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Edward VIII

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SG. 459a. PB5 (7). 1½d Red - Brown.. A fine MOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6.Cylinder G7 dot Perf type ' B4B(E)." Drages 50 pay way / Free book. Drages " pane. Trimmed perfs.

SKU: 60951

SG. 459a. PB5 (7). 1½d Red - Brown.. A fine MOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6.Cylinder G7 no dot Perf type ' B4(E)." Drages 50 pay way / Free book. Drages " pane. Trimmed perfs.

SKU: 60947

SG. 459a. PB5 (7). 1½d Red - Brown.. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6.Cylinder G7 dot Perf type ' B4A(I)." Drages 50 pay way / Free book. Drages " pane. Good perfs.

SKU: 60948

SG. 459a. PB5 (7). 1½d Red - Brown.. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6.Cylinder G7 dot Perf type ' B4A(I)." Drages 50 pay way / Free book. Drages " pane. Trimmed perfs.

SKU: 60949

SG. 459a. PB5 (7). 1½d Red - Brown.. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6.Cylinder G7 no dot Perf type ' B4(E)'. ( 7 ) " Drages 50 pay way / Free book. Drages " pane. Trimmed perfs.

SKU: 48716

SG. 459a. PB5 (7). 1½d Red - Brown.. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Perf type ' E'. " Drages 50 pay way / Free book. Drages ". Trimmed perfs.

SKU: 59975

SG. 459a. PB5 (7). 1½d Red - Brown.. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Perf type ' P '. " Drages 50 pay way / Free book. Drages ". Good perfs.

SKU: 59976

SG. 459a. PB5 (7). 1½d Red - Brown.. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Perf type ' P '. " Drages 50 pay way / Free book. Drages ". Trimmed perfs.

SKU: 59978

SG. 459a. PB5 (7). 1½d Red - Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Perf type ' E'. " Drages 50 pay way / Free book. Drages ". GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 77906

SG. 459a. PB5 (8). 1½d Red - Brown.. A fine MOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6.Cylinder G7 No dot Perf type ' B4(E)." Everitt's/Everitt's " pane. Good perfs.

SKU: 60952

SG. 459a. PB5 (8). 1½d Red - Brown.. A fine MOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6.Cylinder G7 No dot Perf type ' B4(E)." Everitt's/Everitt's " pane. Trimmed perfs.

SKU: 60953

SG. 459a. PB5 (9). 1½d Red - Brown.. A fine MOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6.Cylinder G7 No dot Perf type ' B4(E)." For safety of capital/Universal fixed trust " pane. Trimmed perfs.

SKU: 60954

SG. 459a. PB5 (9). 1½d Red - Brown.. A fine MOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6.Cylinder G7 dot Perf type ' B4A(I)." For safety of capital/Universal fixed trust " pane. Trimmed perfs.

SKU: 60955

SG. 459a. PB5 (9). 1½d Red - Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Perf type ' P '. "For Safety of capital/century Fixed Trust. Good perfs.

SKU: 60000

SG. 459a. PB5 (9). 1½d Red - Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Perf type ' B4 € Cylinder G7 No Dot' . "For Safety of capital/century Fixed Trust (see last page)" (edition number 359). Good perfs.

SKU: 64586

SG. 459a. PB5 (10). 1½d Red - Brown. A fine MOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 no dot Perf type ' B4(E) " For safety Of Capital / Universal Fixed Trust ( see last page ) ".Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 60956

SG. 459a. PB5 (10). 1½d Red - Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 no dot Perf type ' B4(E)' ( 10 ) " For safety Of Capital / Universal Fixed Trust ( see last page ) ". (edition numbers 356 or358). Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 48718

SG. 459a. PB5 (10). 1½d Red - Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Perf type ' E '. " For safety Of Capital / Universal Fixed Trust. Good Perfs.

SKU: 60004

SG. 459a. PB5 (10). 1½d Red - Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Perf type ' P '. " For safety Of Capital / Universal Fixed Trust. Good Perfs.

SKU: 60005

SG. 459a. PB5 (10). 1½d Red - Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Perf type ' P '. " For safety Of Capital / Universal Fixed Trust. Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 60001

SG. 459a. PB5 (10). 1½d Red - Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. " For safety Of Capital / Universal Fixed Trust ( see last page ) ". (edition numbers 356 or358). Perf type I. Good Perfs.

