Here you will find all GB commemorative stamps for sale form 1981 to 2005. For newer issues or Earlier Issues of Commemorative stamps for sale please refer to the appropriate GB Commemorative pages
Please Note: Newer issues VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked.
SG: Set 1989 Scott:
1989 RSPB Birds to Christmas Year Set (Greetings with full perfs) (items as listed above respective column, excluding 1989 Greetings trimmed perfs, 10 U/M, VFU & FDC, 8 Packs)
GB Commemorative Issues For 1990
Price Options
SG: 1467-1474 Scott: MH190-98
1990 Penny Black Anniversary ( Basic set of 5 different values ).
SG: 1550-1559 Scott: 1373a
1991 Greetings Smiles (1st Class) Se-Tenant Block from Booklet. These stamps are Printed in Photo. For Litho Printed Issues, see Smilers Sheets LS1, 5, 9 and 2002 Extras (KX3)(VFU maybe on piece due to them separating when soaked)
SG: 1560-1563 Scott: 1375a-7a
1991 Europa. Europe in Space
SG: 1564-1567 Scott: 1378-81
1991 Sport. World Student Games, Sheffield
SG: 1568-1572 Scott: 1382-6
1991 Ninth World Congress of Roses, Belfast
SG: 1573-1577 Scott: 1387-91
1991 150th Anniversary of Dinosaurs
SG: 1578-1581 Scott: 1392-5
1991 Bicentenary of Ordnance Survey Maps
SG: 1582-1586 Scott: 1416-20
1991 Christmas. Illuminated Manuscripts from the Bodleian Library
SG: Set 1991 Scott:
1991 Dogs to Christmas Year Set (items as listed above respective column. 10 U/M, VFU, FDC, 8 Packs)
GB Commemorative Issues For 1992
Price Options
SG: 1587-1591 Scott: 1421-25
1992 Wintertime. The four Seasons
SG: Set 1996 Scott:
1996 Burns to Christmas Year Set 10 (items as listed above respective column)
GB Commemorative Extras For 1996
Price Options
SG: 1905p-1914p Scott:
1996 Greetings Cartoons Re-Print (Phosphor Bands) (Se-Tenant Block) from Booklet These stamps are Printed in Photo. For Non Elliptical Perf Issues with Labels, see 2001 and 2003 Extras (from Booklet KX8A)
SG: 1940a Scott:
1996 TV 20p perf 15x14 from booklet (Muffin the Mule)
GB Commemorative Issues For 1997
Price Options
SG: 1955-1964 Scott: 1722a
1997 Greetings Flower Paintings (Se-Tenant Block) from Booklet These stamps are Printed in Photo. For Non Elliptical Perf Issues with Labels, see 2003 Extras (from Booklet KX9)
SG: 1965-1971 Scott: 1723-29a
1997 King Henry VIII (6 Wifes Stamps Se-Tenant Strip)
SG: 1972-1975 Scott: 1730-3
1997 Missions of Faith. Religious Anniversaries
SG: 1980-1983 Scott: 1754-57
1997 Tales and Legends . Horror Stories. Europa
SG: 1984-1988 Scott: 1758-62
1997 Architects of the Air. Aircraft Designers
SG: 1989-1992 Scott: 1763-6
1997 The Queen's Horses
SG: 1997-2000 Scott: 1767-70
1997 Sub Post Offices
SG: 2001-2005 Scott: 1771-5
1997 Enid Blyton
SG: 2006-2010 Scott: 1776-80
1997 Christmas. Christmas Cracker These stamps are Printed in Photo. For SG 2007 Printed in Litho with Label, see 2002 Extras
SG: 2011-2014 Scott: 1781-4
1997 Royal Golden Wedding
SG: Set 1997 Scott:
1997 Greetings to Royal Golden Wedding Year Set (10 items) (items as listed above respective column)
GB Commemorative Issues For 1998
Price Options
SG: 2015-2020 Scott: 1785-90
1998 Endangered Species
SG: 2021-2025 Scott: 1795a
1998 Diana, Princess of Wales (Se-Tenant Strip)
SG: 2026-2030 Scott: 1800a
1998 The Queens Beasts. Order of the Garter (Se-Tenant Strip)
SG: 2034-2038 Scott: 1804-8
1998 Lighthouses
SG: 2041-2045 Scott: 1809-13
1998 Comedians
SG: 2046-2049 Scott: 1814-17
1998 National Health Service
SG: 2050-2054 Scott: 1820-4
1998 Magical Worlds. Famous Children's Fantasy Novels
SG: 2055-2058 Scott: 1825-8
1998 Notting Hill Carnival. Europa
SG: 2059-2063 Scott: 1829-33
1998 British Land Speed Record Holders
SG: William 27p Scott:
2000 Prince William 27p from Queen Mother minisheet (Bk 1 Extras)
SG: £1.00 (From MS2147) Scott:
£1.00 Coronation Stamp from Miniature Sheet ( from MS2147)
GB Commemorative Issues For 2001
Price Options
SG: 2178-2181 Scott: 1944-7
2001 Face Paintings. Rights of the Child. New Millennium
SG: 2182-2186 Scott: 1948-52
2001 Occasions. Ingots Greetings These stamps are Printed in Photo. For Litho Printed Issues with Labels, see 2001 Extras.
