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Elizabeth 2 High Values 1955 - Date

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1955 Waterlow Castles

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: 536 Scott: 309 2/6
SG: 537 Scott: 310 5/-
SG: 538 Scott: 311 10/-
SG: 539 Scott: 312 £1.00
SG: 536-539 SET Scott: 309/12 1955 Waterlow Castle Set of 4

1958 1st De La Rue Castles

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: 536a Scott: 2/6 1958 DLR
SG: 537a Scott: 5/- 1958 DLR
SG: 538a Scott: 10/- 1958 DLR
SG: 539a Scott: £1.00 1958 DLR
SG: 536a-539a SET Scott: 1958 1st De La Rue Castle Set of 4

1959 2nd De La Rue Castles

Cream or White Paper

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: 595 Scott: 2/6
SG: 596 Scott: 5/-
SG: 597 Scott: 10/-
SG: 598 Scott: £1.00
SG: 595-598 Set Scott: 1959 2nd De La Rue Castle Set
SG: 595-598 Set - Cream Scott: 1959 2nd De La Rue Castle Set Cream Paper
SG: 595-598 Set - White Scott: 1959 2nd De La Rue Castle Set White Paper

1963 Bradbury Watermarked Castles

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: 595a Scott: 371 2/6 Black-Brown
SG: 596a Scott: 372 5/- Scarlet- Vermilion
SG: 597a Scott: 373 10/- Blue
SG: 598a Scott: 374 £1 Black
SG: 595a-598a Set Scott: 371/4 1963 Bradbury Watermarked Crown Castle Set of 4 (Excludes 595k)
SG: 595k Scott: 1968 2/6 Black-Brown Chalky paper

1967-8 Bradbury No Watermarked Castles

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: 759 Scott: 525 2/6 Black-Brown
SG: 760 Scott: 526 5/- Red
SG: 761 Scott: 527 10/- Bright Ultramarine
SG: 762 Scott: 528 £1 Black
SG: 759-762 Set Scott: 525/8 1967 Bradbury No Watermark Castle Set of 4

1969 Machin £Sd High Values

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: 787 Scott: MH18 2/6 Brown
SG: 788 Scott: MH19 5/- Crimson-Lake
SG: 789 Scott: MH20 10/- Deep Ultramarine
SG: 790 Scott: MH21 £1 Bluish Black
SG: 787-790 Set Scott: MH18/21 1969 MACHIN £sd High Values Set of 4

1969-70 Machin £1.00 Value Types

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: 790(1) Scott: £1.00 Pre Decimal Type 1, issued 1969
SG: 790(2) Scott: £1.00 Pre Decimal Type 2, issued 1970 - Thinner vertical white lines ( top left and bottom right hand corners of stamp )

1970/2 Decimal Machin Square High Values

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: 829 Scott: MH165 10p Square Machin
SG: 830 Scott: MH166 20p Square Machin
SG: 831 Scott: MH167 50p Square Machin
SG: 831b Scott: MH168 £1.00 Square Machin 6.12.72
SG: 829-831b Set Scott: MH165-68 1970/2 Decimal High Values. Set of 4 basic issues


SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: 831(PO) Scott: 50p Ultramarine Square Machin on Post Office Paper
SG: 831(POP) Scott: 50p Ultramarine Square Machin on Post Office Phosphorised Paper
SG: 831(B) Scott: 50p Ultramarine Square Machin on Bradbury Paper ( Whiter )
SG: 831ea Scott: 50p Ultramarine Square Machin on Uncoated Paper

Decimal Machin Long Format High Values

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: 1026 Scott: MH169 £1.00 Large Machin
SG: 1026b Scott: MH170 £1.30 Large Parcel Machin 3.8.83
SG: 1026c Scott: MH171 £1.33 Large Parcel Machin 28.8.84
SG: 1026d Scott: MH172 £1.41 Large Parcel Machin 17.9.85
SG: 1026e Scott: MH173 £1.50 Large Parcel Machin 2.9.86
SG: 1026f Scott: MH174 £1.60 Large Parcel Machin 15.9.87
SG: 1027 Scott: MH175 £2.00 Large Parcel Machin
SG: 1028 Scott: MH176 £5.00 Large Parcel Machin
SG: 1026-28 Set Scott: MH169-176 1977/87 Long format High Values. Set of 8
SG: 1026b-1026f Set Scott: 1983/87 Long format High Values. Set of 5 ( £1.30 - £1.60 )