SKU: 66397

SG. 459a. PB5 (11). 1½d Red - Brown.. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Perf type ' B4A (I) G7dot'. " Spread your capital/Invest in Century " pane. Good perfs.

SKU: 62660

SG. 459a. PB5 (11). 1½d Red - Brown. A fine MOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 dot Perf type ' B4A(I) . "Spread your Capital / Century Fixed Trust ( text on both panes diagonal ) " (Edition 361 or 363). Good perfs

SKU: 60958

SG. 459a. PB5 (11). 1½d Red - Brown. A fine MOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 no dot Perf type ' B4(E) . "Spread your Capital / Century Fixed Trust ( text on both panes diagonal ) " (Edition 361 or 363). Trimmed perfs

SKU: 60957

SG. 459a. PB5 (11). 1½d Red - Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 dot Perf type ' B4A(I)' ( 11 ) " Spread your Capital / Century Fixed Trust ( text on both panes diagonal ) " (Edition 361 or 363). Trimmed perfs

SKU: 48721

SG. 459a. PB5 (11). 1½d Red - Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 no dot Perf type ' B4(E)' ( 11 ) " Spread your Capital / Century Fixed Trust ( text on both panes diagonal ) " (Edition 361 or 363). Trimmed perfs

SKU: 48720

SG. 459a. PB5 (11). 1½d Red - Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Perf type ' E '. " Spread your Capital / Century Fixed Trust. Good perfs.

SKU: 60011

SG. 459a. PB5 (11). 1½d Red - Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Perf type ' I '. " Spread your Capital / Century Fixed Trust. Trimmed perfs.

SKU: 60012

SG. 459a. PB5 (11). 1½d Red - Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Perf type ' P ' ( 11 ) " Spread your Capital / Century Fixed Trust ( text on both panes diagonal ) " (Edition 361 or 363). Good perfs

SKU: 48630

SG. 459a. PB5 (12). 1½d Red - Brown. A fine MOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 No dot Perf type ' B4(E) . "Spread your Capital / Century Fixed Trust ( text on both panes diagonal ) " (Edition 360 or 362). Trimmed perfs

SKU: 60959

SG. 459a. PB5 (12). 1½d Red - Brown. A fine MOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 No dot Perf type ' B4A(1) . "Spread your Capital / Century Fixed Trust ( text on both panes diagonal ) " (Edition 360 or 362). Good perfs

SKU: 60960

SG. 459a. PB5 (12). 1½d Red - Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 No dot Perf type ' B4(E) . "Spread your Capital / Century Fixed Trust ( text on both panes diagonal ) " (Edition 360 or 362). Trimmed perfs

SKU: 68372

SG. 459a. PB5 (13). 1½d Red - Brown. A fine mounted mint booklet pane of 6. Perf type ' P '. "Stamp Collectors / Chas.NISSEN & co". Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 62655

SG. 459a. PB5 ( 14 ) 1½d Red - Brown. A fine MOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 no dot Perf type ' B4(E)' ( 14 ) " Saving is simple/home safe." (edition number 365,369,375 or383). Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 48723

SG. 459a. PB5 ( 14 ) 1½d Red - Brown. A fine MOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Perf type ' P ' ( 14 ) " Saving is simple/home safe." (edition number 365,369,375 or383). Good Perfs.

SKU: 48669

SG. 459a. PB5 (14). 1½d Red - Brown. A mounted mint booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 no dot Perf type ' B4(E). " Saving is simple/home safe." (edition number 365,369,375 or383). GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 68376

SG. 459a. PB5 (14). 1½d Red - Brown. A mounted mint booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 no dot Perf type ' B4A(I). " Saving is simple/home safe." (edition number 365,369,375 or383). TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 68375

SG. 459a. PB5 (14) 1½d Red - Brown. A fine MOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 dot Perf type ' B4B(E). " Saving is simple/home safe." (edition number 365,369,375 or383). TrimmedPerfs.

SKU: 60970

SG. 459a. PB5 (14) 1½d Red - Brown. A fine MOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 no dot Perf type ' B4(E). " Saving is simple/home safe." (edition number 365,369,375 or383). Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 60963

SG. 459a. PB5 (14) 1½d Red - Brown. A mounted mint cylinder pane of 6. Cylinder G7 no dot Perf type ' B4A(I). " Saving is simple/home safe." (edition number 365,369,375 or383). Good Perfs.

