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Royal Cypher

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SG. 379. N23 (1). 4d Grey Green. A mounted mint control " Q21 imperf " strip of 3 with watermark TYPE III. A very scarce control in a strip. Ex. Dave Walker collection.

SKU: 62139

SG. 379. N23 (1). 4d Grey Green. A mounted mint control " U22 imperf " strip of 3 with the VERY RARE watermark TYPE II variety. Ex. Dave Walker collection.

SKU: 62137

SG. 379. N23 (1)a. 4d Grey Green. NO WATERMARK. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT left hand marginal example.

SKU: 76378

SG. 379. N23 (1) e. 4d Grey Green. A fine mounted mint control " G15 imperf " block of 6 from plate 1d, perf type 2, with the listed variety " break above O " row 19/2. Watermark type II.

SKU: 54109

SG. 379. N23 (1)e. 4d Grey Green. A fine mounted mint example with the listed " break above ' O ' ( Row 19/2 ) " error / variety.

SKU: 71774

SG. 379. N23 (1)e. 4d Grey Green. A fine totally UNMOUNTED MINT control " 020 imperf " block of 6 from plate 1e. Perf type 2. Watermark type III with the listed " Break above ' O ' row 19/2 " error / variety.

SKU: 73392

SG. 379. N23 (1)e. 4d Grey Green. A fine totally UNMOUNTED MINT control " G15 perf " block of 6 from plate 1c. Perf type 2A. Watermark type II with the listed " Break above ' O ' row 19/2 " error / variety.

SKU: 73413

SG. 379. N23 (1)e. 4d Grey Green. A fine totally UNMOUNTED MINT control " I16 perf " block of 6 from plate 1d. Perf type 2A. Watermark type II with the listed " Break above ' O ' row 19/2 " error / variety.

SKU: 73412

SG. 379. N23 (1)j. 4d Grey Green. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example with the listed " Blob on nose " variety / error. A RARE and underrated GV variety.

SKU: 69475

SG. 379wi variety N23 (2)b. 4d Pale Grey Green. INVERTED WATERMARK. A fine mounted mint control " M18 imperf " complete 2 bottom rows from plate 3a. A RARE multiple of the GV error / variety these days.

SKU: 69304

SG. 380 variety N23 ( UNLISTED). 4d VERY Pale Grey Green. A fine mounted mint bottom left hand corner marginal example of this known but unlisted George V shade variety. Complete with HENDON certificate.

SKU: 68216

SG. 380 variety N23 ( UNLISTED). 4d VERY Pale Grey Green. A fine mounted mint example of this known but unlisted George V shade variety. Complete with HENDON certificate.

SKU: 69467

SG. 380. N23 (2). 4d Pale Grey Green. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT control " Q21 perf " strip of 3 with watermark TYPE III. A very scarce control in a strip. Ex. Dave Walker collection.

SKU: 62138

SG. 380. N23 (2). 4d Pale Grey Green. A mounted mint control " K18 perf " strip of 3 with the VERY RARE watermark TYPE II variety. Ex. Dave Walker collection.

SKU: 62136

SG. 380. N23 (2). 4d Pale Grey Green. A mounted mint control " U23 imperf " strip of 3 with the VERY RARE watermark TYPE III variety. Ex. Dave Walker collection.

SKU: 62135

SG. 381 variety (UNLISTED). 5d Deep Bright Reddish Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT bottom left hand corner marginal example of this known but unlisted by SG. George V shade variety. Complete with Hendon certificate.

SKU: 69216

SG. 381 variety (UNLISTED). 5d Deep Bright Reddish Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT bottom marginal example of this known but unlisted by SG. George V shade variety. Complete with Hendon certificate.

SKU: 69217

SG. 381 variety (UNLISTED). 5d Deep Bright Reddish Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT control " Q21 perf " example of this known but unlisted by SG. George V shade variety. Complete with Hendon certificate.

SKU: 69218

SG. 381 variety ( UNLISTED ). 5d Pale Bright Reddish Brown. A very fine mounted mint example of this known but unlisted by SG. George V shade variety. Complete with Hendon certificate.

