot control block of 6 with perf type 5AE (AE/I).

SKU: 64340

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT .Control P44 cylinder 112 no dot control block of 6 with perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 64345

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT .Control P44 cylinder 112 no dot control block of 6 with perf type 5AE (AE/I).

SKU: 64346

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT.Control Q45 cylinder 106 dot control block of 6 with perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 64335

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT.Control Q45 cylinder 106 no dot control block of 6 with perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 64321

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT.Control Q45 cylinder 106 no dot control block of 6 with perf type 5AE (AE/I).

SKU: 64333

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT .Control Q45 cylinder 107 dot control block of 6 with perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 64344

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT .Control Q45 cylinder 107 no dot control block of 6 with perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 64342

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT .Control Q45 cylinder 107 no dot control block of 6 with perf type 5AE (AE/I).

SKU: 64343

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control K42 cylinder 73 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 44424

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control L42 cylinder 78 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 11284

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control L42 cylinder 78 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 13490

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control L42 cylinder 78 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 20163

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control L42 cylinder 78 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 11283

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control L42 cylinder 78 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 11697

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control L42 cylinder 78 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 13480

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control L42 cylinder 81 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 20165

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control P44 cylinder 101 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 20173

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control T46 cylinder 134 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 20246

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control T46 cylinder 134 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 20184

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control U47 cylinder 149 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 20186

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control cylinder 178 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 22363

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 171 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 20262

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 171 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 20270

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 171 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 20272

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 171 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 20294

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 171 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 23568

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 171 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 44490

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 172 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 20219

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 172 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 20292

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 172 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I. Corner perf missing.

SKU: 20199

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 182 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 23566

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 182 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 44504

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 182 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 23565

SG. 486. Q5. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 182 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 44503

SG. 486. Q5A. 1d Pale Scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT control block of 6. No Control cylinder 185 no dot. Perf type 6 (I/P).

SKU: 76506

SG. 486. Q5A. 1d Pale scarlet. A mounted mint control block of 6. No Control cylinder 186 no dot. Perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 67347

SG. 486. Q5A. 1d Pale scarlet. A mounted mint control block of 6. No Control cylinder 189 dot. Perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 67387

SG. 486. Q5A. 1d Pale scarlet. A mounted mint control block of 6. No Control cylinder 189 no dot. Perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 67384

SG. 486. Q5A. 1d Pale scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT control block of 6. No Control cylinder 185 dot. Perf type 6B (E/P).

SKU: 67343

SG. 486. Q5A. 1d Pale scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT control block of 6. No Control cylinder 186 dot. Perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 67375

SG. 486. Q5A. 1d Pale scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT control block of 6. No Control cylinder 186 no dot. Perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 67346

SG. 486. Q5A. 1d Pale scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT control block of 6. No Control cylinder 189 dot. Perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 67386

SG. 486. Q5A. 1d Pale scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT control block of 6. No Control cylinder 189 no dot. Perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 67376

SG. 486. Q5A. 1d Pale scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT control block of 6. No Control cylinder 190 no dot. Perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 67391

SG. 486. Q5A. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 174 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 20256

SG. 486. Q5A. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 174 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 20260

SG. 486. Q5A. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 174 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 20299

SG. 486. Q5A. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 174 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 20297

SG. 486. Q5A. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 174 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 20234

SG. 486. Q5A. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 174 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 20235

SG. 486. Q5A. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 174 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 38554

SG. 486. Q5A. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 175 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 20236

SG. 486. Q5A. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 180 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 20216

SG. 486. Q5A. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 182 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 20255

SG. 486. Q5A. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 182 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 20264

SG. 486. Q5A. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 182 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 20267

SG. 486. Q5A. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 182 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 20269

SG. 486. Q5A. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 182 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 20243

SG. 486. Q5A. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 182 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I. Creased

SKU: 20249

SG. 486. Q5A. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 182 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 20215

SG. 486. Q5A. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 182 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 20263

SG. 486. Q5A. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 182 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 20266

SG. 486. Q5A. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 182 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 20287

SG. 486. Q5A. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 182 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 20296

SG. 486. Q5A. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 183 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 20288

SG. 486. Q5A. 1d Pale scarlet. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " No Control cylinder 183 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 20289

SG. 486. Q5g. 1d Pale Scarlet. A mounted mint control block of 6. Control R45 cylinder 118 dot. Perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 78374

SG. 486. Q5g. 1d Pale Scarlet. A mounted mint control block of 6. Control R45 cylinder 118 no dot. Perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 78373

SG. 486. Q5g. 1d Pale Scarlet. A mounted mint control block of 6. Control U47 cylinder 149 no dot. Perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 78371

SG. 486. Q5g. 1d Pale Scarlet. An UMOUNTED MINT control block of 6. Control U47 cylinder 149 dot. Perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 78370

SG. 486. Q5g. 1d Pale Scarlet. An UMOUNTED MINT control block of 6. Control U47 cylinder 149 no dot. Perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 78369

SG. 486. Q5g. 1d Pale Scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT control block of 6. Control Q45 cylinder 120 no dot. Perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 78375

SG. 486. Q5g. 1d Pale Scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT control block of 6. Control Q45 cylinder 121 dot. Perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 78376

SG. 486. Q5g. 1d Pale Scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT control block of 6. Control T46 cylinder 134 dot. Perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 78364

SG. 486. Q5g. 1d Pale Scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT control block of 6. Control T46 cylinder 134 no dot. Perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 78372

SG. 486. Q5g. 1d Pale Scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT control block of 6. Control T46 cylinder 141 no dot. Perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 78366

SG. 486. Q5g. 1d Pale Scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT control block of 6. Control T46 cylinder 142 dot. Perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 78368

SG. 486. Q5g. 1d Pale Scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT control block of 6. Control T46 cylinder 142 no dot. Perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 78367

SG. 486. Q5g. 1d Pale Scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT control block of 6. Control U47 cylinder 140 no dot. Perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 78365

SG. 486. Q5g. 1d Pale Scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT control block of 6. Control U47 cylinder 155 no dot. Perf type 5 (E/I).

SKU: 74656

SG. 486. Q5g. 1d Pale Scarlet. An UNMOUNTED MINT control block of 6. No Control cylinder 171 no dot. Perf type 6 (I/P).

SKU: 67228

SG. 486. Q5g. 1d Pale scarlet. A mounted mint, Control J41 cylinder 70 dot control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 63783

SG. 486. Q5g. 1d Pale scarlet. A mounted mint, Control J41 cylinder 70 no dot control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 65556

SG. 486. Q5g. 1d Pale scarlet. A mounted mint, Control J41 cylinder 71 dot control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 63786

SG. 486. Q5g. 1d Pale scarlet. A mounted mint, Control J41 cylinder 71 no dot control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 63784