SKU: 72447

SG. 459a. PB5 (15). 1½d Red - Brown. A fine MOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Perf type ' P '. "Come on the telephone / Airmails letters and parcels". Good Perfs.

SKU: 60113

SG. 459a. PB5 (15). 1½d Red - Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Perf type ' E '. "Come on the telephone / Airmails letters and parcels". Good Perfs.

SKU: 60109

SG. 459a. PB5 (15). 1½d Red - Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Perf type ' E '. "Come on the telephone / Airmails letters and parcels". Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 60114

SG. 459a. PB5 (15). 1½d Red - Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Perf type ' P '. "Come on the telephone / Airmails letters and parcels". Good Perfs.

SKU: 76208

SG. 459a. PB5 (15). 1½d Red - Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 dot Perf type ' B4B(E)' ." Come on the telephone / Airmails letters and parcels " pane. ( Edition numbers 16,366,376 or 385) GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 68377

SG. 459a. PB5 (15) 1½d Red - Brown. A fine MOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 dot Perf type ' B4A(I)' ." Come on the telephone / Airmails letters and parcels " pane. ( Edition numbers 16,366,376 or 385) Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 60973

SG. 459a. PB5 (15) 1½d Red - Brown. A fine MOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 dot Perf type ' B4B(E)' ." Come on the telephone / Airmails letters and parcels " pane. ( Edition numbers 16,366,376 or 385) Good Perfs.

SKU: 60974

SG. 459a. PB5 (15) 1½d Red - Brown. A fine MOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 no dot Perf type ' B4(E)' ." Come on the telephone / Airmails letters and parcels " pane. ( Edition numbers 16,366,376 or 385) Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 60972

SG. 459a. PB5 (15) 1½d Red - Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 no dot Perf type ' B4(E)' ." Come on the telephone / Airmails letters and parcels " pane. ( Edition numbers 16,366,376 or 385) Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 60971

SG. 459a. PB5 (15) 1½d Red - Brown. A mounted mint booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 no dot Perf type ' B4(E)' ." Come on the telephone / Airmails letters and parcels " pane. ( Edition numbers 16,366,376 or 385). TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 75310

SG. 459a. PB5 (15) 1½d Red - Brown. A mounted mint cylinder pane of 6. Cylinder G7 dot Perf type ' B4B(E)' ." Come on the telephone / Airmails letters and parcels " pane. ( Edition numbers 16,366,376 or 385) TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 72448

SG. 459a. PB5 ( 16 ) 1½d Red - Brown. A fine MOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 dot Perf type ' B4A(I)' ( 16 ) " Your friends are on the telephone / air mails letters and parcels " pane. ( Edition numbers 370 or 377) Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 48725

SG. 459a. PB5 (16). 1½d Red - Brown. A mounted mint booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 No dot Perf type ' B4(E). " Your friends are on the telephone / air mails letters and parcels " pane. ( Edition numbers 370 or 377) Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 68378

SG. 459a. PB5 (16) 1½d Red - Brown. A fine MOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. " Your friends are on the telephone / air mails letters and parcels " pane. Perf type I. Good Perfs.

SKU: 60223

SG. 459a. PB5 (16) 1½d Red - Brown. A fine MOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 No dot Perf type ' B4(E). " Your friends are on the telephone / air mails letters and parcels " pane. ( Edition numbers 370 or 377) Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 60975

SG. 459a. PB5 (16) 1½d Red - Brown. A fine MOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 dot Perf type ' B4A(I). " Your friends are on the telephone / air mails letters and parcels " pane. ( Edition numbers 370 or 377) Good Perfs.

SKU: 60976

SG. 459a. PB5 (16) 1½d Red - Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. " Your friends are on the telephone / air mails letters and parcels " pane. Perf type P. Good Perfs.

SKU: 76209

SG. 459a. PB5(3) 1½d Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. " Cash's satin lingerie ribbons / Samples ( in text ) of cash's ribbons. " Attach to this a " J. & J. " pane (numbered 357). Perf type E. TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 69019

SG. 459a. PB5(3) 1½d Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. " Cash's satin lingerie ribbons / Samples ( in text ) of cash's ribbons. " Attach to this a " J. & J. " pane (numbered 357) Perf type ' P '. GOOD Perfs. (numbered 357)

SKU: 72145

SG. 459a. PB5(4). 1½d Brown. A UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 No dot Perf type B4A(E). "Number one Bond/Castell bro's". TRIMMED perfs.