Decimal Machin Long Format Traffic Light Gutter Pair High Values

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: 1026 TLGP Scott: MH169 £1.00 Large Machin TLGP
SG: 1026b TLGP Scott: MH170 £1.30 Large Machin TLGP
SG: 1026c TLGP Scott: MH171 £1.33 Large Machin TLGP
SG: 1026d TLGP Scott: MH172 £1.41 Large Machin TLGP
SG: 1026e TLGP Scott: MH173 £1.50 Large Machin TLGP
SG: 1026f TLGP Scott: MH174 £1.60 Large Machin TLGP
SG: 1027 TLGP Scott: MH175 £2.00 Large Machin TLGP
SG: 1028 TLGP Scott: MH176 £5.00 Large Machin TLGP
SG: 1026-1028 TLGP Set Scott: MH169-176 COMPLETE SET OF 8 TLGP VALUES

1988 Castles

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: 1410 Scott: 1230 1988 £1.00 Castle
SG: 1411 Scott: 1230 1988 £1.50 Castle
SG: 1412 Scott: 1232 1988 £2.00 Castle
SG: 1413 Scott: 1233 1988 £5.00 Castle
SG: 1410-13 Set Scott: 1230-1233 1988 Castles. Set of 4
SG: 1410-13GPH Set Scott: 1988 Unfolded Horizontal Gutter Pair Castles. Set of 4
SG: 1410-13GPV Set Scott: 1988 Unfolded Vertical Gutter Pair Castles. Set of 4
SG: 1410-13GPX Set Scott: 1988 Unfolded Central Cross Gutter Block of 4 Castles. Set of 4

1992 - 95 Gold Head Castles

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: 1611 Scott: 1445 1992 £1.00 Castle
SG: 1612 Scott: 1446 1992 £1.50 Castle
SG: 1613 Scott: 1447 1992 £2.00 Castle
SG: 1613a Scott: 1447A 1995 £3.00 Castle
SG: 1614 Scott: 1448 1992 £5.00 Castle
SG: 1611-14 Set (set of 5) Scott: 1445-1448 1992 Castles with Gold Heads Set of 5
SG: 1613a (pvad) Scott: £3.00 Castle (PVAD Gum Type - Greenish Tint))
SG: 1613a (pva) Scott: £3.00 Castle (PVA Gum Type - Whiter)
SG: 1611-14 GPH Set Scott: 1992 Unfolded Horizontal Gutter Pair Castles with Gold Heads Set of 5
SG: 1611-14 GPV Set Scott: 1992 Unfolded Vertical Gutter Pair Castles with Gold Heads Set of 5
SG: 1611-14 GPX Set Scott: 1992 Unfolded Central Cross Gutter Block of 4 Castles with Gold Heads Set of 5
SG: 1611-1614 Cyl. Blcks Set Scott: 1992 Castles with Gold Heads Set of 5 in Cylinder Blocks of 4 ( Cylinder numbers may vary from scan )

1993 Large Format High Value

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: 1658 Scott: 1478 1993 £10.00 Britannia
SG: 1658b Scott: 1993 £10.00 Britannia with Fluorescent Value (from Plate 2 only)
SG: U3920 Scott: £5.00 Sapphire Blue. ' Walsall '. 65th Anniversary 6.2.17
SG: U3966 Scott: £1.00 Gold large Format (from 2017 Machin Anniversary Prestige Book DY21 or MS3965 ) 5.6.17

1994 Re-Engraved Castles

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: 1611r Scott: £1.00 Re-Engraved Castle
SG: 1612r Scott: £1.50 Re-Engraved Castle
SG: 1613r Scott: £2.00 Re-Engraved Castle
SG: 1614r Scott: £5.00 Re-Engraved Castle
SG: 1611r-14r Set Scott: 1994 Re-Engraved Castles. Set of 4
SG: 1612r UK8 Scott: £1.50 Castle PVAD (Greenish tinted gum)
SG: 1612r UK9 Scott: £1.50 Castle PVA (Whiter gum type)
SG: 1613r UK11 Scott: £2.00 Castle PVAD (Greenish tinted gum)
SG: 1613r UK12 Scott: £2.00 Castle PVA (Whiter gum type)
SG: 1614r PVAD Scott: £5.00 Castle PVAD (Greenish tinted gum)
SG: 1614r PVA Scott: £5.00 Castle PVA (Whiter gum type)