SG: 2187-2196 Scott: 1953-62
2001 Cats & Dogs (Se-Tenant Self-Adhesive Sheetlet). ( VFU orders will be supplied as single stamps, this is the only way used is possible ).
SG: 2197-2200 Scott: 1963-6
2001 The Weather.
SG: MS2201 Scott: 1966a
2001 The Weather Miniature Sheet
SG: 2202-2205 Scott: 1967-70
2001 Royal Navy Submarine Service.
SG: MS2206 Scott: 1999
2001 Flags Miniature Sheet. These stamps are Printed in Photo. For stamps Printed in Litho with Labels, see 2004 and 2005 Extras.
SG: 2220-2223 Scott: 1981-4
2001 Pond Life. Europa
SG: 2224-2229 Scott: 1985-90
2001 Punch and Judy (Se-Tenant Strip)
SG: 2232-2237 Scott: 1993-8
2001 Nobel Prizes.
SG: 2238-2242 Scott: 2002-6
2001 Christmas. Robins These stamps are Printed in Photo. For SG 2239 with 2 Bands and 2238/9 Printed in Litho with Labels, see 2003 and 2005 Extras
SG: Set 2001 Scott:
2001 The Future to Christmas Year Set (items as listed above respective column) 14 sets ( 14 FDC's, 12 Packs )
GB Commemorative Extras For 2001
Price Options
SG: 2202a-2205a Scott: 1967a-70a
2001 Royal Navy Submarine Service Perf 15½ x 15 from Prestige Book
SG: 2207 S/A Scott: 1971
2001 1st Class Royal Navy Submarine Service 1st Class Self Adhesive (Booklet PM2)
SG: LS4strip Scott:
2001 Occasions. Ingots Greetings Smilers.Strip of 5 with Labels. SG 2182-2186 Variety. For Complete Sheet, see Smilers Sheets
GB Commemorative Issues For 2002
Price Options
SG: 2243-2252 Scott: 2007-16
2002 Kipling's Just So Stories (Se-Tenant Self-Adhesive Sheetlet) ( VFU orders will be supplied as single stamps, this is the only way used is possible )
SG: 2253-2257 Scott: 2017-21
2002 Golden Jubilee (Watermark 50 Sideways from Sheets)
SG: 2260-2264 Scott: 2024-8
2002 Occasions Greetings Stamps.For SG 2206 and Perf changed SG 2262 with Labels see 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2008 Extras
SG: 2265-2274 Scott: 2029-38
2002 British Coastlines (Se-Tenant Block)
SG: 2291 Scott: 2054
2002 1st class Lion World Cup Japan and Korea Stamp. (For Stamp Without World Cup 2002 Inscription Issued with Label, see 2007 Extras- 2291 V)
SG: MS2292 Scott: 2056
2002 World Cup Japan and Korea Miniature Sheet These stamps are Printed in Photo. For Litho Printed Issue with Labels, see 2002 Extras