SKU: 53037

SG. 381 variety N25 (2)f. 5d Reddish Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT control " B.13 imperf " bottom left hand horizontal pair clearly showing the scarce listed " Lower Left Frame Break ( Plate 1a Row 20/1 ) variety / error.

SKU: 75454

SG. 381 variety N25 (3). 5d Yellow Brown. A fine mounted mint control " S22 Perf " block of 6. Watermark type III. By far the rarest of all the 5d controls and VERY RARE in a block of 6..

SKU: 62809

SG. 381 variety N25 (UNLISTED). 5d Bright Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example of this known but unlisted by SG George V shade variety. Complete with HENDON certificate.

SKU: 68975

SG. 381 variety N25 (UNLISTED). 5d Bright Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example of this known but unlisted by SG George V shade variety. Complete with HENDON certificate.

SKU: 68976

SG. 381 variety N25 (UNLISTED). 5d Bright Reddish Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT ( mounted in the margin only ) bottom marginal example of this known but unlisted by SG. Shade variety. Complete with HENDON certificate.

SKU: 69222

SG. 381 variety N25 (UNLISTED). 5d Bright Reddish Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT ( mounted in the margin only ) control " G15 imperf " example of this known but unlisted by SG. shade variety complete with HENDON certificate.

SKU: 69223

SG. 381 variety N25 (UNLISTED). 5d Deep Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT control " H16 imperf " example of this known but unlisted by SG George V shade variety. Complete with HENDON certificate.

SKU: 65300

SG. 381 variety N25 (UNLISTED). 5d Deep Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example of this known but unlisted by SG George V shade variety. Complete with HENDON certificate.

SKU: 69209

SG. 381 variety N25 (UNLISTED). 5d Deep Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT left hand marginal example of this known but unlisted by SG George V shade variety. Complete with HENDON certificate.

SKU: 69207

SG. 381 variety N25 (UNLISTED). 5d Deep Brown. A mounted mint bottom marginal example of this known but unlisted by SG George V shade variety. Complete with HENDON certificate.

SKU: 65302

SG. 381 variety N25 ( UNLISTED ). 5d Deep Reddish Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT bottom interpanneau marginal example of this known but unlisted by SG. George V shade variety. Complete with RPS certificate.

SKU: 77868

SG. 381 variety N25 (UNLISTED). 5d Pale Bright Reddish Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT bottom left hand corner marginal example of this known but unlisted by SG. George V shade variety. Complete with HENDON certificate.

SKU: 67667

SG. 381 variety N25 (UNLISTED). 5d Pale Bright Reddish Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT bottom marginal example of this known but unlisted by SG. George V shade variety. Complete with HENDON certificate.

SKU: 67666

SG. 381 variety N25 (UNLISTED). 5d Pale Bright Reddish Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT control " B.13 imperf " example of this known but unlisted by SG. George V shade variety. Complete with HENDON certificate.

SKU: 67668

SG. 381 variety N25 (UNLISTED). 5d Pale Bright Reddish Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example of this known but unlisted by SG. George V shade variety. Complete with HENDON certificate.

SKU: 67664

SG. 381 variety N25 (UNLISTED). 5d Pale Bright Reddish Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT left hand marginal example of this known but unlisted by SG. George V shade variety. Complete with HENDON certificate.

SKU: 67665

SG. 381 variety N25 (UNLISTED). 5d Pale Reddish Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example of this known but unlisted by SG. George V shade variety complete with RPS certificate.

SKU: 69214

SG. 381 variety N25 (UNLISTED). 5d Pale Reddish Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example of this known but unlisted by SG. George V shade variety complete with RPS certificate.

SKU: 79577

SG. 381 wi. Variety N25 (3) b. 5d yellow brown INVERTED WATERMARK. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT block of 4 of this scarce George V watermark variety. Watermark type III. A RARE multiple.

SKU: 37116

SG. 381 wk. Variety N25 (2) c. 5d reddish brown. INVERTED & REVERSED WATERMARK. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT block of 4. Watermark type II. A scarce multiple these days.

