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All Machin Coils

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Machin Multi Value Coil Strips

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: 725m Scott: MH7f 1 Shilling Coil (2d/2d/3d/1d/4d)
SG: X841nv Scott: MH25a 5p Coil (2p/½p/½p/1p/1p) (PVA Gum)
SG: X841n GA Scott: 5p Coil (2p/½p/½p/1p/1p) (Gum Arabic)
SG: X841q DEX Scott: MH58b 10p Coil (6p/2p/1p/½p/½p) FCP / DEX
SG: X841q PVA Scott: MH58b 10p Coil (6p/2p/1p/½p/½p) OCP / PVA
SG: X843L Scott: MH61a 10p Coil (7p/1p/1p/½p/½p) 14.12.77
SG: X845m Scott: MH64a 10p Coil (8p/1p/1p/labels)
SG: X924L Scott: MH42a 12½p Coil (½p/4p/4p/4p)     
SG: X925L Scott: MH43a 13p Coil (1p/4p/4p/4p)
SG: X928L Scott: MH43b 14p Coil (4p/4p/4p/2p)
SG: X929L Scott: MH37a 11½p Coil (2½p/3p/3p/3p)
SG: X930cl Scott: MH46a 15p Coil (4p/4p/4p/3p)
SG: X933L Scott: MH55c 17p Coil (4p/4p/4p/5p)
SG: X933m Scott: MH55b 18p Coil (5p/5p/4p/4p)
SG: X933n Scott: MH55a 19p Coil (5p/5p/5p/4p)
SG: 725m Coil Set (15) (725m-x933n Scott: Complete Set of 15 Basic Coils.
SG: 725m Coil Set (13) (Excl. X841 Scott: Complete Set of 13 Basic Coils. (Excludes X841n GA and X841q PVA)

Pre Decimal Machin Coil Strips

All prices are for Coil Strips of 4.

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: 724 VC Scott: 1d Light Olive (2 Bands, PVA Gum) Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: 727 HC Scott: 2d Lake-brown, type 2 (2 Bands, PVA Gum) Horizontal Coil Strip of 4
SG: 727 VC Scott: 2d Lake-brown, type 2 (2 Bands, PVA Gum) Vertical Coil Strip of 4.
SG: 729 HC Scott: 3d Violet (1 Centre Band, Gum Arabic) Horizontal Coil Strip of 4
SG: 729v HC Scott: 3d Violet (1 Centre Band, PVA Gum) Horizontal Coil Strip of 4
SG: 730 VC Scott: 3d Violet (2 Bands, PVA Gum) Vertical Coil Strip of 4. Head Type A.
SG: 731 HC Scott: 4d Deep Sepia (2 Bands, Gum Arabic) Horizontal Coil Strip of 4
SG: 732 HC Scott: 4d Deep Olive-brown (1 Centre Band, PVA Gum) Horizontal Coil Strip of 4
SG: 732 VC Scott: 4d Deep Olive-brown (1 Centre Band, PVA Gum) Vertical Coil Strip of 4. Head Type A.
SG: 733 HC Scott: 4d Bright Vermilion (1 Centre Band, PVA Gum) Horizontal Coil Strip of 4
SG: 733 VC Scott: 4d Bright Vermilion (1 Centre Band, PVA Gum) Vertical Coil Strip of 5
SG: 735 HC Scott: 5d Royal Blue (2 Bands, PVA Gum) Horizontal Coil Strip of 4
SG: 735 VC Scott: 5d Royal Blue (2 Bands, PVA Gum) Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: 736 var VC Scott: 6d Bright Reddish Purple 2 Band, PVA Gum Head B. Vertical strip of 4. U18 (1) B.
SG: 736b VC Scott: 6d Claret 2 band PVA Gum Head B. ( SG. 736b ). Vertical strip of 4 ( U18 (3) B. Translucent Paper. 250 Screen.

Decimal Machin Coil Strips

All prices are for Coil Strips of 4.

