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SG. 483. QCom6 b. 2½d Ultramarine. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control G40 cylinder 5 no dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I. With listed variety " retouched hair and neck "

SKU: 25015

SG. 483. QCom6 b. 2½d Ultramarine. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control G40 cylinder 5 no dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I. With listed variety " retouched hair and neck "

SKU: 25016

SG. 483. QCom6 b. 2½d Ultramarine. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control G40 cylinder 5 no dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I. With listed variety " retouched hair and neck "

SKU: 25017

SG. 483. QCom6. 2d Orange. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control G40 cylinder 2 no dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I

SKU: 14153

SG. 483. QCom6. 2d Orange. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control G40 cylinder 2 no dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I

SKU: 14154

SG. 483. QCom6. 2½d Ultramarine. A Superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control G40 cylinder 2 no dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 19597

SG. 483. QCom6. 2½d Ultramarine. A Superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control G40 cylinder 2 no dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 14101

SG. 483. QCom6. 2½d Ultramarine. A Superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control G40 cylinder 2 no dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 25006

SG. 483. QCom6. 2½d Ultramarine. A Superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control G40 cylinder 3 no dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 14114

SG. 483. QCom6. 2½d Ultramarine. A Superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control G40 cylinder 5 dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 19606

SG. 483. QCom6. 2½d Ultramarine. A Superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control G40 cylinder 7 no dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 19610

SG. 483. QCom6. 2½d Ultramarine. A mounted mint, control G40 cylinder 2 no dot, block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 60855

SG. 483. QCom6. 2½d Ultramarine. A mounted mint, control G40 cylinder 3 dot block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 60861

SG. 483. QCom6. 2½d Ultramarine. A mounted mint, control G40 cylinder 3 no dot block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 60859

SG. 483. QCom6. 2½d Ultramarine. An UNMOUNTED MINT, control G40 cylinder 2 no dot, block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 60854

SG. 483. QCom6. 2½d Ultramarine. An UNMOUNTED MINT, control G40 cylinder 3 dot block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 60860

SG. 483. QCom6. 2½d Ultramarine. An UNMOUNTED MINT, control G40 cylinder 3 no dot, block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 60858

SG. 483. QCom6a. 2½d Ultramarine. A mounted mint, control G40 cylinder 2 dot block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I. With listed variety retouched neck (Row20/2).

SKU: 60857

SG. 483. QCom6a. 2½d Ultramarine. An UNMOUNTED MINT control block of 6. Control G40 cylinder 2 dot. Perf type 5 E/I with the listed " retouched neck " (R.20/2) variety.

SKU: 60856

SG. 483. QCom6b. 2½d Ultramarine. An UNMOUNTED MINT control block of 6. G40 cylinder 5 No dot. Perf type 5 E/I. With listed variety " retouched hair and neck (Row 20/1) ".

SKU: 76543

SG. 483. QCom6b. 2½d Ultramarine. An UNMOUNTED MINT positional bottom left hand corner marginal horizontal pair from control " G40 cylinder 5 No dot " with listed " retouched hair and neck (Row 20/1) " variety.

SKU: 77837

SG. 484. QCom7. 3d Violet. A Superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control G40 cylinder 5 no dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 14113

SG. 484. QCom7. 3d Violet. A Superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control G40 cylinder 5 no dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 25029

SG. 484. QCom7. 3d Violet. A Superb UNMOUNTED MINT " Control G40 cylinder 5 no dot " block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 25830

SG. 484. QCom7. 3d Violet. A mounted mint, control G40 cylinder 5 no dot, block of 6 with perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 60871

SG. 484. QCom7. 3d Violet. A mounted mint cylinder block of 6. Control G40 cylinder 5 dot. Perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 68934

SG. 484. QCom7. 3d Violet. An UNMOUNTED MINT control block of 6. Control G40 cylinder 5 dot. Perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 75074

SG. 484. QCom7. 3d Violet. An UNMOUNTED MINT control block of 6. Control G40 cylinder 5 no dot. Perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 60870

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d Ultramarine. A UNMOUNTED MINT cylinder block of 6. Control S46 cylinder 15 no dot. Perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 73657

