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SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control E39 cylinder 145 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I. with marginal rule.

SKU: 20697

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control E39 cylinder 145 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 6 I/P.

SKU: 58450

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control E39 cylinder 148 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 58456

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control E39 cylinder 148 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I. with marginal rule.

SKU: 20704

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control E39 cylinder 148 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 58454

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control E39 cylinder 150 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 58464

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control E39 cylinder 152 no dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 58471

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control E39 cylinder 154 dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 58479

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control E39 cylinder 156 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I. with marginal rule.

SKU: 19857

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control F39 cylinder 141 no dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 44601

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control F39 cylinder 141 no dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 46075

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control F39 cylinder 149 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 58460

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control F39 cylinder 150 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 58467

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control F39 cylinder 153 dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 58476

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control F39 cylinder 153 no dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 58475

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control F39 cylinder 159 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 58484

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control F39 cylinder 161 no dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 58488

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control F39 cylinder 164 dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 58492

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control F39 cylinder 167 dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 58498

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control F39 cylinder 167 no dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 58496

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control G40 cylinder 141 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 58443

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control G40 cylinder 141 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I. with marginal rule.

SKU: 20766

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control G40 cylinder 141 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I. with marginal rule.

SKU: 20768

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control G40 cylinder 173 dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 58501

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control G40 cylinder 173 no dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 58499

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control G40 cylinder 173 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I. with marginal rule.

SKU: 20320

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT. " Control D38 cylinder 106 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I. with marginal rule.

SKU: 17137

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT. " Control D38 cylinder 106 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I. with marginal rule.

SKU: 17138

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A very fine lightly mounted mint " Control B37 cylinder 42 dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I with marginal rule.

SKU: 57458

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A very fine lightly mounted mint " Control C38 cylinder 86 no dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I with marginal rule.

SKU: 57635

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A very fine lightly mounted mint " Control D38 cylinder 106 dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I with marginal rule.

SKU: 22285

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A very fine lightly mounted mint " Control D38 cylinder 106 dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I with marginal rule.

SKU: 58366

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A very fine lightly mounted mint " Control D38 cylinder 106 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I. with marginal rule.

SKU: 8880

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A very fine lightly mounted mint " Control D38 cylinder 107 dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I with marginal rule.

SKU: 58369

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A very fine lightly mounted mint " Control D38 cylinder 110 no dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I with marginal rule.

SKU: 19046

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A very fine lightly mounted mint " Control D38 cylinder 110 no dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I with marginal rule.

SKU: 19055

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A very fine lightly mounted mint " Control D38 cylinder 112 no dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I with marginal rule.

SKU: 23601

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A very fine lightly mounted mint " Control E39 cylinder 126 dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I

SKU: 58428

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A very fine lightly mounted mint " Control E39 cylinder 128 no dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I

SKU: 58430

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A very fine lightly mounted mint " Control E39 cylinder 144 no dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I

SKU: 58447

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A very fine lightly mounted mint " Control E39 cylinder 148 dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I with marginal rule.

SKU: 22287

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A very fine lightly mounted mint " Control F39 cylinder 141 dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I

SKU: 58445

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A very fine lightly mounted mint " Control F39 cylinder 141 no dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I

SKU: 58444

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A very fine lightly mounted mint " Control F39 cylinder 141 no dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I with marginal rule.

SKU: 8022

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A very fine lightly mounted mint " Control F39 cylinder 159 dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I with marginal rule.

SKU: 15609

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A very fine lightly mounted mint " Control F39 cylinder 159 dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I with marginal rule.

SKU: 15610

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A very fine mounted mint " Control B37 cylinder 50 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I. with marginal rule.

SKU: 13506

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A very fine mounted mint " Control D38 cylinder 110 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I. with marginal rule.

SKU: 58390

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A very fine mounted mint " Control E39 cylinder 126 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 58426

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A very fine mounted mint " Control E39 cylinder 145 dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 58452

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A very fine mounted mint " Control E39 cylinder 148 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 58455

SG. 464. Q7. 1½d Red-Brown. A very fine mounted mint " Control F39 cylinder 144 no dot " control block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I. with marginal rule.

SKU: 30237

SG. 464. Q7d. 1½d Red-Brown. A mounted mint bottom marginal block of 6 with the listed " Crown flaw " (R.19/7) variety/error.