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: X844Eg VC Scott: 1p Crimson (2 Bands) (Gum Arabic) Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: X844pva VC Scott: 1p Crimson (2 Bands) (PVA) Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: X851Eg HC Scott: 2½p Magenta (Centre Band) (Gum Arabic) Horizontal Coil Strip of 4
SG: X851pva HC Scott: 2½p Magenta (Centre Band) (PVA) Horizontal Coil Strip of 4
SG: X851pva VC Scott: 2½p Magenta (Centre Band) (PVA) Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: X855Eg HC (FCP) Scott: 3p Ultramarine (2 Bands) ( FCP / Gum Arabic) Horizontal Coil Strip of 4. ( U104e )
SG: X855Eg HC (OCP) Scott: 3p Ultramarine (2 Bands) ( OCP / Gum Arabic) Horizontal Coil Strip of 4. ( U102 )
SG: X855pva HC Scott: 3p Ultramarine (2 Bands) (PVA) Horizontal Coil Strip of 4
SG: X855pva VC Scott: 3p Ultramarine (2 Bands) (PVA) Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: X856pvad HC Scott: 3p Ultramarine (Centre Band) (PVAD) Horizontal Coil Strip of 5
SG: X856pvad VC Scott: 3p Ultramarine (Centre Band) (PVAD) Vertical Coil Strip of 5
SG: X858 HC Scott: 3½p Olive Grey (2 Bands) Horizontal Coil Strip of 4
SG: X858 VC Scott: 3½p Olive Grey (2 Bands) Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: X859 HC Scott: 3½p Olive Grey (Centre Band) Horizontal Coil Strip of 4
SG: X865 HC Scott: 4½p Grey Blue (2 Bands) Horizontal Coil Strip of 4
SG: X872 HC Scott: 6½p Greenish Blue (Centre Band) Horizontal Coil Strip of 4
SG: X872 VC Scott: 6½p Greenish Blue (Centre Band) Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: X875 HC Scott: 7p Purple Brown (Centre Band) Horizontal Coil Strip of 4
SG: X875 VC Scott: 7p Purple Brown (Centre Band) Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: X879 VC Scott: 8p Rosine (Centre Band) Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: X881 HC Scott: 8½p Light Yellowish Green (2 Bands) Horizontal Coil Strip of 4
SG: X881 VC Scott: 8½p Light Yellowish Green (2 Bands) Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: X883 HC Scott: 9p Deep Violet (2 Bands) Horizontal Coil Strip of 4
SG: X883 VC Scott: 9p Deep Violet (2 Bands) Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: X887 VC Scott: 10p Orange Brown (AOP) Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: X888 VC Scott: 10p Orange Brown (Centre Band) Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: X893 VC Scott: 11½p Drab (Centre Band) Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: X896 HC Scott: 12p Bright Emerald (Centre Band) Horizontal Coil Strip of 4
SG: X896 VC Scott: 12p Bright Emerald (Centre Band) Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: X898 VC Scott: 12½p Light Emerald (Centre Band) Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: X900 HC Scott: 13p Pale Chestnut (Centre Band) Horizontal Coil Strip of 4
SG: X900 VC Scott: 13p Pale Chestnut (Centre Band) Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: X903 HC Scott: 14p Deep Blue (Centre Band) Horizontal Coil Strip of 4
SG: X903 VC Scott: 14p Deep Blue (Centre Band) Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: X905 HC Scott: 15p Bright Blue (Centre Band) Horizontal Coil Strip of 4
SG: X905 VC Scott: 15p Bright Blue (Centre Band) Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: X910 VC Scott: 17p Deep Blue (Centre Band) Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: X913 VC Scott: 18p Bright Green (Centre Band) Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: X917a HC Scott: 25p Rose Red (2 Bands) Horizontal Coil Strip of 4
SG: X925 HC Scott: 1p Crimson Horizontal Coil Strip of 4
SG: X925 VC Scott: 1p Crimson Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: X943 VC Scott: 12p Yellow Green Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: X946 VC Scott: 14p Grey Blue Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: X948 VC Scott: 15½p Pale Violet Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: X949 VC Scott: 16p Olive Drab Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: X952 VC Scott: 17p Grey Blue Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: X955 VC ACP Scott: 18p Olive Grey ( ACP ) Vertical Coil Strip of 4. ( U256 )
SG: X955 VC PCP Scott: 18p Olive Grey ( PCP ) Vertical Coil Strip of 4. ( U257 )
SG: X956 VC Scott: 19p Orange Red Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: X960 HC Scott: 20p Black Horizontal Coil Strip of 4
SG: X960 VC Scott: 20p Black Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: X964 VC Scott: 22p Orange Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: X969 VC Scott: 24p Chestnut Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: X984 VC Scott: 33p Emerald Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: X991 VC Scott: 39p Violet Vertical Coil Strip of 4

Elliptical Value Shown Machin Coil Strips

All prices are for Coil Strips of 4.