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d Ultramarine. A mounted mint control block of 6. Control S46 cylinder 10 no dot. Perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 57349

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d Ultramarine. A mounted mint control block of 6. Control S46 cylinder 12 dot. Perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 76090

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d Ultramarine. A mounted mint cylinder block of 6. Control S46 cylinder 9 no dot. Perf type 6 I/P

SKU: 68936

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d Ultramarine. An UNMOUNTED MINT control block of 6. Control S46 cylinder 4 no dot. Perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 79000

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d Ultramarine. An UNMOUNTED MINT control block of 6. Control S46 cylinder 9 dot. Perf type 6B E/P

SKU: 57374

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d Ultramarine. An UNMOUNTED MINT control block of 6. Control S46 cylinder 10 no dot. Perf type 5 E/I

SKU: 57376

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d Ultramarine. An UNMOUNTED MINT control block of 6. Control S46 cylinder 15 dot. Perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 71302

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d Ultramarine. An UNMOUNTED MINT cylinder block of 6. Control S46 cylinder 4 dot. Perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 73343

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d Ultramarine. An UNMOUNTED MINT cylinder block of 6. Control S46 cylinder 7 no dot. Perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 68935

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d Ultramarine. An UNMOUNTED MINT cylinder block of 6. Control S46 cylinder 13 dot. Perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 73655

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. " UNMOUNTED MINT " Control S46 cylinder 11 no dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 22049

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT. Control S46 cylinder 7 dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 57364

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT. Control S46 cylinder 8 dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 57368

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT. Control S46 cylinder 9 dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I

SKU: 57372

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT. Control S46 cylinder 9 no dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 6 I/P

SKU: 57371

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT. Control S46 cylinder 10 dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 57382

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT. Control S46 cylinder 11 dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I

SKU: 57379

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT. Control S46 cylinder 11 no dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 57351

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT. Control S46 cylinder 12 dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 57352

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT. Control S46 cylinder 17 dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 57353

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT. Control S46 cylinder 17 no dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 57355

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT Control S46 cylinder 12 no dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I

SKU: 57381

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A fine mounted mint.. Control S46 cylinder 3 dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 57358

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A fine mounted mint.. Control S46 cylinder 3 no dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 57357

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A fine mounted mint.. Control S46 cylinder 4 no dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 57359

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A fine mounted mint. Control S46 cylinder 4 dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 57361

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A fine mounted mint. Control S46 cylinder 7 dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 57365

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A fine mounted mint. Control S46 cylinder 7 no dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 57363

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A fine mounted mint. Control S46 cylinder 8 dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 57369

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A fine mounted mint. Control S46 cylinder 8 no dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 57367

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A fine mounted mint. Control S46 cylinder 9 dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I

SKU: 57373

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A fine mounted mint. Control S46 cylinder 9 no dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 57370

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A fine mounted mint. Control S46 cylinder 10 dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 57350

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A fine mounted mint. Control S46 cylinder 11 dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I

SKU: 57380

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A fine mounted mint. Control S46 cylinder 11 no dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I

SKU: 57378

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A fine mounted mint. Control S46 cylinder 12 no dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I

SKU: 57383

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A lightly mounted mint Control S46 cylinder 13 dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 59706

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A lightly mounted mint Control S46 cylinder 13 no dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 59705

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A lightly mounted mint Control S46 cylinder 15 dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 59708

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A lightly mounted mint Control S46 cylinder 15 no dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 59707

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A lightly mounted mint Control S46 cylinder 17 dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 59710

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A lightly mounted mint Control S46 cylinder 17 no dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 59709

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A superb " UNMOUNTED MINT " Control S46 cylinder 11 no dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 13576

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A superb " UNMOUNTED MINT " Control S46 cylinder 11 no dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 13599

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A superb " UNMOUNTED MINT " Control S46 cylinder 12 dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 13577

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A superb " UNMOUNTED MINT " Control S46 cylinder 12 dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 13578

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A superb " UNMOUNTED MINT " Control S46 cylinder 12 dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 13600