SG: 2299-2303 Scott: 2059-63
2002 Commonwealth Games, Manchester
SG: 2304-2308 Scott: 2064-8
2002 Peter Pan. Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital
SG: 2309-2313 Scott: 2069-73
2002 Bridges of London.
SG: 2343-2347 Scott: 2103-2107
2003 The Secret of Life. Discovery of DNA
SG: 2348-2357 Scott: 2108-2117
2003 Fun Fruit and Vegetables (Se-Tenant Self-Adhesive Sheetlet) Presentation Pack. These stamps are Printed in Photo. For stamps Printed in Litho with Labels, see 2006 Extras
SG: 2368-2377 Scott: 2127-2136
2003 50th Anniversary of the Coronation (Se-Tenant Block)
SG: 2381-2384 Scott: 2137-2140
2003 Prince William 21st Birthday
SG: 2385-2390 Scott: 2141-2146
2003 Scotland. A British Journey
SG: 2392-2396 Scott: 2148-2152
2003 Pub Signs. Europa
SG: 2397-2401 Scott: 2153-2157
2003 Transports of Delight. Classic Transport Toys
SG: MS2402 Scott: 2157a
2003 Transports of Delight. Classic Transport Toys Miniature Sheet
SG: 2404-2409 Scott: 2159-2164
2003 The British Museum
SG: 2410-2415 Scott: 2165-2170
2003 Christmas Ice Sculptures These stamps are Printed in Photo. For SG 2410/2411 Printed in Litho with Labels, see 2003 Extras
SG: MS2416 Scott: 2171
2003 Rugby England Winners Miniature Sheet
SG: Set 2003 Scott:
2003 Birds of Prey to Rugby MS Year Set (14 items as listed above respective column)
GB Commemorative Extras For 2003
Price Options
SG: 2264a S/A Scott: 2028A
2003 1st Class Hello Self Adhesive from Booklet (Booklet PM8)
SG: 2366 S/A Scott: 2124
2003 1st Class Extreme Endeavours 1st Class Self Adhesive (Booklet PM9)
SG: 2391 S/A Scott: 2147
2003 1st Class Scotland. A British Journey 1st Class Self Adhesive (Booklet PM10)
SG: 2403 S/A Scott: 2158
2003 1x1st Class Transports of Delight. Classic transport Toys 1st Class Self Adhesive (Booklet PM11)
SG: LS11h/sheet Scott:
2003 Smilers Flower Paintings ½ Sheet with Labels. Half supplied my vary from the one shown. SG 1955-1964 Variety. For Complete Sheet, see Smilers Sheets
SG: LS13hsheet Scott:
2003 Smilers Crossword Cartoons ½ Sheet with Labels. Half supplied my vary from the one shown. SG 1905a-1914a Variety. For Complete Sheet, see Smilers Sheets
SG: LS14stamp Scott:
2003 Smilers Winter Robins Stamp with Label (Label Image May Vary). SG 2239, but with 2 phosphor bands. For Complete Sheet, see Smilers Sheets
SG: LS15stamp Scott:
2003 Christmas 2nd Ice Sculptures Smilers Stamp with Label (Label Image May Vary). SG 2410 Variety. For Complete Sheet, see Smilers Sheets
SG: LS16stamp Scott:
2003 Christmas 1st Ice Sculptures Smilers Stamp with Label (Label Image May Vary). SG 2411 Variety. For Complete Sheet, see Smilers Sheets
SG: 2456-2461 Scott: 2209-2214
2004 Royal Horticultural Society 1st IssueThese stamps are Printed in Photo. For SG 2457 Printed in Litho with Label, see 2004 Extras
SG: MS2462 Scott: 2214a
2004 Royal Horticultural Society 1st Issue Miniature Sheet
SG: 2466-2471 Scott: 2215-2220
2004 Wales. A British Journey. Includes Europa 1st and 40p Vlaues
SG: 2473-2478 Scott: 2222-2227
2004 The Royal Society of Arts
SG: 2489-2494 Scott: 2238-2243
2004 The Crimean War
SG: 2495-2500 Scott: 2245-2250
2004 Christmas Santa ClausThese stamps are Printed in Photo. For SG 2495/6 Printed in Litho with Labels, see 2004 Extras
SG: MS2501 Scott: 2244
2004 Christmas Santa Claus Miniature Sheet
SG: Set 2004 Scott:
2004 Classic Locomotives to Christmas Year Set (16 items as listed above respective column)