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: Y1682 BFVC Scott: 19p Bistre Harrison (Centre Band) (Blue Fluor) Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: Y1682 YFVC Scott: 19p Bistre Harrison (Centre Band) (Yellow Fluor) Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: Y1689 VC Scott: 25p Rose-Red (Phosphorised paper) Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: Y1690 BFVC Scott: 25p Rose-Red Harrison (2 Bands) (Blue phosphor Vertical Coil Strip of 4)
SG: Y1690 YFVC Scott: 25p Rose-Red Harrison (2 Bands) (Yellow Fluor Vertical Coil Strip of 4)
SG: Y1699 VC Scott: 35p Yellow (Phosphorised paper) Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: Y1703 VC Scott: 37p Bright Mauve Harrison (standard printing with 11 mm gap between phosphor bands) Vertical Coil Strip of 4 (JMD) Chemically etched
SG: Y1703 VC Scott: 37p Bright Mauve Harrison (12½ mm gap between phosphor bands) Vertical Coil Strip of 4 (JMD) Chemically etched
SG: Y1713 VC Scott: 41p Drab (Phosphorised paper) Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: Y1716 VC Scott: 43p Deep Olive Brown (darker shade, only from coil) (2 Bands, standard printing with 11 mm gap between phosphor bands-Chemically Etched) Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: Y1716 VC Scott: 43p Deep Olive Brown (darker shade, only from coil) (2 bands, 12½ mm gap between phosphor bands- Chemically Etched) Vertical Coil Strip of 4 (JMD)
SG: Y1717 VC Scott: 43p Sepia (2 Bands). From Coil. Printed by Harrison, New Head, Blue Phosphor. Vertical Coil Strip of 4 (JMD)
SG: Y1732 VC Scott: 63p Light Emerald Harrison (standard printing with 11 mm gap between phosphor bands) Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: Y1732 VC Scott: 63p Light Emerald Harrison(12½ mm gap between phosphor bands) Vertical Coil Strip of 4 (JMD)

Gummed Non Value Indicator Elliptical Machin Coil Strips

All prices are for Coil Strips of 4.

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: 1664 HC Scott: 2nd Bright Blue (Centre Band) Horizontal Coil Strip of 4
SG: 1664 VC Scott: 2nd Bright Blue (Centre Band) Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: 1667 HC Scott: 1st Orange (2 Bands) Horizontal Coil Strip of 4
SG: 1667 VC Scott: 1st Orange (2 Bands) Vertical Coil Strip of 4. (standard printing with 11 mm gap between phosphor bands) ( UHB6 )
SG: 1667 VC Scott: 1st Orange (2 Bands) Vertical Coil Strip of 4. ( 12½ mm gap between phosphor bands ) ( UHB 7 )
SG: 1668 VC Scott: 1st Gold Vertical Coil Strip of 4 DLR blue phosphor
SG: 1668 VC Scott: 1st Gold Vertical Coil Strip of 4 Enschede blue phosphor

Self-Adhesive Non Value Indicator Elliptical Machin Coil Strips

All prices are for Coil Strips of 4.

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: 1976 VC Scott: 2nd Blue (Centre Band) Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: 1977 VC Scott: 1st Red (2 Bands) From Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: 2654 VC Scott: 2nd Class Blue Pricing In Proportion Standard Self Adhesive Stamp, printed by Enschede, only from rolls of 10,000, yellow backing paper, vertical coil strip of four

Self Adhesive Security Printing Code Machin Coil Strips

All prices are for Coil Strips of 4.

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: U2980 VC Scott: 2nd Bright Blue Security Printing ROYAL MRIL Security Overprint strip of 4
SG: U2984 VC Scott: 1st Gold Security Printing ROYAL MRIL Security Overprint strip of 4

Pricing In Proportion Non Value Indicator Elliptical Machin Coil Strips

All prices are for Coil Strips of 4.

SG Scott Description
Price Options
SG: 2650 VC Scott: 2nd Class Blue PIP Standard Vertical Coil Strip of 4
SG: 2651 VC Scott: 1st Class Gold PIP Standard Vertical Coil Strip of 4 DLR