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A superb " UNMOUNTED MINT " Control S46 cylinder 12 dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 13601

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A superb " UNMOUNTED MINT " Control S46 cylinder 12 dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 13602

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A superb " UNMOUNTED MINT " Control S46 cylinder 12 dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 14163

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A superb " UNMOUNTED MINT " Control S46 cylinder 12 dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 14176

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A superb " UNMOUNTED MINT " Control S46 cylinder 12 dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 25836

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A superb " UNMOUNTED MINT " Control S46 cylinder 12 dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 25837

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A superb " UNMOUNTED MINT " Control S46 cylinder 17 dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 13582

SG. 491. QCom8. 2½d ultramarine. A superb " UNMOUNTED MINT " Control S46 cylinder 17 dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 5 E/I.

SKU: 13607

SG. 492 a. QCom9 b. 3d violet. A super UNMOUNTED MINT block of 4 with the listed " Seven berries. Cylinder 4 no dot. Row 12/5 " variety.

SKU: 26265

SG. 492 a. QCom9 b. 3d violet. A super UNMOUNTED MINT right hand marginal block of 6 with h the listed " Seven berries. Cylinder 4 no dot. Row 12/5 " variety.

SKU: 14661

SG. 492 a. QCom9 b. 3d violet. A super UNMOUNTED MINT right hand marginal block of 9 with the listed " Seven berries. Cylinder 4 no dot. Row 12/5 " variety.

SKU: 22056

SG. 492 a. QCom9 b. 3d violet. A super UNMOUNTED MINT right hand marginal block of 9 with the listed " Seven berries. Cylinder 4 no dot. Row 12/5 " variety.

SKU: 22057

SG. 492 a. QCom9 b. 3d violet. A super UNMOUNTED MINT right hand marginal block of 9 with the listed " Seven berries. Cylinder 4 no dot. Row 12/5 " variety.

SKU: 22058

SG. 492 a. QCom9 b. 3d violet. A super UNMOUNTED MINT right hand marginal block of 9 with the listed " Seven berries. Cylinder 4 no dot. Row 12/5 " variety.

SKU: 26257

SG. 492 a. QCom9 b. 3d violet. A super UNMOUNTED MINT right hand marginal block of 9 with the listed " Seven berries. Cylinder 4 no dot. Row 12/5 " variety.

SKU: 26258

SG. 492 a. QCom9 b. 3d violet. A super UNMOUNTED MINT right hand marginal block of 9 with the listed " Seven berries. Cylinder 4 no dot. Row 12/5 " variety.

SKU: 26259

SG. 492 a. QCom9 b. 3d violet. A super UNMOUNTED MINT right hand marginal block of 9 with the listed " Seven berries. Cylinder 4 no dot. Row 12/5 " variety.

SKU: 26260

SG. 492 a. QCom9 b. 3d violet. A super UNMOUNTED MINT right hand marginal block of 9 with the listed " Seven berries. Cylinder 4 no dot. Row 12/5 " variety.

SKU: 26261

SG. 492 a. QCom9 b. 3d violet. A super UNMOUNTED MINT right hand marginal block of 9 with the listed " Seven berries. Cylinder 4 no dot. Row 12/5 " variety.

SKU: 26262

SG. 492 a. QCom9 b. 3d violet. A super UNMOUNTED MINT right hand marginal block of 9 with the listed " Seven berries. Cylinder 4 no dot. Row 12/5 " variety.

SKU: 26263

SG. 492 a. QCom9 b. 3d violet. A super UNMOUNTED MINT right hand marginal block of 9 with the listed " Seven berries. Cylinder 4 no dot. Row 12/5 " variety.

SKU: 39983

SG. 492. QCom9. 3d Violet. A lightlty mounted mint " Control S46 cylinder 4 dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 6B E/P-

SKU: 59721

SG. 492. QCom9. 3d Violet. A lightly mounted mint " Control S46 cylinder 2 dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 6B E/P

SKU: 59716

SG. 492. QCom9. 3d Violet. A lightly mounted mint " Control S46 cylinder 2 no dot cylinder block of 6 perf type 6 I/P.

SKU: 59712