SKU: 37118

SG. 381wk. N25 (1)c. 5d Brown. INVERTED & REVERSED WATERMARK. A very " 14th June 1922 RICHMOND " CDS used example of this scarce George V watermark variety / error.

SKU: 62741

SG. 381wk. N25 (1)c. 5d Brown. INVERTED & REVERSED WATERMARK. A very used example of this scarce George V watermark variety / error.

SKU: 72991

SG. 382 variety N25 (4). 5d Ochre Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT control " K17 perf " example complete with RPS certificate.

SKU: 76531

SG. 382 variety N25 (4). 5d Ochre Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example complete with RPS certificate.

SKU: 76592

SG. 382 variety N25 (4)g. 5d Ochre Brown. A fine lightly mounted mint control " K17 perf " example clearly showing the scarce " White blotch near ' V ' of ' REVENUE ' " variety / error.

SKU: 62048

SG. 382 variety N25 (4)g. 5d Ochre Brown. A fine lightly mounted mint example from control " K17 imperf " clearly showing the scarce listed " White blotch near ' V ' of ' REVENUE ' " variety / error. Complete with RPS certificate which strangely does not mention the variety.

SKU: 68973

SG. 382 variety N25 (4) g. 5d Ochre Brown. An average mounted mint control " K17 perf " example clearly showing the scarce listed variety -- " White blotch near ' V ' of ' REVENUE ' ". Complete with RPS certificate.

SKU: 53057

SG. 382 variety N25 (5). 5d Ginger Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT ( mounted in the margin only ) control " K17 imperf " strip of 3 eith a PAPER FOLD ERROR in margin,

SKU: 62051

SG. 382 variety N25 (5). 5d Ginger Brown. A totally UNMOUNTED MINT control " K17 imperf " strip of 3 with the VERY RARE watermark TYPE II variety. Ex. Dave Walker collection.

SKU: 62163

SG. 382 variety N25 ( UNLISTED ). 5d Bright Ginger Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example of this known but unlisted by SG. George V shade variety complete with Hendon certificate.

SKU: 53061

SG. 382 variety N25 (UNLISTED). 5d Deep Yellow Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT vertical interpanneau gutter pair of this known but unlisted by SG George V shade variety. Complete with HENDON certificate.

SKU: 62387

SG. 382 variety N25 (UNLISTED). 5d Deep Yellow Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT vertical interpanneau gutter pair of this known but unlisted by SG George V shade variety. Complete with HENDON certificate.

SKU: 62388

SG. 382. N25 (3). 5d Yellow Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT left hand marginal vertical strip of 3 with a fine DOUBLE PERFORATION error.

SKU: 62049

SG. 382. N25 (3). 5d Yellow Brown. A fine mounted mint control " 019 imperf " strip of 3 with the VERY RARE watermark TYPE II variety. Ex. Dave Walker collection.

SKU: 62134

SG. 382. N25 (3). 5d Yellow Brown. A fine mounted mint top left hand corner marginal vertical strip of 3 with a the UNCALENDERED PAPER ERROR / variety. Resulting in a partial dry print and complete with BPA certificate.

SKU: 71816

SG. 382. N25 (3). 5d Yellow Brown. A fine totally UNMOUNTED MINT control " N19 imperf " block of 6. Watermark type III.

SKU: 78688

SG. 382. N25 (3). 5d Yellow Brown. A fine totally UNMOUNTED MINT control " Q21 imperf " block of 6 complete with RPS certificate which is excellent for reference.

SKU: 74729

SG. 382. N25 (3). 5d Yellow Brown. A totally UNMOUNTED MINT control " N19 imperf " strip of 3 with the VERY SCARCE watermark TYPE II variety. Ex. Dave Walker collection.

SKU: 62164

SG. 382. N25 (3)g. 5d Yellow Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT control " N19 Imperf " example clearly showing the scarce listed " White blotch near ' V ' of ' REVENUE ' " variety / error.

SKU: 62047

SG. 382. N25 (3)g. 5d Yellow Brown. A fine totally UNMOUNTED MINT control " N19 perf " strip of 3 clearly showing the scarce listed " White blotch near ' V ' of ' REVENUE ' " variety / error.