GB Commemorative Extras For 2004
Price Options
SG: 2445 S/A Scott: 2199
2004 1st Class Northern Ireland. A British Journey Self Adhesive (Booklet PM12)
SG: LS17stamp Scott:
2004 Hong Kong Expo Smilers Stamp with Label (Label Image May Vary). SG 2262. For Complete Sheet, see Smilers Sheets
SG: LS18strip Scott:
2004 Occasions Smilers Vertical Strip of 5 with Labels (Labels may vary from Image). SG 2424/8. For Complete Sheet, see Smilers Sheets
SG: LS19stamp Scott:
2004 Dahlias 1st class Stamp with Label (Label Image May Vary). SG 2457 Printed in Litho. For Complete Sheet, see Smilers Sheets
SG: LS20stamp Scott:
2004 Rule Britannia Flags 1st class Stamp with Label (Label Image May Vary). From SG MS 2206 Printed in Litho. For Complete Sheet, see Smilers Sheets
SG: LS21stamps Scott:
2004 Christmas Smilers Santa Claus 1st and 2nd class stamps with Labels (Labels may vary from Image). SG 2495/6 Printed in Litho. For Complete Sheet, see Smilers Sheets
SG: 2502-2511 Scott: 2251-60
2005 Farm Animals (Se-Tenant Block)These stamps are Printed in Photo. For stamps Printed in Litho with Labels, see 2005 Extras
SG: 2512-2517 Scott: 2261-2266
2005 South West England. A British Journey. 8.2.05
SG: 2518-2523 Scott: 2267-2272
2005 Jane Eyre. Charlotte Bronte
SG: MS2524 Scott: 2272a
2005 Jane Eyre. Charlotte Bronte Miniature Sheet
SG: 2525-2529 Scott: 2273-2277
2005 Magic CircleThese stamps are Printed in Photo. 15.3.05. For SG 2525 Printed in Litho with Label, see 2005 Extras
SG: MS2554 Scott: 2301
2005 Olympics London 2012 Miniature Sheet
SG: 2555-2560 Scott: 2302-2307
2005 Changing Tastes of Britain. Includes Europa 1st and 42p values. 23.8.05
SG: 2561-2566 Scott: 2308-2313
2005 Classic ITV Television. 15.9.05. For SG2562 with Label, see 2005 Extras
SG: 2567-2572 Scott: 2314-2319
2005 Smilers Booklet Stamps (1st Series). These stamps are Printed in Photo (from QA1 Booklet). For Litho Printed Issues with Labels, see 2006 and 2007 Extras
SG: MS2580 Scott: 2326c
2005 Battle of Trafalgar Miniature Sheet
SG: 2582-2587 Scott: 2328-2333
2005 Christmas. Madonna and Child paintings
SG: MS2588 Scott: 2327
2005 Christmas. Madonna and Child paintings Miniature Sheet
SG: Set 2005 Scott:
2005 Farm Animals to Christmas Year Set (21 items as listed above respective column)
GB Commemorative Extras For 2005
Price Options
SG: 2581 Scott:
1st Class White Ensign Stamp From Trafalgar or Royal Navy ( Our choice from DX35/DX47-2005/2009) Prestige Books Printed in Litho By Cartor
SG: LS22hsheet Scott:
2005 Farm Animals Smilers Half sheet with Labels. Half supplied my vary from the one shown. SG 2502-2511 Printed in Litho. For Complete Sheet, see Smilers Sheets
SG: LS23stamp Scott:
2005 Magic Circle Smilers Stamp with Label (Label Image May Vary). SG 2525 Printed in Litho. For Complete Sheet, see Smilers Sheets
SG: LS24stamp Scott:
2005 Australia Expo Smilers Stamp with Label (Label Image May Vary). SG 2262. For Complete Sheet, see Smilers Sheets
SG: LS25stamp Scott:
2005 White Ensign Smilers Stamp with Label (Label Image May Vary). From SG MS 2206 Printed in Litho. For Complete Sheet, see Smilers Sheets
SG: LS26stamp Scott:
2005 Classic ITV Television Smilers Stamp with Label (Label Image May Vary). SG 2562. For Complete Sheet, see Smilers Sheets
SG: LS27stamps Scott:
2005 Christmas Smilers Stamps with Labels (Labels may vary from Image). SG 2238/9 Printed in Litho. For Complete Sheet, see Smilers Sheets. ( 2 Stamps )