1997 Enschede Castles

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: 1993 Scott: 1446a 1997 £1.50 Castle
SG: 1994 Scott: 1447b 1997 £2.00 Castle
SG: 1995 Scott: 1447Ac 1997 £3.00 Castle
SG: 1996 Scott: 1448a 1997 £5.00 Castle
SG: 1993-6 Set Scott: 1446a-8a 1997 Enschede Castles. Set of 4
SG: 1993-6 GPH Set Scott: 1446a-8a 1997 Unfolded Horizontal Gutter Pair Enschede Castles Set of 4
SG: 1993-6 GPV Set Scott: 1446a-8a 1997 Unfolded Vertical Gutter Pair Enschede Castles Set of 4
SG: 1993-6 GPX Set Scott: 1446a-8a 1997 Unfolded Central Cross Gutter Block of 4 Enschede Castles Set of 4 (Rare)

1999 Small Machin High Values (Printed Recess)

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: Y1800 Scott: MH280 £1.50 Red Printed Recess
SG: Y1801 Scott: MH281 £2.00 Dull Blue Printed Recess
SG: Y1802 Scott: MH282 £3.00 Dull Violet Printed Recess
SG: Y1803 Scott: MH283 £5.00 Brown Printed Recess
SG: Y1800-3 Set Scott: MH280-3 1999 Small Format Recess Machins. Set of 4

2003 Small Machin High Values (Printed Gravure)

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: Y1746 Scott: MH321 £1.50 Brown-Red DLR (2 Bands) (Blue phosphor) (Sheet stamp)
SG: Y1747 Scott: MH322 £2.00 Deep Blue-green DLR (2 Bands) (Blue Phosphor) (Sheet stamp)
SG: Y1748 Scott: MH323 £3.00 Deep Mauve DLR (2 Bands) (Blue phosphor) (Sheet stamp)
SG: Y1749 Scott: MH324 £5.00 Azure DLR (2 Bands) (Blue Phosphor) (Sheet stamp)
SG: Y1746-9 Set Scott: MH321-4 2003 De La Rue High Value Small Format Gravure Machins. Set of 4

Small Machin High Values Self Adhesives

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: U2913 Scott: £1.50 Brown-Red Self Adhesive
SG: U2914 Scott: £2.00 Deep Blue-green Self Adhesive
SG: U2915 Scott: £3.00 Deep Mauve Self Adhesive
SG: U2916 Scott: £5.00 Azure Self Adhesive
SG: U2955 13 Scott: £2.00 Slate Blue DLR "MA13"
SG: U2913-16 Set Scott: 2009 Small Format Gravure Machins Self Adhesive Security Printing. Set of 4
SG: U2952 Scott: £1.70 Marine Turquoise M21L printed by Walsall Royal Mail printed backing paper with pairs of lines inverted.
SG: U2955 19 Scott: £2.00 Slate Blue Walsall "M19L"
SG: U2962 20 Scott: £2.55 Garnet Red printed by Walsall "M20L", printed backing paper with pairs of lines inverted
SG: U2962 21 Scott: £2.55 Garnet Red printed by Walsall "M21L", printed backing paper with pairs of lines inverted
SG: U2966 19 Scott: £3.00 Purple Walsall "M19L", printed backing paper with pairs of lines inverted. (Picture for general reference only; our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist.) (Backing not applicable on used.)
SG: U2968a Scott: £3.25 Aqua Green printed by Walsall 'M21L' printed backing paper with pairs of lines inverted
SG: U2973a Scott: £4.20 M21L Plum Purple printed by Walsall Alt 2 Lines inverted
SG: U2974 19 Scott: £5.00 Grey Blue Walsall "M19L", printed backing paper with pairs of lines inverted. (Picture for general reference only; our choice of Ls or sL supplied where both exist.) (Backing not applicable on used.)