SKU: 68365

SG. 459a. PB5(4). 1½d Brown. A mounted mint booklet pane of 6. "Number one Bond / Castell Bros ". Perf Type P. GOOD perfs.

SKU: 69021

SG. 459a. PB5(5). 1½d Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 No dot Perf type ' B4(E)'. "Ruskin Linen / Castell Bros.". Trimmed perfs.

SKU: 68366

SG. 459a. PB5(5). 1½d Red - Brown. A mounted mint booklet pane of 6. " Ruskin Linen/Castell Bros ". Perf type P. TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 69023

SG. 459a. PB5(7). 1½d Red - Brown.. A mounted mint booklet pane of 6.Cylinder G7 dot Perf type ' B4A(I)." Drages 50 pay way / Free book. Drages " pane. GOOD perfs.

SKU: 68367

SG. 459a. PB5(7). 1½d Red - Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 no dot Perf type B4(E). " Drages 50 pay way / Free book. Drages " pane. GOOD perfs.

SKU: 68368

SG. 459a. PB5(8). 1½d Red - Brown. A mounted mint booklet pane of 6. Perf type ' E '. " Everitts wardrobe fittings/patents co.Ltd". GOOD perfs.

SKU: 68701

SG. 459a. PB5(9). 1½d Red - Brown. A mounted mint booklet pane of 6. Perf type ' B4 (E) Cylinder G7 No Dot. "For Safety of capital/century Fixed Trust (see last page)" (359). GOOD perfs.

SKU: 68369

SG. 459a. PB5(10). 1½d Red - Brown. A mounted mint booklet pane of 6. " For safety Of Capital / Universal Fixed Trust ". Perf type P. TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 69042

SG. 459a. PB5(10). 1½d Red - Brown. A mounted mint booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 dot Perf type B4A(I) " For safety Of Capital / Universal Fixed Trust ( see last page ) " GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 68370

SG. 459a. PB5(10). 1½d Red - Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. " For safety Of Capital / Universal Fixed Trust ". Perf type E. TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 69041

SG. 459a. PB5(10). 1½d Red - Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 no dot Perf type ' B4(E) " For safety Of Capital / Universal Fixed Trust ( see last page ) ". GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 68371

SG. 459a. PB5(11). 1½d Red - Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. " Spread your Capital / Century Fixed Trust ". Perf type I. GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 69044

SG. 459a. PB5(11). 1½d Red - Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. " Spread your Capital / Century Fixed Trust ( text on both panes diagonal ) " (Edition 361 or 363). Perf type P. TRIMMED Perfs

SKU: 68710

SG. 459a. PB5(13). 1½d Red - Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 no dot. " Stamp Collectors / Chas Nissen " pane. (edition number 354). Perf type ' B4(E). GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 68874

SG. 459a. PB5(14) 1½d Red - Brown. A mounted mint booklet pane of 6. Perf type ' E '. " Saving is simple/home safe." (edition number 365,369,375 or383). TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 77907

SG. 459a. PB5(14) 1½d Red - Brown. A mounted mint booklet pane of 6. Perf type ' P '. " Saving is simple/home safe." (edition number 365,369,375 or383). TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 68716

SG. 459a. PB5(15). 1½d Red - Brown. A mounted mint booklet pane of 6. " Come on the telephone / Airmails letters and parcels". Perf type E. GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 68718

SG. 459a. PB5(15). 1½d Red - Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. " Come on the telephone / Airmails letters and parcels ". Perf type P. TRIMMED Perfs.

SKU: 69048

SG. 459a. PB5(16) 1½d Red - Brown. A mounted mint booklet pane of 6. " Your friends are on the telephone / air mails letters and parcels " pane. Perf type E. Good Perfs.

SKU: 68719

SG. 459a. PB5a (13). 1½d Red - Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Perf type ' E '. "Stamp Collectors / Chas.NISSEN & co". Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 60023

SG. 459a. PB5a (14) 1½d Red - Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Perf type ' P '. "Saving is simple/home safe". Good Perfs.