SKU: 79059

SG. 464b. QB23 (1). 1½d Red - Brown. A mounted mint cylinder pane of 6. Cylinder G18 dot. Perf type B4A (I). "Cash's name tapes J. & J. Cash Ltd. / Coventry " at foot. GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 75312

SG.464b. QB23 (2) 1½d Red-Brown x 6 Pane. Mounted Mint. Cylinder Pane G10 no dot. Perf type B4 (E). "Cash's satin lingerie ribbons / samples of cash's ribbons covetry" at foot. Trimmed Perf

SKU: 61981

SG. 464b. QB23 (3) 1½d Red-Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT.Cylinder Pane x6 G37 no dot Perf type B3(I). "Cash's 441 satin lingerie ribbons / Coventry, Warwickshire" at foot. Good Perfs

SKU: 62010

SG. 464b. QB23 (3) 1½d Red-Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT Cylinder Pane x6 G37 no dot Perf type B3 (I). "Cash's 448 satin lingerie ribbons / Coventry, Warwickshire" at foot. Good Perfs

SKU: 62012

SG. 464b. QB23 (3) 1½d Red-Brown. A fine mounted mint.Cylinder Pane x6 G37 no dot Perf type B3A (P). "Cash's 441 satin lingerie ribbons / Coventry, Warwickshire" at foot. Good Perfs

SKU: 62011

SG. 464b. QB23 (3)1½d Red-Brown x 6 Pane, UNMOUNTED MINT. Cylinder Pane G18 No dot ( SG. 464b ) Perf type B4(E). "Cash's satin lingerie ribbons / Coventry, Warwickshire" at foot. Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 49111

SG. 464b. QB23 (5) . 1½d Red-Brown. A mounted mint.Cylinder Pane x6. G59 no dot Perf type B3(I). "Cash's satin lingerie ribbons No 492 / Booklet Containing patterns" . Good Perfs

SKU: 65033

SG. 464b. QB23 (8). 1½d Red - Brown. A MOUNTED MINT booklet pane of six." Drages terms to suit / Free book. Drages Ltd". Perf Type E. Trimmed perfs.

SKU: 61035

SG. 464b. QB23 (8). 1½d Red - Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of six." Drages terms to suit / Free book. Drages Ltd". Perf Type E. Good perfs.

SKU: 61034

SG. 464b. QB23 (8) 1½d Red-Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT Cylinder Pane x6 G10 No dot Perf type B4(E). "Drages. Terms to suit you / Drages Ltd". Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 61988

SG. 464b.QB23 (8) 1½d Red-Brown x 6 Pane. A fine mounted mint. Cylinder Pane x6 G18 No dot. Perf type B4(E). "Drages. Terms to suit you / Drages Ltd". Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 61995

SG. 464b. QB23 (9). 1½d Red-Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. " Saving is Simple / Home Safe ". Perf Type P. Good Perfs.

SKU: 63677

SG. 464b. QB23 (9). 1½d Red - Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT cylinder pane x6 G10 dot. Perf type B4B (I). " Saving is Simple/ Home safe". Trimmed perf

SKU: 61989

SG. 464b. QB23 (9). 1½d Red - Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT cylinder pane x6 G37 No dot. Perf type B3 (I). " Saving is Simple/ Home safe". Good perf

SKU: 62013

SG. 464b. QB23 (9). 1½d Red - Brown. A fine mounted mint cylinder pane x6 G37 No dot. Perf type B3 (I). " Saving is Simple/ Home safe". Good perf

SKU: 62014

SG. 464b. QB23 (9). 1½d Red - Brown. A fine mounted mint cylinder pane x6 G37 No dot. Perf type B3A (P). " Saving is Simple/ Home safe". Good perf

SKU: 62015

SG.464b.QB23 (9) 1½d Red-Brown x 6 Pane. UNMOUNTED MINT. Cylinder Pane G18 no dot Perf type B4(E). " Saving is Simple / ("is" 3.5mm. High) Home Safe". Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 49116

SG. 464b. QB23 (10). 1½d Red-Brown. A MOUNTED MINT booklet pane of six. " Saving IS Simple / Home Safe ". Perf Type P. Good Perfs.

SKU: 61036

SG. 464b. QB23 (10). 1½d Red - Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT cylinder pane x6. G59 No dot Perf type B3 (I). " Saving is Simple/ Home safe". Good perf

SKU: 62193

SG. 464b. QB23 (10). 1½d Red - Brown. A fine mounted mint cylinder pane x6 G37 No dot. Perf type B3 (I). " Saving is Simple/ Home safe". Good perf

SKU: 62016

SG. 464b. QB23 (10). 1½d Red - Brown. A fine mounted mint cylinder pane x6. G70 No dot Perf type B3 (I). " Saving is Simple/ Home safe". Good perf

SKU: 62198

SG. 464b. QB23 (10) 1½d Red-Brown. A fine mounted mint Cylinder Pane x6 G18 Dot Perf type B4A (I). " Saving is Simple / ("is" 4.5mm. High) Home Safe ". Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 61998

SG. 464b. QB23 (10) 1½d Red-Brown. A fine mounted mint Cylinder Pane x6 G18 Dot Perf type B4B (E). " Saving is Simple / ("is" 4.5mm. High) Home Safe ". Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 61999

SG. 464b. QB23 (11). 1½d Red-Brown. A MOUNTED MINT booklet pane of six. " Good wishes / Greetings telegram ". Perf Type E. Good Perfs.

SKU: 61038

SG. 464b. QB23 (11). 1½d Red-Brown. A UNMOUNTED MINT Cylinder pane x6 G29 No dot Perf type B3 (I) " Good wishes / Greetings telegram " Good Perfs.