SKU: 73382

SG. 382. N25 (3) g. 5d yellow Brown. A fine lightly mounted mint example from control " N19 perf " clearly showing the scarce listed variety -- " White blotch near ' V ' of ' REVENUE ' ".

SKU: 10658

SG. 382a. N25 (3)a. 5d Yellow Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT left hand marginal example with the scarce listed " NO WATERMARK " error / variety.

SKU: 76528

SG. 382a. N25 (3)a. 5d Yellow Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT left hand marginal example with the scarce listed " NO WATERMARK " error / variety.

SKU: 78522

SG. 383 variety N25 (UNLISTED). 5d Deep Bistre Brown. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example of this known but unlisted by SG. George V shade variety complete with HENDON certificate.

SKU: 81295

SG. 384 variety N26 (2). 6d Slate Purple. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT ( mounted in the margin only ) bottom left hand corner marginal example of this very difficult George V shade complete with RPS certificate.

SKU: 66084

SG. 384 variety N26 (2). 6d Slate Purple. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT bottom marginal example of this very difficult George V shade complete with RPS certificate.

SKU: 55534

SG. 384 variety N26 (2). 6d Slate Purple. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT bottom marginal example of this very difficult George V shade complete with RPS certificate.

SKU: 71831

SG. 384 variety N26 (2). 6d Slate Purple. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT control " C.13 imperf " strip of 3 of this very difficult George V shade. Watermark type II. Complete with HENDON certificate.

SKU: 77251

SG. 384 variety N26 (2). 6d Slate Purple. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example of this very difficult George V shade complete with RPS certificate.

SKU: 76593

SG. 384 variety N26 (2). 6d Slate Purple. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT left hand marginal example of this very difficult George V shade complete with RPS certificate.

SKU: 62389

SG. 384 variety N26 (2). 6d Slate Purple. A fine lightly mounted mint example of this difficult George V shade complete with RPS certificate.

SKU: 55536

SG. 384 variety N26 (2). 6d Slate Purple. A fine mint ( 5 stamps UNMOUNTED MINT ) control " C.13 imperf " block of 6. Perf type 3 and complete with RPS certificate. A RARE shade to find in blocks of 6 these days.

SKU: 61316

SG. 384 variety N26 (2). 6d Slate purple. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " control C.13 imperf " strip of 3. Perf type 2 and complete with RPS certificate. A RARE shade to find in multiples these days.

SKU: 9248

SG. 384 variety N26 (2). 6d Slate purple. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT " control C.13 perf " strip of 3. Perf type 2A and complete with RPS certificate. A RARE shade to find in multiples these days.

SKU: 8414

SG. 384 variety N26 (UNLISTED). 6d Pale Slate purple. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT bottom left hand corner marginal example of this known but unlisted by SG George V shade variety. Complete with HENDON certificate.

SKU: 68214

SG. 384 variety N26 (UNLISTED). 6d Pale Slate purple. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT control " C.13 perf " example of this known but unlisted by SG George V shade variety. Complete with HENDON certificate.

SKU: 68215

SG. 384 variety N26 (UNLISTED). 6d Pale Slate purple. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example of this known but unlisted by SG George V shade variety. Complete with HENDON certificate.

SKU: 67775

SG. 384 variety N26 (UNLISTED). 6d Pale Slate purple. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example of this known but unlisted by SG George V shade variety. Complete with HENDON certificate.

SKU: 67777

SG. 384 variety N26 (UNLISTED). 6d Pale Slate purple. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT top marginal example of this known but unlisted by SG George V shade variety. Complete with HENDON certificate.

SKU: 67780

SG. 384 variety N26 (UNLISTED). 6d Pale Slate purple. A fine mounted mint example of this known but unlisted by SG George V shade variety. Complete with Hendon certificate.

SKU: 44348

SG. 384s variety N26 (6)t. 6d Purple. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT example overprinted " SPECIMEN " type 23.

SKU: 78633

SG. 385 variety N26 (4). 6d Pale Reddish Purple. A fine totally UNMOUNTED MINT " D.14 imperf " block of 6. With a known but unlisted by SG. " Comma flaw on the dot of control " error / variety.