SKU: 60062

SG. 459a PB5 (4) 1½d Brown. A fine MOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 dot Perf type ' B4A(I)'. "Number one Bond / Castell Bros.". Trimmed perfs.

SKU: 60941

SG. 459a PB5 (4) 1½d Brown. A fine Unmounted MINT booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 dot Perf type ' B4A(I)'. "Number one Bond / Castell Bros.". Trimmed perfs.

SKU: 60940

SG. 459a PB5 (5) 1½d Brown. A fine MOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 No dot Perf type ' B4(E)'. "Ruskin Linen / Castell Bros.". Trimmed perfs.

SKU: 60942

SG. 459a PB5 (5) 1½d Brown. A fine MOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 dot Perf type ' B4A(I)'. "Ruskin Linen / Castell Bros.". Trimmed perfs.

SKU: 60944

SG. 459a PB5 (5) 1½d Brown. A fine mounted mint booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 dot Perf type ' B4A(I)'. "Ruskin Linen / Castell Bros.". Good perfs.

SKU: 60943

SG. 459a PB5 (6) 1½d Brown. A fine MOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 dot Perf type ' B4A(I)'. "Kargo.2/6 per pack/Castell bros". Trimmed perfs.

SKU: 60946

SG. 459aw. PB5 (13). 1½d Red - Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 no dot Perf type ' B4(E). " Stamp Collectors / Chas Nissen " pane. (edition number 354). Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 68374

SG. 459aw. PB5 (13) 1½d Red - Brown. A fine MOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 no dot Perf type ' B4(E). " Stamp Collectors / Chas Nissen " pane. (edition number 354). Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 60961

SG. 459aw. PB5 (13) 1½d Red - Brown. A fine MOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Cylinder G7 no dot Perf type ' B4A(1). " Stamp Collectors / Chas Nissen " pane. (edition number 354). Trimmed Perfs.

SKU: 60962

SG. 459aw. PB5a(1). 1½d Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT INVERTED WATERMARK booklet pane of 6. " Cash's" Lose Less Linen" book/free Booklet.J.& J. Cash" (numbered 364). Perf type I. GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 69016

SG. 459aw. PB5a (1). 1½d Brown. INVERTED WATERMARK. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Perf type ' P '. Good perfs. "Cash's" Lose Less Linen" book/free Booklet.J.& J. Cash" (numbered 364)

SKU: 64582

SG. 459aw. PB5a(2). 1½d Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT INVERTED WATERMARK booklet pane of 6. " Cash's" names" book/free Booklet. J.& J. Cash" (numbered 372).Perf type P. GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 69018

SG. 459aw. PB5a (2). 1½d Brown. INVERTED WATERMARK. A fine MOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Perf type ' E '. Trimmed perfs. "Cash's" names" book/free Booklet.J.& J. Cash" (numbered 372)

SKU: 59959

SG. 459aw. PB5a (2). 1½d Brown. INVERTED WATERMARK. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Perf type ' E '. Good perfs. "Cash's" names" book/free Booklet.J.& J. Cash" (numbered 372)

SKU: 59958

SG. 459aw. PB5a(3). 1½d Brown. A mounted mint INVERTED WATERMARK booklet pane of 6. " Cash's satin lingerie ribbons / Samples ( in text ) of cash's ribbons. " Attach to this a " J. & J. " pane (number 379). Perf type I. GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 68881

SG. 459aw. PB5a (3) 1½d Brown.INVERTED WATERMARK. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Perf type ' P '. " Cash's satin lingerie ribbons / Samples ( in text ) of cash's ribbons. " Attach to this a " J. & J. " pane. Trimmed perfs. (number 357).

SKU: 59964

SG. 459aw. PB5a(5). 1½d Red - Brown. A mounted mint INVERTED WATERMARK booklet pane of 6. "Ruskin Linen/Castell Bros". Perf type I. GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 72211

SG. 459aw. PB5a (5). 1½d Red - Brown. An UNMOUNTED MINT INVERTED WATERMARK booklet pane of 6. Perf type ' P '. "Ruskin Linen/Castell Bros. GOOD Perfs.

SKU: 75777

SG. 459aw. PB5a (5). 1½d Red - Brown. INVERTED WATERMARK . A fine MOUNTED MINT booklet pane of 6. Perf type ' P '. "Ruskin Linen/Castell Bros. Good perfs.

SKU: 59968