SKU: 62005

SG. 464b. QB23 (11). 1½d Red-Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT Cylinder pane x6 G41 No dot Perf type B3 (I) " Good wishes / Greetings telegram " Good Perfs.

SKU: 62210

SG. 464b. QB23 (11). 1½d Red-Brown. A fine mounted mint Cylinder pane x6 G18 No dot Perf type B4 (E) " Good wishes / Greetings telegram " Good Perfs.

SKU: 62000

SG. 464b. QB23 (11). 1½d Red-Brown. A fine mounted mint Cylinder pane x6 G29 No dot Perf type B3 (I) " Good wishes / Greetings telegram " Good Perfs.

SKU: 62006

SG. 464b. QB23 (11). 1½d Red-Brown. A fine mounted mint Cylinder pane x6 G37 No dot Perf type B3 (I) " Good wishes / Greetings telegram " Good Perfs.

SKU: 62017

SG. 464b. QB23 (11). 1½d Red-Brown. A fine mounted mint Cylinder pane x6 G37 No dot Perf type B3A (P) " Good wishes / Greetings telegram " Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 62021

SG. 464b. QB23 (11). 1½d Red-Brown. A fine mounted mint Cylinder pane x6 G41 No dot Perf type B3 (I) " Good wishes / Greetings telegram " Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 62028

SG. 464b. QB23 (11). 1½d Red-Brown. A fine mounted mint Cylinder pane x6 G70 No dot Perf type B3 (I) " Good wishes / Greetings telegram " Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 62199

SG. 464b. QB23 (12) 1½d Red-Brown. A UNMOUNTED MINT. Cylinder Pane x6 G18 Dot Perf type B4A (I). " You can reach your / friends at sea by Radio Telegram ". Good Perfs.

SKU: 62002

SG. 464b. QB23 (12) 1½d Red-Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT. Cylinder Pane x6 G37 No Dot Perf type B3 (I). " You can reach your / friends at sea by Radio Telegram ". Good Perfs.

SKU: 62022

SG. 464b. QB23 (12) 1½d Red-Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT. Cylinder Pane x6 G46 No Dot Perf type B3 (I). " You can reach your / friends at sea by Radio Telegram ". Good Perfs.

SKU: 62089

SG. 464b. QB23 (12) 1½d Red-Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT . Cylinder Pane x6 G46 No Dot Perf type B3 (I). " You can reach your / friends at sea by Radio Telegram ". Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 62186

SG. 464b. QB23 (12) 1½d Red-Brown. A fine mounted mint. Cylinder Pane x6 G18 no dot Perf type B4 (E). " You can reach your / friends at sea by Radio Telegram ". Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 62001

SG. 464b. QB23 (12) 1½d Red-Brown. A fine mounted mint. Cylinder Pane x6 G37 No Dot Perf type B3A (P). " You can reach your / friends at sea by Radio Telegram ". Good Perfs.

SKU: 62023

SG. 464b. QB23 (12) 1½d Red-Brown. A fine mounted mint. Cylinder Pane x6 G46 No Dot Perf type B3 (I). " You can reach your / friends at sea by Radio Telegram ". Good Perfs.

SKU: 62185

SG. 464b. QB23 (12) 1½d Red-Brown. A fine mounted mount. Cylinder Pane x6 G18 Dot Perf type B4A (I). " You can reach your / friends at sea by Radio Telegram ". Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 62003

SG. 464b. QB23 (12) 1½d Red-Brown. A fine mounted mount. Cylinder Pane x6 G29 Dot (ON LANEL) Perf type B3 (I). " You can reach your / friends at sea by Radio Telegram ". Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 62007

SG. 464b. QB23 (12) 1½d Red-Brown. A fine mounted mount. Cylinder Pane x6 G29 Dot (RE-ENGRAVED) Perf type B3 (I). " You can reach your / friends at sea by Radio Telegram ". Good Perfs.

SKU: 62008

SG. 464b. QB23 (12) 1½d Red-Brown. A fine mounted mount. Cylinder Pane x6 G29 Dot (RE-ENGRAVED) Perf type B3 (I). " You can reach your / friends at sea by Radio Telegram ". Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 62009

SG. 464b. QB23 (12) 1½d Red-Brown. A mounted mint Cylinder Pane G41 No Dot. . Perf type B3 ( I ). " You can reach your / friends at sea by Radio Telegram ". Good Perfs.

SKU: 64598

SG. 464b. QB23 (12) 1½d Red-Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT Booklet Pane. Perf type ( I ). " You can reach your / friends at sea by Radio Telegram ". Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 64590

SG. 464b. QB23 (12) 1½d Red-Brown x 6 Pane, Mounted mint. Cylinder Pane G37 no do ( SG. 464b ) Perf type B3A(P). " You can reach your / friends at sea by Radio Telegram ". Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 49154

SG. 464b. QB23 (14). 1½d Red-Brown. A Fine UNMOUNTED MINT Cylinder pane of six. G59 No dot B3 (I) " Post early / In the day ". Good Perfs.

SKU: 62194