SKU: 73381

SG. 385 variety N26 (UNLISTED). 6d Bright Reddish Purple. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT example of this known but unlisted by SG. Shade variety complete with Hendon certificate.

SKU: 53280

SG. 385 variety N26 (UNLISTED). 6d Pale Bright Reddish Purple. A fine mounted mint control " N.19 perf " strip of 3 of this known but unlisted by SG. George V shade variety. Watermark type III. Perf type 2A.

SKU: 72487

SG. 385 variety N26 (UNLISTED). 6d bright reddish purple. A superb UNMOUNTED MINT example of this known but unlisted by SG. Shade variety complete with Hendon certificate.

SKU: 44349

SG. 385 wi. N26 (3) b . 6d reddish purple. A super UNMOUNTED MINT bottom right hand corner marginal block of 4 with INVERTED WATERMARK.

SKU: 8493

SG. 385. N26 (3). 6d Reddish Purple. A fine mounted mint control " D.14 imperf " strip of 3. With a known but unlisted by SG. " Comma flaw on the dot of control " error / variety.

SKU: 73380

SG. 385. N26 (3). 6d Reddish Purple. A fine mounted mint control " L.18 perf " strip of 3. Watermark type III and perf type 2A. A scarce multiple of this more difficult 6d control.

SKU: 78693

SG. 385. N26 (3). 6d Reddish Purple. A fine totally UNMOUNTED MINT control " C.13 perf " block of 6. Watermark type II and perf type 2A.

SKU: 78694

SG. 385. N26 (3). 6d Reddish Purple. A fine totally UNMOUNTED MINT control " L18 - NO STOP imperf " block of 6. Watermark type III.

SKU: 78692

SG. 385a. N26 (3)e. 6d Reddish Purple. " Perf. 14 ". A fine UNMOUNTED MINT interpanneau vertical gutter pair.

SKU: 77134

SG. 385a. N26 (3)e. 6d Reddish Purple. " Perf. 14 ". A fine totally UNMOUNTED MINT control " Q.20 imperf " block of 6.

SKU: 73378

SG. 385a. N26 (3)e. 6d Reddish Purple. " Perf. 14 ". A fine totally UNMOUNTED MINT control " R.21 imperf " strip of 3 with watermark TYPE III. A scarce control in a control strip.

SKU: 78690

SG. 385a. N26 (3)e. 6d reddish purple. " Perf. 14 ". A super UNMOUNTED MINT control Q.20 imperf block of 6, perf type 2 and watermark type III.

SKU: 1959

SG. 385a. N26 (3)e. 6d reddish purple. " Perf. 14 ". A super UNMOUNTED MINT control Q.20 imperf block of 6, perf type 2 and watermark type III.

SKU: 1961

SG. 385a. N26 (3)e. 6d reddish purple. " Perf. 14 ". A super totally UNMOUNTED MINT control " Q.20 imperf " block of 6.

SKU: 25521

SG. 385a. N26 (3)e. 6d reddish purple. " Perf. 14 ". A super totally UNMOUNTED MINT control " Q.20 imperf " block of 6. Perf type 2 and watermark type III.

SKU: 10473

SG. 385wi. N26 (3)b . 6d reddish purple. INVERTED WATERMARK. A fine mounted mint control " Q20 imperf " block of 6. Perf type 2 and watermark type III. A scarce multiple these days.

SKU: 62054

SG. 386 variety N26 (6). 6d Purple. A fine UNMOUNTED MINT ( mounted in the margin only ) control " E.14 perf " block of 6. Watermark type II and perf type 2A. With a " GHOST IMPRESSION " of the control on the first stamp ( Row 20 / 1 ).

SKU: 62052

SG. 386 variety N26 (6). 6d Purple. A fine totally UNMOUNTED MINT control " C.13 imperf " block of 6. Watermark type II and perf type 3. A very scarce perf type.

SKU: 78695

SG. 386 variety N26 (7). 6d Rosy Mauve. A mounted mint control " O.19 imperf " horizontal pair with a fine PAPER FOLD ERROR in margin.

SKU: 62053